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“ So tell me Cana, what type of magic do you have?” the little girl, Akari asked as she take a sit beside the new girl smiling at her.

“ I use card magic” Cana responded with a grin on her face, proud to announce that she is a mage.

“ Though I'm still learning about it the master said that I'm pretty good at it” she continues as she get some card and show it to the girl. Looking curious at what type of magic she holds, Akari leaned closer to get a good look.

“ Card Magic: Fire” a magic circle appeared and some light comes out of it. A fire took its place on where the card is. The other girl look at it with fascination, amazed on the girls power and a sudden grin appear on her face when a thought came to her mind.

“ Cana that's an amazing magic! I want to fight you!” Akari exclaimed and the girl look shock. Baffled at what the girl have said. The other members heard her and look at their direction too.

“ W- what?! Why do you want to fight me? I'm still a beginner to magic and the master said that you're already a skilled mage and you even go on a mission by yourself” the girl replied and lean away from her as the girl have move closer to her face. The other girl pouted and cross her arms before looking away.

“ But i have no one to fight with as the other members don't want to face me” she murmured to herself still with a pout on her lips. The other members who's near the two girls turn on their direction.

“ That's because we don't want be beaten up to pulp!” a man with some cigarette on her lips shouted. Akari let out some grin before looking at the man. Cana look at the man too. Curious on what happened.

“ Come on Smokey man that was one time!” the man with the cigarette, Wakaba, felt embarrass at the little girls nickname for him. The others laugh at him and also because they remember on how they lost to the young girl when she asked them for a fight. Fighting the little girl is fun even though they get beaten up and destroyed some things that cost the master thousand of jewels from the council, it doesn't matter as the young girls smile lighten up their life. She's just like the sunshine on their life, the light of Fairytail. Always brighten up the mood with her pranks and the big smile that follows.

Cana turn to face the girl and observe her. The other girl have a big grin on her face, she looks some happy go lucky kid with that big smile on her face. The girl have white hair with some highlights of black that reaches just below her shoulder. And her light blue eyes, it has some sparkle within it like it was smiling at her. She can't help the smile forming on her face as she continue to observe the girl. By the looks of it she's older than the other girl. A warmth feeling grow inside her as her mood lighten up.

“ Say..” she began, getting the attention of the young girl.

“ Will you help me train my magic?” Cana asked the girl with a soft smile on her face. The other girls face lighten up at the thought of helping someone with their magic. She jumped on the girl giving her some  ‘choking hug’ on what the master have call it.

“ Of course i will!” Cana shocked that the girl had jump on her let out some choking sound before patting the girls arms asking her to let go. Akari let go of the girl still with the big smile on her face that reaches her ears.

“ A-are you planning on killing me?!” Cana asked before letting out a huff. Giggling at the girls reaction she gives the girl a pat on her head.

“ Hehe don't worry Cana-san you will get use to it like the little gramps” grinning from ear to ear she took the girls arm and pull her outside the guild.

“ Hey! Where are you taking me?” running behind the little girl, Cana ask as they are going on the direction of the forest. The other girl stops from running and look at the girl behind her.

“ We're going on training!” the girl replied happily.

“ Eh? Right now?”

“ Yes! So come on!” dragging the girl on some secluded area inside the forest they began the said training with Cana showing her card magic to the girl.

After hours of training, the two girls are just sitting under the  big tree with some snacks and having a small conversation. The wind blowing in the forest with the leaves dancing on it, they closes their eyes as they lay down on the smooth grass. Cana, with a thought came to her mind look at the girl beside her.

“ So you are the masters grand daughter?” the girl beside her nodded at her without opening her eyes. Knowing that the older girl are looking at her she doesn't bother to speak.

“ But.. how come you don't have the same blonde hair? They said that the Dreyars are blonde haired people. So how come yours are white with some highlights of black?” Upon hearing her question, Akari open her eyes and look at the older girl.

“ I'm a Dreyar but I'm not related to little gramps by blood” she responds as she look away and stare at the sky above.

“ Huh?” confused as she doesn't get her Cana continue to look at the girl.

“ Little gramps are not really my grandfather. He said that they have found me outside the guild in a basket when i was a baby.” she said as she close her eyes.

“He took care of me and taking me as his own, he even named me ‘ Akari ’ which means Light as he said that during those time the sky have brighten up like it was giving him some silent message or something” she continue with a soft smile on her face. Cana, still looking at the girl observe her feature. There is no trace of sadness with her expression just a peaceful look like it doesn't bother her or is she just hiding it?

“ Aren't you sad about it? Not knowing who your parents are?” Cana look away at the girl, a sudden emotion came to her with the thought of what she have said.

“ No I'm not” the girl look at her again. Wondering why she doesn't feel sad about not knowing who her parents are. A little bit of anger came to her at the girls response. How can someone be not feeling sad not knowing about the person who gives you life.

“ Why is that? How can you say that with some expression like it doesn't even bother you. They are your parents shouldn't you be at least felt some emotion other than that?” with a little bit of anger Cana said, while glaring at the young girl. All her life she's been searching for her father. After her mother have died and knowing some little information about her father, she starts looking out for him until she came across the guild.

“ It's because I'm contented with what i have now” the young girl look at her.

“ Little gramps may not have been my real grandfather but the love he's giving me, the attention and how he took care of me is enough for me. He doesn't make me feel like I'm not his own. The others with little gramps always treated me as family” she grinned at the older girl, a bright look on her face.

“ He said that family does not comes with blood, it's by how you treated others despite of different kinds of blood that are running on your veins. Family comes with the bonds that you have on that person. And that is why i don't feel sad for not knowing who my parents are. For i already have the family that i didn't expect to stay by my side. And it also applied to you Cana, you are part of that family now. So what do you say Big sis about some food over that restaurant near some shops across the guild? Their food is quite amazing and I'm kind of starving” Cana look at the girl as she get up before dusting her dress. She was quite amazed on what the girl have said. Despite her age she's quite an intelligent one. But a sudden thought came to her.

“ Did you just called me ‘Big sis’?”

“ Yeah because you are older than me and also you're part of the family now or would you rather have me give you some nickname too like the others?” a knowing grin came back to her face at the thought of creating some new nicknames.

“ Well as long as it doesn't sounds bad then okay” she responds with a shrug. Oh how wrong you are for giving her that response. The young girl grin at her before taking her hand and dragging her to the said restaurant.

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