Ch. 09 - Sunday Morning

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Ch. 09 - Sunday Morning


"Wake up, sleeping beauty." I heard someone speak.

My eyes slowly opened and saw... "G-Gray...?"

I saw his signature smile, shining upon me. "It's time to wake up, beautiful." He reached his hand out to me. Before I could even follow him, my dream cloud popped when I heard someone snoring, therefore destroying my dream.

I tried moving my hands to stretch them out but, I felt in chains. I woke up and my eyes widened when I saw someone's arms around my stomach with my arms inside.

"W....What the hell?"

I used my peripherals and when I saw a familiar face, I quickly squirmed. When I got out of his grip, I shook his body using my hands to wake him up. Slapping him even.

"WAKE UP, IDIOT!" I shouted.

"Hah...? W-Wha...?" He looked around. When he saw me lying on the ground, he rubbed his eyes. "Oh. Morning." He yawned and stretched his arms out with a small hint of tear coming from his peripherals.

"What are you doing, lying on the floor this early?" He asked innocently.

"Oi! It was your fault! I was so shocked when I saw you sleeping next to me this morning that I fell on the floor! How could you wrap your hands around my waist!? Didn't we have an agreement you'd sleep on the couch!?" I yelled him as a sermon with both of my hands placed on my waist with an angry expression.

"Oh. Sorry, sorry. Yeah. See, I felt the cold come in last night and since there weren't any comfy blankets, I decided to scootch a bit next to ya." He grinned innocently.

I blushed, "Wake me up before you do, will you!?"

"How can I? You were sleeping comfortably. I'd hate to be punched in the middle of the night." He explained.

I sighed, slapping my hand on to my forehead then, looked up and pointed my finger at him. "Listen, you. From now on, we cook for our own! Got it?"

"Eh? How come? I thought you're cooking for me? You agreed!" He stated.

"I agreed when you agreed to sleep on the couch!" I stated angrily.

He sighed then, gave out a pout. "But, I-I don't know how to cook!!" He stated, kneeling in front of me. "Please, my wife, cook for me! And I promise to do anything you please!"

I lifted my eyebrow at him. A light bulb appeared inside my mind, "Anything, you say?"

He nodded rapidly, "Just PLEASE cook for me."

I folded my arms as I tapped my chin, "Alrighty, then." I agreed to his plead.

"Really!?" He got up from his knees and hugged me by my waist. "Ah! I praise you-"

"Now, go and do the bed." I ordered, pointing at our messy bed.

He saluted, "Aye sir!"

"Now where have I heard that phrase before...?" I shrugged when I couldn't remember. "Oh, and make sure to sweep the whole house and wipe the floors with a wet rug, okay?"

"Hai!" He saluted then continued to do the bed.

Looks like my husband CAN be of use, after all. I smirked in my thoughts.


"Natsu! Come down now. I have breakfast ready." I announced as I lay the plates on the table. One huge plate was filled with eggs and hotdogs.

I made myself comfortable at my seat and started to eat without him. "Itadakimasu!" (Thanks for the food!)

Natsu panted, "Alright! We're havin' a feast today!"

My jaw dropped when I saw Natsu topless. His shirt hanging by his shoulder and sweat sliding down from his head towards his rock-hard abs.

I tried to focus on the sight instead of his body. I coughed, "You're...already finished?"

He nodded, Of course! I have the speed of a lightning!" He stated, posing as some kind of famous superhero pose.

"Sure... sure... but, put your shirt on first." I ordered as I chewed.

"What? I have sweat droppings, Lucy!" He walked towards me, pointing the sweat sliding down on his chest. "Look! Look!"

"OKAY! OKAY! Get that out of my sight." I sighed in disgust. "Fine. Whatever. Just go Just make sure you wear a T-shirt next time."

"YAY! EATS!" Natsu rushed to the chair across mine. "Om, nom, nom, nom, nom! Mm~!!" He moaned in delight. "Uh-huh. BEST MEAL EVER." He quoted.

"Really?" I asked in a hopeful voice.

"Nah." He shrugged casually. "I just said that because I was all hungry." He burped.

"Oh..." I slumped down on top of the table and sulked, "And to think you were telling the truth." I looked up and pointed my fork at him, "By the way, we need to have an agreement."

"What sort of agreement?" He asked as he gobbled up the food on his plate.

"We don't - can't tell anyone about our marriage, got it?" I stated.

"Whatever. Whatever. I wasn't even planning on telling, anyway. What good would that even bring me?" He shrugged as he ate.

"Good. Then we're fine." I sighed in relief, "Tomorrow, we will go to school - seperately. I go first then you follow after me, alright?"

"What...? Then, I'll be late!" He stated angrily, pointing at himself. "No fair!"

"You don't need to worry about being late. I wake up earlier than anyone else at home and get to school earlier." I reassured him.

"What's wrong in going together?" He asked innocently.

"Of course! Everyone would be suspecting we're...together." I uttered out.

"Sheesh. Like that'll happen." He shook his head then went up to the sink to wash his dish.

"Hey, wash mine, too." I ordered, handing him the plate.

"Why do I have to take orders from you?"

"No supper."

"Gimme that plate."

Married at Eighteen [NaLu] ✓Where stories live. Discover now