Ch. 08 - First night of newly weds

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Ch. 08 - First night of newly-weds

I lurked through drawers and tried finding any outfit--anything I could wear for tonight. But, so far--none. I slumped myself on the sink of the bathroom.

I don't want to sleep with a lingerie on!

"Luce? Are you in there?" When I heard Natsu's voice, I immediately locked the bathroom door.

"W-What do you want?" I blushed, I could feel my heart pounding inside.

"You know, you could borrow my pajamas?" He suggested.

"You'd do that for me? Ah! But, they must be used already!" I contradicted and kept squealing around the bathroom.

"H-Hey! How rude. I wash my clothes, y'know!" He shouted back. He knocked again. "Here. You can use this since I barely use this now."

I opened the door and saw a large black shirt that had a blue cat imprinted on the front. I blushed and smelled his shirt. "He's right. He does wash his clothes." I smelled it again. It smells like him...

"Oi, how long do you have to wear clothes? Come on! I need to pee!" Natsu kept knocking on the door, begging me to come out.

"Ah! J-Just a minute!" I stared at myself in embarrassment when I wore his shirt and my short shorts. too REVEALING! Natsu continued to knock. I had no choice. I went for the towel and wore it on me when the bathroom door opened.

He stared at me with an irritated face, "You...are going to sleep with a towel on?"

"I-I-I.." I stammered. "I'm NOT! I just used it to get out without you seeing my body!" I stuck my tongue out on him and started to walk away.

I could feel his eyes stare at me. "It's not like you have a hot body. No need to cover it. I'm not even interested."

Veins popped from my forehead, "W-Whatever! It's not like you have a hot body yourself. Humph!" I snobbed on him as I went downstairs. I tied the towel on me and cooked my own dinner.

"Wha the hell is with that guy? Saying things like that... I mean, I do have a body. It's just..." I looked at the side mirror then looked around first to check if anybody was looking.

I gulped when I let the towel down. I saw my beautiful legs. The shirt Natsu gave me went on top of my knees and the shorts I was wearing wasn't even visible.

I blushed and looked away. "W-What am I doing? Seriously..." I crouched down and picked up the towel I was gonna tie on my waist again.

"Nice @$$." I heard Natsu quote and whistle.

I blushed, standing up and hiding my butt by the counter. "I-I thought you were, u-uh, t-taking a sh-shower?"

I paused and stared down on his--eight hard rock looking abs by his stomach. His pecs were covered by the towel hanging around his neck. He was only wearing his red and yellow boxers.

Natsu taps on his abs and smirked, "Like what you see?"

I blushed and looked at his face, instead to focus. "A-As if. Go back and sleep already."

I felt his arms wrapped around my waist. He was breathing down on my neck, making my spine get the chills. "We can cook together."

I blushed and used my spatula to slap Natsu's hands off my waist. "Get. Those. Things. Off. Me. Mister."

"Ow." He exclaimed, sipping his hand.

I glared daggers at him. "You can't take advantage of me--even if it's just gonna be the two of us here for as long as it takes."

"Sheesh. I was just having fun. Not like I wanna go on that stage, either." He wrapped his arms around his head and turned around. "By the way, I'm starving. Can you make me dinner?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "NO WAY." I looked away from him and started cooking spam--just enough for me.


I looked up and saw Natsu with his honest eyes looking straight at mine. "I'm hungry, Luce, please."

I blushed, slapping the spatula right on his cheek. "EEYOWWW!!" Natsu exclaimed, holding on to the bruise on his cheek.

"Well, I guess I could cook for you," I put up an innocent smile.

"What the hell, you picking a fight with me?! Wait--yahoo! Hoorah! Thanks so much, Lu-"

"IF." I interrupted his joy.

"If?" He cocked up an eyebrow.

"IF you sleep on the couch."

His eyes widened, I heard his stomach grumble. I folded my arms together and smirked, "What's it gonna be?"

Natsu grunted, "FINE. Just go ahead and cook my dinner. I'm starvin'." He yawned, stretchig his arms and waited by the stool by the kitchen counter.

I giggled, "Okay!" I hummed in delight as I started cooking dinner.


"Haii, spam for dinner. Dig in." I announced when the both of us sat across each other on the table. I started eating spam and a loaf of bread.

"Couldn't you have at least cooked any dish other than spam?" Natsu complained as he chewed.

"What? It's night and cooking complicated viand can take much more time. Besides, anything is good. I'll cook more in the morning." I stated as I finished my dinner.

When Natsu and I finished eating, the both of us pointed at each other and spoke in unison, "You're on dish duty. What? No! You! Ugh! Stop copying me!"

Natsu and I stood up. "Race you to the bedroom." He stated.

With that said, Natsu and I rushed upstairs and plopped on the bed. I giggled in satisfaction when I won, "I won! I won! I won! You are on dishes duty, mister." I stated proudly.

Natsu clicked his tongue, scdatching the back of his head, "Oh dammit. But you're washing the dishes tomorrow." He stated.

I laid my head on the bed and relaxed, "I guess I do have the advantages of marrying him. Ahh.... I can just relax here and let him do the chores." *cue Lucy's evil laugh*

Time to sleep..........

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