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" Huh?" Akari dumbly look at the girl in front of her with her lips parted a bit.

" From the future? What the heck are you saying Lucy? Are you drunk or something?" she watched the girl who had gone quiet as the girl's lips tremble a little before she looks up with some tears on her eyes.

" It's the truth!.. I came from the future to warn the others of what's about to come but i didn't expect.. didn't expect that i would meet you again" the girl said as she gritted her teeth. Akari looked at her as she observed the girl, she didn't seem like she's lying to her. Her eyes are telling the truth, maybe that was it. The magic that she felt from her it's quite more different from the Lucy she knows. She takes a step forward and closer to the girl who look back at her.

" Why are you really here? What's about to come that you'll do something like this just to warn everyone?"

" Dragons.. there's thousands of dragons that is coming" Akari's eyes widened in full shocked as she look at the girl who's seriously looking back at her.

" W-what do you mean dragons? There's no dragon up to this time.." she mumbled to herself as Future Lucy shook her head.

" There still is.. and that's why i came back from the future to warn everyone about it. Someone will open the Eclipse and will free them all to cause the extinction of humanity. And there was you.." the girl looked at the blonde girl who's staring at her intently.

" What is it? What's with me? What's wrong with me Lucy? You know what's happening, right? Tell me" she desperately asked the girl almost begging as the girl looked directly at her eyes.

" You're now a demon Akari, a Sith Demon that will cause the chaos along with the dragons. You will kill hundreds and thousands of people including the one you had treated as your family. When the time that the dragons came you'll become the humanities greatest Nightmare" Akari look at her dumbfounded. Future Lucy watched her as the girl's eyes are looking at her in horror, a terrified look on her pale face and her breath become heavy. Akari stumbled a bit as she fell on her knees, Greatest Nightmare? What the heck is really happening?!

The memories of everyone played like a tape on her mind, all their smiling faces, their laughs, the tears, she can't believe that she will be the cause of not witnessing it anymore. Tears appeared on her eyes and they all rolled down her cheeks flowing like a river. She looks up at the blonde girl who's face are covered with shadow.

" What would i do Lucy? I- i don't want that to happen.. I'm not going to let it happen!" The blonde girl looked at the crying girl, she now have a soft and sad look on her face unlike earlier that there's anger on it.

" I don't really know how to stop everything from happening.. all i think is to warn everyone from it.." she said as she looks down ashamed that she can't help.

Akari sit on the ground as the wind blew passed them. There was a silence that fell on the two, as Akari had already stops from crying. Lucy takes a glance at the girl who's sitting on the ground with a shadow on her face. There's a pity that she felt for the girl, after all Akari are still her friends after everything that happened. Akari looks up as her eyes have no emotions on it.

" I'll help.." she said as Lucy looked at her in confusion.

" You will warn them and I'll think of something incase the plan of warning them failed and it becomes too late to take an action" the girl stood up as she turn her back on the blonde girl.

" I may be a demon now.. but I'm still a member of Fairytail. Giving up is not on our vocabulary and i will protect them even if it cost my life" she turned her head a bit as she looked at the girl, her eyes are now glowing again just like earlier as Lucy's eyes widen.

" Greatest Nighmare you say? Someone who will cause their dooms.. i won't let that happen.. i refuse everything that happened in your past.. i will change it. You just watch me Lucy and if it's really me who causes you to lose your arm, i am deeply apologizing for that and i will make sure that the Lucy we have now will not lose any parts of her body. I promise it to you with the pride of being a Fairytail wizard, mark my words" She said while smiling at the girl before she took off as Lucy stared at her in shock. She felt it, the honesty in her words she felt it. A smile appeared on her face as tears rolled down her cheeks. I will hold you on your promise Akari.


The sun had started to rise, some members of Fairytail are missing as Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Lucy, Gray and the three exceeds have not yet gone back after the iron dragon slayer had led them to the graveyard under the Domus Flau on where they have seen hundreds or thousands of bones of the dragons. After getting some information from a dragon spirit that Wendy had managed to take a hold using the Milky Way spell all of them started to head back to think of the information that they just found.

Walking underground they stumbled upon a huge metal gate, they look at it confused on why such a huge gate like that are place under the place. Before they can think for more, someone spoke behind them as one of the royal guard, Arcadios walked to their direction. The man told them about the gate and the Eclipse Project as well as it's purpose as the others looked at him in shock but before he could say anything an old small man came with some royal guards. The man arrested Arcadios for causing such treason, they also took Lucy from them as Natsu attacks them with his fire but before he could the pink haired boy suddenly collapse on the ground as his magic seems like being suck away from him. The gate behind them glowed as a strange magic are coming from it when it's sucking the boy's magic power. Their eyes widen in shock, it was the strange magic that Jellal and the others are talking about.

The old man, Darton left them as well as the royal guards with Arcadios being handcuffed as Lucy are being taken away from them by the guards. Gajeel curse under his breath as they can't do anything as they can't use their magic or they would sucked away just like what happened to Natsu. They all left the place as Gray helps the man to walk as he felt himself weakened.

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