Ch. 46 - Sting's secret

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Ch. 46 - Sting's secret



I called. He slowly walked up till he was at the center of the bridge, throwing a random pebble at the pond, causing my reflection to fade, scaring the fishes away.

I shot up to glare at him. But, he responded with a lifted eyebrow and a snotty look on his face. "What?" he asked coldly.

"Nothing." I managed to control myself by looking away, grunting to myself while resting my chin on the palm of my hand. When I heard him sigh, he was sitting on the bridge with his legs spreading wide. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

He clicked his tongue annoyingly. "Some stupid idiot invited me to this party. Not worth going to." he sighs again, wrapping his arms around his legs as he sat on the floor of the bridge.

Looking around, I saw no one interested in going near this place so might as well get comfy ourselves. I sat beside him and looked up, instead, seeing all the countless stars glittering up the sky.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"This is a fieldtrip, duh." I answered sarcastically, receiving a bored expression on his face, making me laugh at him. "S-Sorry. Force of habit. Natsu--we were just here not too long ago but he, uh, left to party. I know how much he loves food so," I nodded understandingly.

He lifts his brow yet again. "Are you two dating?"

I wanted to deny. I wanted to hide our relationship but, how can I when I'm so tired of what just happened earlier? Might as well just play along. Not like he's interested in knowing the full detail of our whole relationship. "I... guess you could say that."

He punched his own knee, startling me at his sudden rise of action. He hissed but I don't think it was because of his punch. He looked away from me as he scratched the back of his neck. "Dammit..."

I looked in his way, curious as to why he just did that. "Wha-What are you mad about?"

He scrunched up his nose and shook his head. "Nothing. It's none of your business, anyway." he stated, sounding dangerous.

I felt another chill being sent down my spine so, I covered myself with the scarf Natsu lent me to stop it. Sting looks in my way, leaning his mouth so close to my ear and whispered ; "Can I ask you something?"

I felt myself scootch away from him a bit. "Depends if it is decent or not." I answer back.

He clicked his tongue with full annoyance, "Moron. I'm not planning on doing something like that. No, I... I gotta tell you this." he paused to exhale then, spoke again. "I want you to help me get Lisanna back."

My eyes widened. "Eh...?"

My head automatically tilted, making sure I was giving Sting a signal that I didn't get what he said. "Ugh!" he exclaimed irritably. "Lisanna's my ex, got it? And, I wanted to use you to get her back but seeing as... you got yourself occupied, I don't think I'll be able to."

He scootches inches away from me, wrapping his arms around his legs, covering his eyes under his hand.

The poor thing wanted help.

I scootched a lot closer to him and then nudged him by the elbow. "If you wanted help, you should've just asked me."

His eyes widened a bit at my statement. "Y--You're willing to help me?" I breathed in and out, slowly nodding as a sign of agreeing.

"Yes, I am willing to. Besides, I had some, er, issues with her in the past and I want to make it up to her." I looked in his direction and smiled, handing out my hand. "I wish you best of luck."

Sting covered half of his face with a hand, looking away from me when he bumped his fist against mine. "T-Thanks..."

Natsu's POV

It's been 30 minutes and Luce hasn't even come yet. I didn't even know what happened to her when I left her there. I felt guilty, choosing food over protecting her. As I continued to look outside, watching over by the bridge, my eyes began to squint. Was there someone with her?

"Hey." I turned to the front and saw Lisanna beside Juvia. "Why aren't you and Lucy together?"

I shrugged, "Luce wanted to stay outside, she said so herself."

Lisanna snorted, managing to almost spit out the juice she just drank. "Oh, really? I just saw her with Sting at the bridge. They looked kind of...cozy." she gulped after she said that last part. "You should go to her. Who knows what Sting's planning on?"

I nodded, rushing outside to go and get Lucy away from that bastard. As I was approaching, Sting was the first to look up at me. He quickly stood up, with Lucy staying in her seating position. She was looking away from me.

"Sting, I'm telling you this right now. Stay away from Lucy." I demanded with a scowl on my face to make sure he got my message.

Instead of scowling back like I thought he would, he just scoffed. "Relax. I don't intend to steal her or whatever. She's all yours, really."

I managed to back away right after he stated that. Burning cheeks. That's what I felt when he said that. "Y-Yeah. She is mine. And you better stay away from her from now on." Yeah, I managed to demand him that. He seemed taken aback about what I said.

"Dude, just for the record--I wasn't interested in your girl, anyway. She needed someone to talk to when you left her." he lifted both his arms up in the air as he walked away from the scene annoyingly.

I turned to face Lucy, who seemed to be looking pissed off. I held her hand, "You okay, Lucy? I told you, he's not a good person with his attitude-"

"Attitude?" she scoffed, shaking my hand off her. "You must be kidding me. How could you notice his mistakes when you clearly don't notice yours?"

My eyes widened. "Luce, he was rude to you back when we were about to leave and come here."

She looks away, looking tired and frustrated. "Yeah, well, he changed. And he just came to me as a friend I can lean on when I was left alone." she made sure to emphasize the word 'alone'.

"Luce, I told you to go to the party with me but, no, you rejected and insisted on staying here, right? So, I leave you here and then what? You go oogling your eyes out for someone else!"

She gasped, staring at me in horror. She took off my scarf around her neck. She hands it back into my hands. "Thanks a lot--for nothing, Natsu. You just ruined my night." she stomps her feet as she started walking away from me, too.

"Luce, I--" When she really was put in a bad mood and disappeared, I managed to punch my fist onto the rail of the bridge, wincing with the pain that felt like lighting strikes. "Dammit."

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