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A week later, everyone are dealing with the aftermath of the war with Tartaros. The old master Makarov stood on the wreckage of their guild as well as the other members while he announced and declared that he's disbanding Fairytail and that they should choose a path of their lives. Lucy cried upon it as three of her teammates are nowhere to be found, Natsu suddenly disappeared along with Happy and the other two she doesn't know. In Isvan, Gray visited his parents grave on the old ruins of the old town. Juvia who followed the man appear behind his back as she told him that she killed the necromancer that's controlling his father, the girl felt guilty at the thought of causing some pain to him but Gray thanked the girl for freeing his father on his grasp while having some tears on his eyes.

Back in Magnolia river, the scarlet mage sits on the stone ground as she reminiscent the tortured she got from Kyoka, she remembers everything that happened back in tower of heaven the torture she got there as Jellal walks in her direction telling her that she will be okay soon before walking away with his new teams. Lucy walks back to her apartment and found a letter from the pink haired boy telling her that he will go on a year journey to get stronger which saddened the girl as everyone are now following their own chosen path.

Zeref who's sitting on some room walks closer to a circle type of thing with a small boy inside it and whispered to himself that he should surpass him before walking away.

Erza walks slowly on the remaining of Fairy Hills as it also got hit during the war, she observed the damage that happened. All the trees and the buildings that got destroyed as her thoughts thinks of a certain person, she stops from walking as she wonder where could she be at this time while looking at the sky, the wind blew passed her before she let out a sigh and walked inside the dorm. Upon entering her room she got shocked as she saw something on the bed, it was Akari's sword. The girl walks closer to it inspecting the sword before she looked around the room trying to look for the girl but sigh in disappointment when she didn't see anyone. Erza are confused on why the girl must left it in her room as she knew that the girl always wanted the sword to be with her all the time. The sword felt different from the first time she had hold it something warm are on the sword but it doesn't burn her or cause any harm at all. She took notice of the note that was under it before her hand take it.

I found my sunshine after the rain.. take a hold of this for I'll come back for it, take care Erza’

Erza's eyes widen a bit as her heart beats faster there's also a tint of red on her cheeks while she looks down at the paper on her hand. A small smile appeared on her lips as she looks outside.

“ I will.. Akari”

Meanwhile in the forest, Akari stops from walking as the wind blew in her direction like it was whispering something on her. She looks back at the direction of Fairy Hills as the thought of the scarlet mage came to her mind, a smile appears on her face. Akari now realize the reason why her heart are always beating abnormally when she's around the girl and it added more when future Erza had took her first kiss. Her fingers brushed to her lips thinking about the kiss as her ears and cheeks burned.

“ Are you happy to see me, Akari?” the smile on her face faded as her face hardened when she saw the person.

“ Zeref” the girl said with venom on her voice as the man smirk at her.

“ You give me quite a trouble for finding you, now just come with me for i have things to do” the man lifted his hand as dark magic came from it. Akari tried to use her magic but failed as something inside her reacted to his magic and she screams in pain as her head felt like someone's pounding on it tearing apart.

Zeref watched as the girl screams from the pain until her figure falls on the ground shaking, her figure stood up slowly before her eyes found the man's figure. It was now red as some growls are escaping from her. The girl walks closer to him before they both disappeared from the sight.

783 words for this the next chapter would be after a year later. Thanks for reading my stories! I already uploaded 3 chapters for Without Magic, that story will be challenge for me since Kagura's appearance are during Grand Magic games. Those readers who keeps voting every chapter, Thank you very much! I really really appreciate it.

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