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Mira had never saw the old man, Makarov ran that fast in her whole life, not even when they are trying to escape from Acnologia's attack on Tenrou island before. The girl had called the master after the blue haired girl ran to the infirmary when she told her about the situation. They entered the room as she noticed that the whole team Natsu are inside as they got all woken up when the white haired girl barged in their shared room and yell for the girl's name that causes them to jumped in surprised, Laxus is also at the room as he followed them earlier upon noticing the others running figure when he woke up.

The infirmary are quite large as it has more beds aligned and the others are on different side of the room giving them some space and not crowding the bed as the old woman, Poluchka and Wendy are treating the girl's wound with Wendy's glowing hands as she used her healing magic and not let the girl slipped away again as they almost lost her earlier when her heartbeat are almost gone. Everyone in the room are looking pale at the sight as their eyes widened in full shocked at what they witnessed upon entering the room.

“ Tch! This is not good she already lost too much blood we need another person with healing magic, this deep cut on her chest are not an ordinary one as there's something on the wound that might be some kind of poison” the old woman said as the others gasp as they all sunk on the wall.

“ There is someone i know who use healing magic but she's from Lamia Scale, her name's Sherria the one that I've fought on the games” Wendy told the old woman while some sweat rolled down on her cheeks. Gray quickly ran out of the door to get the other girl who got followed by Natsu when the master told them to get her.

After a few minutes the said girl enter the room with another member from their guild who followed them, they both see the situation as their eyes widened and the girl quickly get to the lying girl's side helping the two to tend on her wound. It takes them a few hours to remove the poison and try to heal the wound but it seems like healing it doesn't work as the magic didn't do anything to it. It shocked them as the poison are seems to be that kind that won't let the others heal it. The old woman couldn't do anything for now as she wrapped some bandage around it and do the blood transfusion.

It was already morning, the sun had already risen up when they all left the room with just a few hours of sleep. The master thanked the two members of Lamia Scale as they left to go back on their rooms, Erza, Cana, Wendy and Lucy decided to stay for a bit inside the room as they continue to stare at the girl's body who's lying on the bed like she's just sleeping while the others left and gather every members of their guild.

All the members of Fairytail are shocked at the news that the master had told them, they still don't know what exactly had happened and who attacked the girl as the master got called for a quick meeting for the games. Some of them wanted to visit the girl but the master forbids everyone inside the room and let the old woman take care of the girl.

Some of the members decided to go in the arena as it is day four of the grand magic games, their hearts are heavy as they all go to their respective place as the arena are now filled with the audience again.

DAY FOUR of the grand magic games, the event is called Naval Battle. On which the representatives will enter a large ball of water and will push the others outside it before the five minutes countdown rans out. Lucy and Juvia step out as they both will participate on the event and both transform their clothing in some two piece.

After explaining a bit more the event had began and Lucy quickly summoned her celestial spirit, Aquarius as Juvia tried to block the spirits attack with her Water Cyclones. One of the representative kicked Rocker out of the water as their guild got eliminated, after the attack that Aquarius had made the celestial spirit vanished as she claims to the girl that she needs to go back on her date as Juvia took that opportunity to push the blonde girl out but Lucy manage to summon another spirit before Juvia's attack can hit her. The event is entertaining to watch as they witness how everyone tried their hardest to push everyone out to eliminate them until it came where there was only two person inside the water, Lucy and Sabertooth's Minerva. The fight between the two are quite intense as there is a tension growing on the Fairytail members seeing how Minerva beats Lucy before she throw the blonde girl outside and on to the ground. Gray and Natsu quickly jumped on the arena as the pink haired boy managed to catch the girl on his arms before she can hit the ground.

Natsu was about to attack Minerva who's smirking at them as the other members of Sabertooth appeared who also have a smirk on their face as Erza holds Natsu and Gray's shoulder stopping them for what they are about to do not wanting their guild to get disqualified, and after Erza talks to the other guild on how she doesn't care if they are the strongest or number one guild in Fiore, she declared the they just made a major mistake of intentionally making enemies with Fairytail before they left.

Lucy was taken to the infirmary as Sherria and Jenny helped them with the damage, Minerva had done to the girl who had fell asleep with her keys close to her chest. It was then when master Makarov walked inside the infirmary as the others looked at the old man. The master told them that upon the disqualification of Raven Tail their guild should reduce the team as the committee had said that they can't let them fight with the odd number of teams and does the master had already chosen on who will be the new team of Fairytail for the game.

All of them stare at the two members of their guild who's lying on those beds inside, Akari is still unconscious but the colour of her skin are coming back as the old woman told them that she made an antidote for the poison with the help of the blue haired girl, Wendy. They all sighed in relief upon hearing it as the heavy feeling inside them seems starts disappearing.

It was time for the Tag Battle after the event that had happen earlier, the new team of Fairytail got revealed as Laxus, Gajeel, Natsu, Erza and Gray stood in a straight line beside each other. The crowd are screaming loudly upon seeing them especially the ‘ Titania ’ as they are excited to see her fight again and so the Tag battle had began as it got revealed the teams who will be fighting against each other, it was Blue Pegasus against Quatro Puppy as Lamia Scale against Mermaid Heel are next and the last is Fairytail against Sabertooth. The crowd become wild upon hearing that Fairytail would be fighting with Sabertooth and starts cheering for their team which shocked them a little knowing how they booed them on the first day but now, they are cheering for them to win. A grin appeared on their face at the thought of teaching the other guild some lesson upon picking up on some of their members. The commentators yelled on the microphone that the battle had began as all of them left the center to give the space to the first teams who will fight.

Hey guys sorry for the late uploads there's a power interruption that night and i kinda forgot to charge my phone. Also i have another story it is an All of us are dead fanfic a NamraxOc one. You can check it out! Loveyah!

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