Chapter 15

701 19 16

Trigger Warning! Attempted Su!c!de, dr#g @b#se, grief shutdown.

Mipha's POV:

I began to wake up, feeling something burning my wrist. I opened my eyes, looking down to see my sigil was glowing, burning me. My breathing quickened as I clawed at it, scratching the skin. I kicked my feet out, scraping my heels on the wooden ship floor, this disturbing King, who jumped over to Willow's lap.

"Uh... Mipha?" King's voice grew shakey and worried as I kept clawing at my sigil.
"Get it- off! Get it off!" I squealing as Hunter ran to me, having me stand.

"Stop, Mipha. Don't scratch! Mipha!" He scolded, prying my hands apart as I whined from the pain.
"It's burning me!" I cried, the ringing returning to my ears.
"We'll fix this soon. Maybe if I could steer the SHIP!" He yelled behind him to Alador.
"Eager to return to Belos, eh? Golden Guards?" I puffed a heavy breath out of my nose at the comment. 
"At least I never built him an ARMY!" Hunter shot back, my hands going straight to my ears to block the yelling.
"Watch your tone with me young man!"
"Hey, here's a bright idea! Don't distract the pilot!" Gus yelled when Alador tilted the wheel, throwing us around and me back to being beside Willow on the floor.

"He started it!"
"Everything that happened-
"How am I the youngest here-"
"Can't believe-"

I whimpered, curling up and pressing my hands hard against my ears, making my head hurt as the yelling only got louder. 
"Mipha, it's gonna be ok, just try and breath. Want to try my breathing trick again?" I nodded as Willow began counting with her fingers, breathing in an out as I followed her. I was quite surprised that it was working this time. Maybe it just didn't work during a full meltdown. I kept my hands on my ears, as the yelling hadn't stopped.
I quickly removed my bracelet, putting it between my fingers before putting it back. Hopefully I could tell Hunter to quiet down. Willow and King were talking, before all of our palisman left.

'Hunter, quiet please' I pleaded, seeing him freeze and look around. He was still arguing with the others, before he realised I had used the bracelet. He looked to me with a sympathetic look before going right back to arguing. 
FINALLY, the palisman brought out a crate of food, finally making everyone quiet down. 

"Look, we're all exhausted and terrified. Let's focus our energy on helping Luz, instead of fighting eachother" Amity spoke, before turning to me, Hunter stepping forward.
"And we'll be at a major disadvantage if Mipha is overloaded and can't fight... She's very strong, but if she's huddled in a corner having a melt down, we won't have her. So let's just... try and keep calm and quiet?" Hunter shrugged his shoulders, holding his arms up to his waist. Everyone nodded as they began distributing the food. 

Hunter came to me with some bread and cheese, I made a cheese sandwich before I used a glyph to create some fire for me to manipulate. I toasted the sandwich, making it into more of a grilled cheese. I bit into it, humming in delight.
"You are so adorable, I love how your ears go all 'fwip fwip' when you're happy" Hunter laughed, kissing my head and eating some bread himself. 
He got back up when Alador let him take the wheel. 

"that was amazing!" King smiled, hopping back onto my lap as I began petting him. Clover went and landed on Willow's finger, while Celeste came back to me and rested on my shoulder.
"There's always a way to help, you just have to look for the right opportunity" Willow offered us a smile as I finished off my cheese sandwich. 
"Thanks Willow... I'll *yawn*... remember that" and with that, King was asleep again. I smiled, scratching his head.

"Kikimora... her words keep echoing in my head... Mom and Nini are in a lot of danger... what if I lose them?" I looked to her, adjusting my glasses and sighing.
"I'm sure everything will be fine, for what it's worth, I don't think you're a parasite" we laughed, smiling before we heard a siren go off.

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