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This is Akari's self after 7 years and when her hair had changed its colours. I also made this and I'm contemplating of what i should made her looks like when I'm doing this.



It was one of those normal day for Fairytail, there's only a few of them inside as the guild had lost some members during the year as there is not much job that got sent on them anymore. Some of the members, Alzack and Bisca led some of their members to sail in the sea when some members of Blue Pegasus told them something that may give them some clue for the team Tenrou's where abouts.

The guild's door opened and thinking it's just some of the members Macao didn't look at the new comers, however those persons that had enter the guild are not a friendly ones. They are the one's who always picks a fight with them and will ask for money that they claimed they needed to pay every month, Twilight Ogre the new guild who replaced them in Magnolia began saying some things to them to which a small figure interrupts him.

Upon hearing their voice Macao quickly turned to them and stops Romeo, his son from going near them. The boy have his magic activated as he walks in their direction saying some things about not wanting anyone to tarnish the Fairytail's name. Macao ran to his son when one of them took his weapon at his back and ready to smack it at the boy's figure. The old man yelled for them to stop as he ran, the man who's grinning was about to hit the boy but before it could touch him someone had kicked him from behind sending him at the other side of the guild. The other members of Twilight Ogre look behind them but a spikes of ice hits one of them, a slashing sound can also be heard until a large hand smacked the last member on the ground. The members of Fairytail are  shocked at what happened but what's more shocking are the ones who made an appearance at the guild.

“ We're back!”

Natsu yelled with a big smile on his face, behind him the whole Tenrou team are standing with some bandages on their body. Shock, Happiness and Disbelief are written on everyone's face as the members can't hold it anymore as their tears flows in their eyes seeing everyone again. They noticed how nothing had changed in everyone, they haven't aged even a bit and they also looks the same as they are seven years ago. The Tenrou team walk inside the guild and observe everything, they got confused earlier when Alzack and Bisca had led them somewhere far from where the Fairytail is standing in Magnolia but the two explained it to them and some things that had changes for the past seven years about their guild.

A party soon have started as they celebrate the return of everyone back to their guild. The old master, Makarov are sitting at the top of one table while he explained everything that had happened to them and what the first master of Fairytail have done to them. Macao and the others can't believe everything that they heard or rather they can't believe that everyone are really back and alive!

Natsu turned to his side as he notice someone's presence, there's a boy who's staring at him with his mouth agape. The pink haired man gives him a smile as he knows who it is.

“ You've really have grown, Romeo!” he said to the boy as he trembled and some tears appears on his eyes as he gives the man a smile, welcoming him back. They continue to party with a wide smile on their faces and asking questions about each other, catching up. The card mage look around the guild trying to find a certain person who she expects to see when they get back, the scarlet haired girl noticed this as she turn to her.

“ What is it Cana?” she asked as it caught the attention of Lucy and Levy who's sitting beside each other. They also have a few bandages on their body.

“ I can't find Akari..” the girl said as Erza also realized it and looks around everyone.

“ Now that you mention it, I also wonder where is Akari ” she said as everyone heard it, a quick silence have fell in the guild. The team Tenrou had noticed this as they look at everyone observing them with a frown on their faces.

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