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Standing at the Kardia Cathedral, Akari saw the white haired girl, Lisanna with another white haired girl but unlike her hers are longer with some ponytail at the top of her forehead and beside her a tall figure of a man crying his eyes out before taking the both girls to a hug. Akari along with everyone watches the heart touching scene Lucy have some tears on her eyes but Akari just frown at them not knowing who they are. Erza noticing her confused face turn her gaze at her.

“ Who are they? Are they another member of Fairytail?” she ask the scarlet haired girl as she looks around.

“ Yeah that's Elfman the big guy on the side and that's Mirajane one of the S Class mage of Fairytail” the girls head turn to them quickly as she heard that word. S Class huh? Everyone decided to leave the white haired siblings to give them some privacy and Erza still helping Akari to walk suddenly stop as the girl saw something on her right side.

“ What is it?” Erza asked as the others stop as well but they saw the girl looking at the side, following where she is looking they see what caused the girl to stop Akari untangled herself from Erza and walk to it. There on the ground a tombstone of herself are laying there.



Here lies a loving family and joy of everyone,
The light of Fairytail.

So they thought I'm dead huh? Akari thought while looking at the tombstone as the others didn't say anything but look at it before looking at the girl, not knowing what would the girl feel for it. She just sigh before she starts to walk away everyone followed her until she stop once they are outside of the Cathedral. I see that nothing have much changed eh? A small smile came on her face taking everything as look around the familiar houses them.

What would be their reaction if they saw me? They already thought I'm dead and i wonder what they felt when i disappeared just like that. Cana, what would she say to me for leaving her? The girl thought as she continues to think about what would they think of seeing her again that she didn't notice that the others came to stop causing her to bump in Erza's back who requips in her casual armor earlier and she grunts at the sudden bump.

“ Why did you stop?” she asked as the girl turn around a bit looking at her.

“ We're here”  the girl said as she look in front, she didn't notice that they have already arrived at the guild. Akari look up and stare at the guild before her, it's quite different from before but the Fairytail's emblem still waving at the top of the guild. A loud boom made her to look down and in front of her. Natsu just kicked the door open and some vein popped on her forehead at it.

“ We're back!” before yelled as he entered with Happy flying on top of him. Lucy, Gray and Wendy followed with the white exceed. Gajeel left earlier to go to where he is living before taking a swing at the guild later with Phanterlily who he claims as his cat. Erza stayed with the girl outside who put her hood on her head hiding her face from everyone as she look down. Erza turned in front and she can see the master who's sitting at the counter with some beer on his hands and laughing at what Natsu are telling him. Cana as well are laughing with some barrel on her side. She looks back at Akari before taking a hold of her hand and the girl looks up at her.

“ Come..” she said softly to the girl as she drag her inside the guild. The others notice the presence of her and starts welcoming her back but they notice someone behind her who have a hood over their head and a sword behind their back, they give each other a look wondering if it's a new recruit. Erza stops in front of the master and the others also stops from laughing seeing someone behind her back.

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