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Everyone are shocked when Acnologia's dragon form disappeared from Fairy Sphere. They didn't know if it was supposed to happen as they stared in the ocean where the dragon is supposed to be. A sound of something that shattered are heard from everywhere before some figure fell from the sky.

Natsu let out a yell as his body continue to fall from the sky. His eyes found the blonde girl with Happy on her side, a large grin form on his face as he landed on top of Lucy making her fall on the ground while the other dragon slayers landed softly and their friends quickly goes to them with a smile on their faces. Everyone felt relieved seeing that they are alright and nothing happened to them. Erza who's standing beside Wendy noticed the young girl's face. There is some sadness on her face as she was looking down, Erza put her hand on the girl's shoulder and it gets the attention of Wendy as she looks up at her.

“ What's the matter Wendy? Are you okay?” she asked the young girl. Wendy felt the tears appearing again but before she could answer, Cana's voice draw their attention.

“ Where is Akari? I thought she was inside the time rift with you all?” the card mage asked as the grin on Natsu's face disappear. It didn't go unnoticed by the scarlet mage as Erza also wonder on where the black haired girl is.

A sob goes out on Wendy as the girl are once again looking on the ground but this time with tears running down on her cheeks. The others stare at them in confusion, wondering on what really had happened inside the time rift and why Wendy is crying.

“ She's gone...” Natsu's voice are filled with pain as he said it. There is a lump in his throat remembering how the girl just disappeared from their sight earlier.

What?”  Erza felt like her blood ran cold hearing him say it though she thought she misheard it but what Wendy had say next left her in shock.

“ Akari turned into dust and disappear... just like what happened to Acnologia” Wendy told them as the girl continue to cry.

The others stared at the girl wide eyed. Lucy put her hands on her mouth as she let out a gasp. Cana stood frozen as her mouth are agape from what she just heard from the girl. There's silence that filled around them. Erza stood there frozen on her feet. Her mind just go blank as she can't hear anything aside from the beatings of her heart.  The sword on her side felt cold against her skin, it was Akari's sword. She did not want to leave it behind and does bring it with her everywhere incase Akari wanted it back. But hearing them say it, she didn't know what to do. There is something inside her that is telling her that the girl is still alive.

“ You're joking?” Cana's voice broke her away from her thoughts. The card mage stood there with tears filling her eyes. The others are just silent not saying a word.

A black orb appeared on the side. Everyone's attention goes to it as some of them look at it with confusion but didn't let their guard down. It could be some enemy or anyone that means to cause some problem. The black orb magic opened and someone came out of it as there is some gasp around them.

“ Mama!” Asuka bounce on her feet while running towards her parents that is looking at her in shocked. They can't believe what they are seeing as the last time they knew, Asuka was dead. The little girl's small form collided on her mother's legs as the girl hugs her. It broke Bisca from her shock as she gets on her knees and hugs her daughter close to her. Alzack did the same as the parents and daughter cried in happiness and relief.

“ How... you...” Bisca can't seem to form any words from shock and Cana step forward towards the family.

“ Akari brought her back just before Acnologia happened. She hides her inside the orb to keep her away from any harm” she finishes and both Alzack and Bisca stared at her. They didn't say anything and just pulled their daughter to another hug. They are thankful for Akari for bringing their daughter back despite of her killing her from before. Cana stared at the family with a small smile on her face but look away as the thought of the black haired girl come again.

Another shattering sounds caught their attention as they all look towards the sky. They look at it in horror at the thought of Acnologia still alive as they watch the sky crack more and more. It shattered completely as a small form came from it and starts falling. They can't tell who or what is it but then, a scream filled their ears and their eyes widened.

Akari felt like her body burned from something that isn't fire. She opened her eyes and got blinded by the brightness of light surrounding her before it start to disappear. She look around the place and blink in confusion as she remembered being turned into dust and disappear and so, what she was doing here? She was back on the same place with the crystal rocks around her. She thought that she dies and she starts feeling herself making sure that it was real, that she is still alive. Her hand goes to her chest and her heart are still beating. Her eyes widened at it and was confused on how did it happen but then a simple word came from her mind. Immortal.

She forgot about it, her being a Sith Demon an immortal. Meaning she can be blow away again but will be brought back to life again and again. And just before she could get comfortable the ground she was standing shattered into pieces and found herself falling. She was shocked on what just happened but scream at the top of her lungs when the wind slaps her body as she falls from the sky. Her heart beats erratically and her eyes widened in horror at the sight of some big ship that is made out of ice.

“ OH SHIIIIITTTT!!” she tried to summon her magic to create some wings but can't do it and so her body slammed down on the big ship.

The others stare at it wide eyed, they watched how Akari fell from the sky and got slammed on the ship. It caused the water to shake and waves to the port from the impact as the ship shakes a little. They can see her figure lying on the ship but did not made any movement. Erza had a look of shocked on her face as her heart let out a thumping sound seeing the black haired girl again and knowing she was alive. The scarlet mage broke from the shock and her eyes found the water mage.

“ Juvia! Bring the ship closer!”

“ Yes!” the water mage controlled the water and bring the ship to the shore. Erza and Cana quickly leap from their feet and goes on the ship. They found the girl lying on her stomach as she was mumbling something with her face turning green.

“ Gonna...die...” Akari let out a gagging sound just after she said it. Both girls stood there for a minute staring at her lying on the ships cold floor before they goes to her side. Tears fall from Cana's eyes in relief seeing her sister alive. Both girls helps Akari out of the ship as the others cheers in happiness upon seeing the black haired girl.

After being crushed by their hugs Akari smiled shyly at them. She can remember what she did to some of them. The cheers died down and Bisca walks to the girl. Akari felt her eyes widened seeing the green haired girl and look down on shame remembering what she did to them, to their daughter specifically. Though she expects the woman to scream at her or beat her up but what she gets was something that she didn't expect. The green haired girl hugs her tightly as she stood there in shocked.

“ Thank you...” it was all what she said before the girl release her from the hug and walks back to her family. Akari found the man's eyes and he too, smiled back at her with nothing but thankfulness written on his face.

“ You sure took your time out there...” the sudden voice cause the girl to stumbled a little before she froze in shocked seeing the person sitting on a chair. The old master smiles at the girl who's still frozen on her feet. He was too, are happy to see that the girl are still alive. He still remember hearing her voice when he sacrificed himself on the battlefield and how broken it sounds.

Akari's vision blurred from the tears that filled her eyes. All this time she really thought that the old master had died but seeing him sitting there, there's a warm feeling building up inside her. Though the girl looks away from the old master as she still felt all the guilt on what she did to them and to others.

“ Akari..”

“ HALT!”

Whatever it was that the scarlet mage is supposed to say were cut off by the royal guards marching towards them. Their eyes were looking firmly on Akari's form as they get closer to the girl.

“ Akari Dreyar, you are under arrest for causing such destruction towards the whole town and endangering the civilians...” 

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