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The citizens on Magnolia got shaken up at the loud explosion that happen on Fairytail guild as Kyoka congratulates Seilah on her act upon stopping the fairies for disrupting their plans. As they were about to activate Face, Franmalth detects a large amount of magical powers that's approaching the Cube. A soldier comes in and told them that there is three figures coming on the headquarters but Franmalth told the later and said it was more than three that is coming. The others looks at them in confusion as Seilah use her magic and displays the Undercube and sees that there are three exceeds flying towards their headquarters while holding something on their hands.

As the three got closer, they let go of the cards that they were holding and revealed to them that each of those cards have someone inside it. Before the explosion happened earlier, Cana uses the Trap magic that Akari creates and put everyone inside the cards just before the lacrima could explodes saving the entire guild of Fairytail. The demon gates began to panic when Cana turn everyone back and they started their counter attack, the card mage told Elfman to stand up and help them fight to save Mirajane and the others upon freeing him under the control that was put to him. Now, back at Hell's core on which the experiments are happening Mirajane wokes up that it startled one member of Tartaros as the white haired mage reveals at the person that what they did only strengthen her more.

As Kyoka tries to go for the scarlet mage, she got ambushed by Natsu and Lisanna who manages to get free from their cell. The woman found out that there is no Erza, she asked the two on where is the scarlet mage the same time that Erza emerged from the hole with the thing that she left earlier to look for the scarlet mage dropped on her body. The situation got reversed as Kyoka found herself unable to move with the nullifying cuffs that she put on the mage earlier as the three interrogate her about Mira's location on which she told them honestly. Hearing about it, Natsu and Lisanna ran off to find the white haired girl as Kyoka revealed to them that she has no information about Elfman.

After the two left, Erza found out that Face are now unsealed but told her that Jellal are still alive as they use another method about it earlier. Kyoka then easily broke free from the cuffs as she was using Curses and attacks the girl but soon got pushed back on the ground with a spear on her as Erza requips to her armor. The girl driven the spear to the ground with Kyoka getting pierce through it as a loud explosion happen and there was now a large hole on the Cube.

The others who's fighting with the Tartaros members use that opportunity to get inside the headquarters as they all jump from the hole to get inside the Cube. Natsu and Lisanna continue to run as they come across some enemies on which the pink haired boy defeated easily as he told the girl to find her older sibling while fighting with the enemies. It was then when Natsu got sent to the wall as someone kicks him straight on the stomach as a growl caught his attention. The boy looks up as his eyes widen as the time seems to stopped when he saw Zeref standing there telling him something and welcoming to his bookshelf of creations; Tartaros. But what shocked him more are the person beside him, the black haired girl that they are trying to look for are beside him with glowing red eyes.

“ Akari..” he said while he's looking at the girl completely stayed still from where she's standing as Zeref takes a glance at her. There is some growl rumbling on the girls chest while she looked ahead of her almost like a statue.

The two soon engaged in a conversation as Zeref reveals to him the composition of Tartaros and their master E.N.D, his strongest creation. Natsu recognize the name as the one Ingeel tries to kill but failed to do so but the dark wizard told him otherwise. He told the pink haired boy that the dragon didn't fought with E.N.D as Igneel chose not to kill it. Natsu tried to attack him only to get pushed back as Akari once again gave him a kick on his stomach surprising him. He watched from the side as Zeref walks away while saying that his visit is unfair for the Tartaros who's trying to reach him as he got followed by the black haired girl.

Erza found the blonde girl and told the later that Face got unsealed and that they needs to deactivate it. As Lisanna got reunited with Mirajane and told her that she same with Natsu, Erza and Elfman got captured earlier. However one demon gates, Seilah appeared as she told them what she did to Elfman and the plan to exterminate the whole Fairytail guild that failed as the girl told them that she will take her life in change of it on which Mirajane scoffs at. Franmalth who's inside the control room hides away when he noticed Wendy and Lucy coming in with the two exceeds. The two discover that Face got activated and they only have 41 minutes to stop it until detonation. They all panic upon seeing someone enter the room, as Keyes another demon gates walks in their direction.

Now face to face with Keyes, Lucy noticed that a minute had passed when she takes a glance at the timer. The girl thought that they need to distract him to pass and move on but before they can do something, Franmalth appears from where he's hiding showing himself to everyone. Lucy quickly summons Aries and Taurus as the two attacks the demon gates with them and left the scene with Wendy following from behind. Though their plan to escape didn't last long as Keyes found them and was about to attack when Gray appeared out of nowhere punching him in the face as the two girls managed to passed them. Keyes stumble from the punch and realized that this guy are more alike of Silver's.

Running in the hallway of the Cube, Lucy notice some window and attempted to go with it but was blocked by Aries as the blonde girl looks at the celestial spirit in confusion. She along with Happy got captured by Franmalth as the girl told Wendy to continue with the Face without her. The demon was about to grab the girl but was stop when Natsu appears. Franmalth who absorbs Taurus and Aries soul use his power Revolution to transform into Taurus as he and Natsu get into a fight. Lucy who's watching them tried to get away from the demon's power but failed as the two stops from fighting with Franmalth using his Revolution to transform once again but this time with his strongest soul that he absorb as Lucy Happy and Natsu stared at his new form in shock upon seeing it. The timer continue the countdown and was now 34 minutes until the detonation as Wendy and Carla rush towards Face.

Time continue to run as all of them are fighting, Franmalth told Natsu that he doesn't believe that magic can defeat curses as well as Face will activate in ten more minutes and the mages era will come to an end. Meanwhile as Wendy search on the place where Face resides she was attack by Ezel another member of Demon Gates. The little girl tries to get away from him but it all failed as the man continue to follow her does forcing her to fight the man as she doesn't have a choice. The two engaged in a fight as the girl casts a series of Enchantments to boost her attacks and defenses before using her Sky Dragon Roar on which Ezel easily cut through with it. Having enough of her continues attacks, Ezel uses his Tenga Goken and attacks the girl with a destructive Onimaru as Wendy barely avoided it. He furiously attacks the girl as he cut the ground around her and use his tentacles for another attack. It catches the girl off guard as she got pinned down on the ground later with his Juzumaru as Wendy's enchantment failed and was thrown on the side, gravely wounded. Ezel catches the figure of Face which only have five minutes left before the activation as he curse at the smell of Ethernano coming from it. Carla tried to attack Ezel in an attempt to help the girl but failed as she got grab by him, Ezel motions on eating the exceed when Wendy eats the Ethernano in the air, entering Dragon Force. The girl pushed the demon away from the exceed as she start her counter attack on him.

The fight between the two soon had ended with Wendy being the victor but as well as the timer ends. Everyone felt the Face activation from their location as Wendy apologize for her incapability of stoping it. However Carla, told the girl about her premonition and that if they converts the ethernano around Face into something more they can use it as a self destruction. Carla pull the self destruct on the Face as she told Wendy that if they press it they will be killed in the explosion. She told the girl to get away but Wendy only told her that she doesn't have any strength to do so and that even if she could she wouldn't leave her behind. The two hugs each other while tears are rolling down their cheeks, thinking about their times together Wendy thanks the girl for it as the two remember their adventures together as they both press the button at the same time. It creates an extremely large explosion that destroyed the Face and the place that they were in.

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