Ch. 16 - Beach Party (pt. 2)

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Ch. 16 - Beach Party (pt. 2)


Levy and I finished taking a bath. Now we wore our pajamas. I wore a pink spaghetti-strapped top and short shorts as usual.

"Hey," Levy greeted when Erza came in to fix her things. Erza looks in our direction and greets back, "Hey."

Well, that's a start.

"Hey guys, Loke's having a bonfire. Let's go join in." Juvia called then she went running over towards the bonfire. Levy and I followed and sat beside each other on one of the log seats.

"Ohh. Marshmallows!" Levy squealed. "I'm gonna go get one." Levy stood up and went towards the marshmallow pack. Since it was beside Gajeel, she pleaded she wanted to sit next to him.

"Here's marshmallow for you, Luce!" Natsu gladly asked me to have some. He handed me his big stick full of marshmallows. I took one and roasted it with a stick I found. "Thanks."

Natsu sat beside me and continued to roast his marshmallows.

I look in Gray's direction and saw him being babied by Juvia. Juvia continues to make him smores and Gray just took some. Good Luck, Juvia!

"Hey there."

I looked up and saw Lisanna, smiling in Natsu's direction. "Can I sit with you guys?"

I nodded, "Oh. Sure. Go ahead." I scooched closer to Natsu and patted the space next to me. Lisanna seemed unsatisfied at first but shrugs it off and started roasting her marshmallows.

"So, Natsu. Loke tells me you joined the volleyball team. And the basketball team." Lisanna started.

"Uh, yeah. I, uh, like playing sports." Natsu cleared his throat as he continued to eat his marshmallows.

"Speaking of sports--Natsu, what the hell were you thinking, climbing up on Gray's surfboard!?" I rolled my eyes at him. "You could've drowned along with Gray!" I scolded him.

"I wanted to see if we could surf together. Turns out, Gray is heavier than he looks." Natsu folded his arms, squinting his eyes in Gray's direction.

"Hey, speak for yourself. You're the one who climbed aboard, making me lose balance." Gray shook his head with a smirk.


"Juvia is on Gray-sama's side, no matter which side he is." Juvia smiled, hugging Gray's arm.

Natsu looked in my direction, pleading for help. I folded my arms and smirked, looking away from him, "Can't do anything about this. You lose the battle."

Natsu pouted, folding his arms across his chest.

"I-I think you're full of courage, Natsu." I hears Lisanna stammer, raising her hand weakly.

"Thank you, my savior!" Natsu reacted, high fiving Lisanna.

"Want me to scooch away?" I lifted an eyebrow at the two of them. "It looks like I'm in the way. Excuse me." I stand up and walk over to the log where Loke sat.

"Hey, Lucy. Decided to go out with me after all?" Loke smirks, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Not a chance, Loke." I look over to those two and saw them getting along when I left. The nerve of him! Now that's what you call two-timing. I look away to distract myself and walked by myself on the beach alone.

Watching how the sea waves on the sand, splashing around, making the sand change color and the seagulls fly.

"Not a bad place for vacation." I nodded then sat by the water, hugging my legs together close to my chest then rested my head there.

"Lucy. Why aren't you joining the bonfire?"

I look up and saw Gray, holding a drink. "Here. Want some?"

I smiled, rejecting his offer politely. "No, thanks. I wanted some time alone..."

Gray looks over the crowd then back to me. "I'll join you, then." Gray smiles when he sat next to me.

"But, what about Juvia?"

Gray gulps, shaking his head. "Juvia's a sweet, innocent girl, y'know? She's...just not the girl I like."

"Well, who do you like, then?" I asked, looking by the sea, by the horizon.

" kind of already know." Gray stutters, looking down below then in my direction.

I look back at him, staring deeply into his eyes. I gasped, "Ah," I look away, running my hand through my hair as the wind blew in. "You can't be serious."

I shake my head, bowing my head on top of my knees. "Gray, I-I know you're a nice guy and all just can't work."

"You like Natsu, huh?"

When Gray asked me that question, my eyes widened. I look in his direction. He looked serious. "Not even close." I stated blandly.

"Well, then who's the guy?" He asks again.

I sighed, resting my head on top of my knees, "I don't know yet." I sighed again. "I'm still finding that guy."

I look over to Gray and smiled weakly. "And I'm pretty sure you'll find your girl, too, Gray. One who'll truly love you back."

Gray nodded, lifting his head up in the sky.
"Oy, what are you two doing over there!?" I heard Natsu shout in a distance, making both Gray and I laugh at his expression. I look over and saw him running towards us.

"I'ma gonna go back before flame brain catches me." Gray waves, "See ya."

"See you."

I looked up and saw natsu gruffing, resting his hands on his hips. "Man that guy. He always wants to spend his time with you. I don't get him."

You won't get him because you're as densed as a martyr. "Uh, shouldn't you be talking to Lisanna?" I turned and pointed at Lisanna eating marshmallows by the log. "I'm sure I'm just interrupting the two of you."

I stood up as I walked away from Natsu. Lifting my sunglasses up and letting the wind lift the bikini strings through its harmony then the chills came running up, making me fidget.

"Brr.." I softly whispered, rubbing my hands on my arms.

"Here." Natsu wrapped his open blouse around my back, making me hug it closer to me.


"And FYI, I left Lisanna because you're muh more important to me. You're my wife. I have an obligation as your husband." Natsu stated, patting me on the head.

I smiled, lifting my face up. "Thank you."

Natsu chuckled, handing me a rose. I lifted an eyebrow at him, "Uh, Natsu--what is this for-"

I shrieked when the rose splashed my whole face. Natsu started laughing when I continued to feel the cold and shiver. "NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GOTCHA! GOTCHA, LUCE! NYAHAHAHAHA!!"

I dropped his blouse off me and started chasing Natsu around the beach, "NATSU, YOU BETTER HIDE!! I'M SO GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS! WATCH WHAT I'M GONNA DO ONCE I CATCH YOU!!"

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