Ch. 47 - I chickened out

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Ch. 47 - I chickened out

Lucy's POV

I leave you for a second and you flirt around with another guy?! Unbelievable of him. How could he say that? He knows I'm not a flirt. He knows I don't like hanging around with boys much either. But, it is also my fault. I still felt frustrated of not having my confession plan work. It's always disturbed and interrupted whenever it happens.

I looked down on my knees that I hugged close to my chest as I was still up even though it's past our curfew and Levy listening to my story. "Levy, I don't know what to do..."

She held my hand and looked sympathetically into my eyes. "Oh, Lucy. I... I'm such an unhelpful friend. I mean, I'm your bestest friend and yet, I don't know what to say to you."

I shook my head. "It's fine, Lev. Really. At least your tried to comfort me. Thanks for that. I really needed someone to talk about this.." I said as I leaned against her shoulder which she started caressing and patting gently.

"Do you want me to kick his where-it-hurts thing?" my eyes widened in terror when she even asked that, receiving a punch from my knuckles.

"Levy!" I pouted, making her laugh and pat my head.

She snapped her fingers, biting her lip. "That's the Lucy I know and love!" she pulls me into a quick hug before saying "Good night." turning the lamp off to drift ourselves to sleep.

But, how could I sleep when I've done that to Natsu? I'm such a fool. I blamed him for me being jealous and for him leaving me alone at the stupid bridge. Why did I have to bring my rage out on him? He must think I'm really an emotional girl full of--emotions.

Rising up from the futon, I quickly made my way to the door. I need to see him. I need to apologize to him. I want to make things right. Forget about my pride--I love Natsu more than that.

As my fingers twitched upon touching the handle, I had to cloee my eyes to make sure I wasn't going to hesitate and baxk away from breaking the curfew rule. My hands moved on their own and opened the knob. I made my way down the hallway to go to see Natsu.

Natsu's POV

"Oi, Gray! Did you use my toothbrush?!" I yelled, not caring whether I was making quite the racket around the room.

"Hah? I brought my own toothbrush, doofus." Just before I could answer back a great comeback I've always thought of saying, someone knocked at the door hysterically, sounding urgent. It made Gray and I look at the entrance.

"I'll get it." Gray volunteered, making his way towards the door. When he was opening the door, he started talking to the visitor as I went back to brushing my teeth.

"Damn, if I find out Gray used this, I will kill that son of a--"

"Natsu! Lucy's here!" I spat the water I was gurgling and made sure to run towards the door, pushing Gray, making him jump on the bed.

"Wha-What is it, Luce, what?" Lucy was staring at me with eyes widened fully, examining my body from head to toe since I wasn't wearing any shirt, after all.

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