Ch. 48 - chicken fight!

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Ch. 48 - chicken fight!

As I pulled the strap of my swimsuit up to my chest, I couldn't stop imagining feeling his warmth between my legs. I squirmed at the thought. Forget about that, Lucy! I hang my jacket inside the locker and closed it, revealing Lisanna who was changing into her swimsuit.

Lisanna and Sting used to date, huh? I was shocked about that part.

Lisanna looked in my direction then, pouted. "Huh? What's with the look, Lucy? Are you mad at me or something?"

I shook my head, eventually waving my hands along with the way I shake my head. "Nope, not at all. I was just thinking of something else."

She closes her locker and sighs, "Too bad. I'll be partnered with your Natsu darling."

I nodded. Wait, what?! My eyes widened at her statement. "Sorry, I-I feel like I misheard you. Did you just say you're partnered up with Natsu...?"

She nods, "It's the truth. Principal Mavis told me we're partnered up with the person we're sitting with in the bus." she finally finishes her touch then waved goodbye as she left the room, leaving me quite unstable.

I crampled my hands together. "Lisanna and Natsu...?" that's a BIG mistake. All this time, I've been feeling nervous of him in between me but now, I'm much more worried with Sting's head in between mine. Oh, God! Help me!!

Natsu's POV

Gray came up to me as he was dipping his feet playfully in the pool. He smirked, "Yep, just the right temperature to get the circulation going!" he screamed with satisfaction, stretching his arms out and in, getting ready for the fight.

"Aren't you the least bit worried?" I asked out of the blue. He jolted his head, looking towards Levy, who was walking towards us.

"About what?" Gray asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Levy waved then placed her arms on her hips. "Hey, guys! What's happening?"

"Wait. Aren't you partnered up with Juvia? You know, since she's been your partner since the dance off competition yesterday?" I asked. But, when I finished, Gray's shoulders suddenly shivered.

"Uh, we were told our partners for today are the people we're seated with in the bus." my eyes widened hearing his instructions.

All this time, I was excited to be with Lucy and now I find out I'm fighting with Lisanna?! I scoffed at the thought as she interrupted this when she was yelling my name.

"Natsu! Guess we're partners for today..." she pauses for a bit to nudge me by the elbow with a wink. "partner." she emphasizes as she got away to talk to the other girls.

I folded my arms against my chest and sighed exasperatedly. "Damn it. I was really imagining Lucy and I as a team together. This sucks..."

Just then, the student body prez, Erza, came wearing her black bikini suit with arms resting on both sides of her hips. "Everyone, to your places, quickly!" she ordered, making everyone go to their partners.

Lucy's POV

I was pulling up my hair to tie it into a ponytail when Erza entered, blowing her whistle, ordering us to hurry up and get to our partners. This meant I need to go to Sting...

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