Chapter 2

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Mipha's POV:

We ran to the market, weaving through the crowd before I slowed down, bouncing in my spot and shaking my hands.

"So, it's 6pm, we've got two hours before nightmarket, so what do we need to get?" I didn't respond, I only grabbed his glvoed hand and guided him towards where I knew I needed to go.
"Over here" I got to the stand, smiling as I looked at all the chewable jewelry and stimming toys this stand always had.

"Hello Mipha! How's the beads treating you?" Steph smiled, gently waving to me to get my attention.
"Oh, I lost them, they're with my uncle, I need work ones for work" I muttered, looking at everything before spotting a necklace with a black rubber pendant. I picked it up, handing it to Steph before handing her some snails, not counting them. Hunter stood beside me, unsure of what to do.
"Here you go sweetheart, I threw in an extra one for you" She gave me the spare change as I took the bag, immediately taking it out and sticking it in my mouth, waving as we walked away. I put the bag in my messenger bag, quickly fastening the necklace and continuing to chew on the pendant.

"Is that all you needed?" Hunter smiled at me, keeping my pace as I looked around. I started getting a little overwhelmed, all the people and noise round really throwing me off.
I wasn't responding, locking myself in my own head to avoid the noise as we walked through the crowd. I hate the market, but I also like going outside, it's so hard to find a good balance.
"Mipha, you alright?" Hunter mumbled, keeping his voice quiet, him noticing as I stared into space, no real destination in mind. He gently took my hand, letting my thumb rub his glove, helping ground me again.

"Sorry, people" I breathed out, biting down on the pendant and smiling as I saw something shiny in the distance.
"Do you like shiny things?" Hunter nodded, making me smile wider as I went towards the booth of shiny things. It was a stand full of oracle gems, I liked how they sparkled.

"Look at those ones, they're golden" I pointed to two amber gems surrounded in a gold metal, making them bracelets with the gold strings.
"You want them? They could be friendship bracelets" Hunter nudged me, squeezing my hand gently in the process.
"You want friendship bracelets?" He nodded before handing the vendor some snails, taking the bracelets and slipping it on my wrist, letting it hang a little loose so it wouldn't bother me. I adjusted it, making it tighter since it being loose bothered me more.

"I think we can talk through our minds with these" I smiled, holding the gem.

'can you hear me Hunter?' his eyes went wide before he started laughing, holding his gem.
'Oh wow, that's weird' he smiled, before taking my hand again and gently pulling me to the end of the market, letting me breath freely once we were out of the crowd. 
Hunter saw me relax, smiling before he thought for a minute.
"Do you like flying?" I shrugged, grabbing the gem again as I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

'never flown before'
"Oh, it's fun, wanna try?" I nodded my head, Hunter taking a red gem out of his hoodie pocket, it began to glow, before transforming into a staff. He mounted it, helping me sit on it and wrap my arms around his waist, feeling him tense.

"Can you go slow? I don't like new things"
"Sure, tell me if it's too fast" He laughed, making me smile as he began to fly. I felt scared, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as the ground grew further and futher away. I tightened my hold, hugging his back as we went a nice speed.
I began looking around the sky, before my grip loosened, I stared at everything around me. It was absolutely beautiful, I had never seen anything like it before.

"This is... beautiful..." I mumbled, hearing Hunter let out a happy sigh as he turned his head to look at me.
"Wanna go fast and see if you like it?" I nodded my head, readjusting my grip, before he tightened his grip on the staff.
"Ready? 3, 2, 1!" I yelled out as we started going insanely fast. The wind blowing my hair behind me as I screamed. But soon my screams became laughter, loving the feeling of the wind against me. Hunter began laughing with me as he began making turns around trees and buildings. I was loving it!


Hunter's POV:

She seemed overstimulated, staring ahead as I lead her away from the crowd. We finally got through to a clearing, hearing her relax as she bit on her new necklace. I wonder why she does that... She's really different, but something about her makes me feel nice. Safe, even.
I wanna here her laugh, she doesn't seem comfortable. It's a long shot, but it might be worth it.

"Do you like flying?" she shrugged her shoulders before grasping the gem.

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