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A few days had passed since the two girls began their training. With Akari helping Cana to improve her skills using card magic and also on physical training. It helps her as she is a holder magic type mage, learning how to dodge some fast attacks and how to counter attack the enemy is a great help. And just like the other day, the two mage was seen at the same secluded area inside the forest. With Cana using her card magic to attack and Akari using the stones to throw it on a fast phase on Cana. The older girl is confused, they have been training for days but she have not seen the young girl use any magic. Come to think of it, she doesn't even know what the other girls magic is.

Stopping her attacks Cana look at the girl then the young girl  stops suddenly when she saw her stop as well. The other girl looks confused at the sudden stop. Wondering if the older girl  have any problem or she's already tired.

“ What's the matter Cana-san? Are you tired already? We just started an hour ago though” she asked as the other girl shook her head as a No.

“ I'm just thinking about something..”

“ Hm.. what it is? Do you have any problem?” Akari ask with a frown.

“ No” she shook her head again.

“ I'm just thinking.. we're training for days and not once i have seen you use some magic, why is that? Also i realize that i have no idea what type of magic do you have” Cana asked the young girl who just blinked at her.

“ S- seriously? I thought you knew that's why you're not asking me. And also i don't want to hurt you during our training but if you want to, i can use it while training with you” the young girl said. Cana look at her just thinking about what she said. She smile a little at how thoughtful the young girl is.

“ So what kind of magic do you use?” Cana asked with a smile. The girl look up with a sparkle on her eyes. And an excited grin appear on her face.

“ I use Light Magic” lifting her right hand. The girl mumbled something as light starts to appear on her hand. Cana felt her jaw dropped a little with her eyes widened a little bit. The girls magic is beautiful, walking a bit closer to observe it. She felt some heat coming from it but not like the heat that's coming from fire. The light's heat, it felt warm upon her skin. Also she felt something inside her like her soul is answering to it.

“ What kind of magic is this? This.. this is not just a simple light magic” she said as continue to stare at the light fascinated and curious about it. It's like she can't look away from it. Upon seeing the older girls reaction she dispose the magic before looking at her with a serious look on her face. The older girl is a bit surprise as it is hard to find the girl looks so serious about something.

“ Yes it is. Little gramps said that my magic is different from the others. He said that my light magic is like a Light of life as when i use it the others felt warmth on the inside. Also i can use Soul Magic, it's a rare magic and a dangerous one if it falls on the wrong hands as it can control everyone that have a soul inside them. I can freeze your soul or take it out inside your body if i want to or do anything i want from it. But i rarely use it as for the little gramps wishes not to use it, for not to attract someone who's hungry for power.” the young girl gives her a smile as she finished telling her about her magic.

“ T- that's an amazing magic but also a dangerous one. It is good that you follow the masters words as it can put you in danger if someone found about your magic.” The older girl respond still can't believe it that someone so young, small like her have that kind of magic. A beautiful yet dangerous one.

“ I know that's why i rarely use any magic and when little gramps gives me the permission to use any weapon, i will  buy some nice sword!” the girl said with excitement and act like she's holding a sword slashing it in the air. The older girl chuckled at the young girls action.

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