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DAY ONE of the grand magic games, the eight representatives step out as they got called out and the center of the arena suddenly changed. A city appeared on it as the game is called Hidden on which it is the same as hide and seek. The representatives needs to find each one of them and hit them to gain some points and the one who loses will deduct the points they loses. It seems to be easy at first but to make it all interesting a numerous copy of themselves will put in the city to confuse them all and if one member hits one of those then they will also lose some points.

Juvia upon seeing the numerous copy of her beloved Gray hugs one of them causing their team to lose one point on which the team facepalmed their self at the girl, it's not even starting and yet they already lose one point. The games had began as each of them try their hardest to find the real ones and not accidentally hit one of those clones.

At the top of the building a member of Sabertooth are seen standing above it with his eyes closed and as he opened his eyes later he uses his Memory make magic and hits all of them at the same time when he figured out their exact locations. The screams of the representatives were heard in the arena as all of them fall on the ground defeated with Rufus being the victor. The people became wild upon seeing what happened and how he defeated them all in one strike. The members of Fairytail are shocked at it not expecting for the game to end so easily and got their team defeated. The first game had ended with Sabertooth gaining the top one position upon defeating all of his opponents. And does the second one started, the first fight of the game with Fairytail's team A, Lucy against the Reventail's Flare Corona.

The fight between the two is a sight to see, both of them not wanting to give up especially the blonde girl who have anger inside her when Raven Tail attacked Wendy before the game could start. It's all happening now in favour of Lucy as she uses her new magic that came from Hibiki of Blue Pegasus. The girl summoned one of her celestial spirit Gemini and transform into her self as she activated the spell, Urano Metria but before it can casted fully it suddenly dissipates as Lucy fell on the ground with no strength in her. The Raven tail had played dirty again upon helping their teammates that is against the rules, as the girl fell on the floor and collapsed her opponents become the victor as the whole arena booed her down while saying some things. The girl cried on the ground while her body is shaking, Natsu quickly ran to her side as Akari followed him who jumped out where they stand and to the girl. Anger started to flow inside her as she looks at the blonde girl, Lucy is one of her friends and seeing her cry like this angered her. The black haired girl turned to the red haired girl with dangerous look in her eyes that are glowing in silver. The girl stops from laughing as she felt that look and she can feel the fear crawling on her body as she takes a look of the woman in front of her.

" You should have not done it.. playing dirty and attacking someone before the games could start is something that i won't forgive about. You just mess with the wrong guild and angered someone that you shouldn't have" the black haired girl said with a dangerous look still in her eyes as an evil smirk formed on her face at the look of fear she have seen at the girl's eyes when her own eyes glowed more.

The two of them bring the blonde girl at the infirmary on which the small girl, Wendy are still resting. Team Natsu had gone there as well with anger inside all of them at how Raventail could have done something again on their members.

Back at the arena, the matches continue with the second fight between Ren of Blue Pegasus and the Mermaid Heel's Araña Webb. The fight between them didn't last long as Ren defeated the girl with his attacks. And this one also followed by Quadro Cerberus's Warcry against Sabertooth's Orga, a Lightning God Slayer. The battle didn't even last a minute as Orga defeated the man with one attack before he can even use his magic as the crowd screamed at his win. And does the final battle for the day got announced, it was between the Saint Wizard of Lamia Scale's Jura against Fairytail's Team B Akari Dreyar.

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