Chapter 24

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Hunter's POV:

We had gone through, Mipha holding my hand as we looked around. We were back on the Isles.
Mipha let go of my hand, grimacing as she took a step, wrapping her arms around her stomach and groaning as she fell to her knees. 

"You alright?" she shook her head, removing her arms from around her as her sleeves were now coated in a thick layer of fresh blood.
"Oh no... I thought the flower healed you"
"I guess it can only do so much" she shrugged, groaning again as her body shook. I took a step back, unsure of what to do. I did this to her, it was Belos... but my body...
Willow and Gus came through, followed by Amity.

"Everything ok?" Willow came over, Mipha letting her see the slash marks as she gasped. She began to cough, blood spewing from her mouth. 
"Oh no! Hang on, I'll make another Stardrop. Should be easier doing it here on the Isles" Willow smiled, beginning to do her magic as I kept my distance, Gus taking note and grabbing my shoulder.
"Hey, none of us blame you for what happened, especially not Mipha... if I hadn't spent so much time belittling her, I would've seen sooner that she loves you more than anything" he smiled, trying to reassure me as I shook his hand off me.
"We need to get moving, where's Luz?" I asked, looking to Camila who was in a state of shock as she looked around.

"She might be stuck in between!" Amity plunged her arms back into the portal, Willow laughing in triumph as she got a successful flower, putting the nectar on Mipha's wounds and watching them glow, but frowning as they barely healed.

"I... I don't understand... that should've worked!"
"It's ok Willow, it feels better than before... Stardrops might not work if used on the same subject too quickly after another. Magic is weird" Mipha shrugged, getting up and hugging Willow as Amity pulled Luz out of the portal.

"Luz! You were in there for so long- we thought you got stuck behind! Are you... hurt anywhere?"
"I- I'm fine. I saw something, or- someone... but it was probably just in my head" Luz stood up, looking around cautiously.

"Any sign of... him?"

"Oh come on! It's not like a swamp ghost will inexplicitly appear if you say his name!" I kept my back turned, spotting Mipha in my peripheral vision looking at me concerned. Why does she have to care so much? She should hate me...

"I think- Anyway, Belos was here, he's long gone now" I grumbled, feeling myself slink back into my old Golden Guard habits. We all began walking, Mipha was behind me, she seemed upset, but her stature was solid, reminding me of how she was as a scout. I began to worry about her, I really hope she's not closing off again like she did after the Day of Unity. It took weeks to break her back out of her shell after her suicide attempt, if she's closing off again... I don't know what I'll do. We don't have time to take care of everyones problems right now. If Belos wasn't actively making his way to the Collector, I would take months to help her, but now? Everything's changed.

I shook my head, before Willow began playing with red grass. Gus made the grass hug Willow, stating they missed her. I smiled, happy to see the others were doing ok before I heard what I thought was Flapjack. I froze, looking up to only see one of those stupid red crow rats. I felt my anger bubbling inside me, making me snap.

"Ugh! We don't have time for red grass- or illusions! Belos had a head start! So we should keep moving until we find him!" I growled, everyone freezing.
Mipha sped up, standing next to me.

"Hunter, sweetheart-"
"DON'T call me sweetheart! I don't deserve it" I kept walking, Mipha staying close as we all walked. I know when we were in the graveyard, I said I would never leave her, and we would do this together... but right now I know what I'll need to do to protect her.

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