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With Ultear's reappearance that shocked them all, Dimaria concludes that she was the perpetrator's that helps the two girls as Ultear reveals that the time flow is still the same and she explained to them that she only exists in time space valley as her body are decaying away due to her not being able to maintain her form. Dimaria who's fed up with her goes to attack the girl but only got shocked when her attack didn't hit her and just get passed through her body, Ultear then revealed that she's only a Thought Projection as wanted to help the two girls fought under her seal. The Sky sisters appreciating her help goes to attack the warrior queen but Dimaria pushed them back as she reveal her power the God of Time, Chronos that privileged her with the former's God Soul.

Everyone are stunned at it as Dimaria in God Soul form let out some magic as Carla pushes Wendy away from the laser that was shot in her direction and takes in the shot on herself as Wendy screamed on her friends fallen figure. Ultear stops the time on Carla preventing her from dying as she was running out of options to help the Sky Sisters and does she told them that maybe they can defeat Dimaria if they can unlock their Third Origin, their power from the future. But doing so has a cost, they will never be able to use magic again which stunned the two girls.

Meanwhile at Fairytail guild, Mavis is worried about the movement in the east as Jacob appeared suddenly which shocked the members. They are confused on what he's doing there as the radar shows that they are still in the east until they realized that it was only a ruse, Jacob told them that he went ahead of August as he states that he wants to pay some respect about the elderly Mage and using his magic he transported everyone on the alternate dimensions as Mavis was the only one remaining inside the guild being a projection. However Jacob noticed her as he starts shooting and tormenting her when he realize that she is the Fairy Heart demanding on where is the weapon. .

Lucy who got saved from Jacob's magic thanks to one of her celestial spirit attacks him from behind surprising both him and Mavis who's lying on the floor. Jacob then throw a knife at the blonde girl but Natsu quickly came in front of her causing for it his arm to get hit as Lucy and Happy exclaimed in happiness seeing that he's awake already. Natsu engaged in a fight with him as they exchanged some blows on each other until Jacob vanished suddenly and appears behind Natsu before attacking him. The man then uses his magic, Sheath as he explains that the nature of his magic is to camouflage and masks anything that he chooses to disappear. Lucy then summons Loke as the celestial spirit managed to expose Jacob's body but it didn't change anything as the man continues to attack them. Jacob pins down the pink haired boy on the floor as he erased Lucy's clothes much to her shocked and embarrassment. The Fairytail mages noticed the mans expression who tried his best not to look at the ‘ naked’ Lucy telling them that it's unladylike as Mavis deadpanned at him. They then took advantage of it until Jacob got forced to dispose his magic and Natsu quickly knocks him off. As Jacob goes in a fit of rage, Mavis then comes to a plan on how to defeat the immortal self of Zeref.

Somewhere in the west, Invel informed the black wizard that five of the Spriggan has fallen. Zeref then ordered for the soldiers to continue and advance to the Fairytail guild on which Invel bows at him and left the man alone. On Erza's side along with Kagura and Jellal, the trio stops from walking as darkness surrounds them. They become alert as they tried to sense where is the culprit until it got revealed as their eyes widen in shocked seeing the person who's standing there, Kagura's eyes widen in shocked upon seeing her brother Simon standing in front of them. Jellal broke off in trance as he told them that it was an impostor on which Kagura glared at him angrily, however someone's voice was heard as the trio looks up at the top of the ship on where Neinhart exclaimed that what they are seeing in front of them are their Historias.

Akari let out a sigh as she walks at the town blasting everyone with her magic who tried to attack her, she was walking calmly near the port when she sense some magic on the left side, where the Alvarez ships are located curious about it Akari starts walking in that direction wondering on who's in that direction. While the others are facing their own Historias, Erza continues to fight her own as she struggled against the three of them. Kyoka taunts the scarlet mage as she began to torture her again brutally wounding her body at each strike of the whip. Erza then looks at them fiercely as she reminds them on how they got all defeated by her, she threatened them that if they decided not to leave then they shall feel her blade once more to which Kyoka looks at her in fear as she took a step back. The trio looked at the scarlet mage with fear on their faces as they all disappear, Erza then fell on the ground unconscious from the damage she got. Neinhart looks at the girl in shocked, Jellal and Kagura rant to her direction as the girl tried to wake up the scarlet mage. Jellal glared at Neinhart in fury who's still looking at Erza's unconscious figure, for a moment he felt the girl's presence quite familiar as it was the same with the Almighty woman in Alvarez Empire.

Jellal who's still looking at the member of Spriggan states that he will commit one more sin before he took a stance, the sky darkened as the clouds parted revealing the stars above them. Jellal prepare for an attack as Neinhart uses the same tactics on summoning Simon who has quickly got struck down by Kagura. Jellal then uses his magic and raining it down on the Spriggan member defeating him with it. They watched as Neinhart's body fell in the sea, Jellal walks on the two girl's direction with Erza still unconscious.

“ That's amazing”

Jellal quickly turn around as Kagura stood up, her hand on the sword's handle as they look at the side. Akari reveals herself to them as she walks out from where she's hiding and stood a few feet away from them. Her eyes fell on the unconscious figure behind the two as Akari stared at it for a minute, Jellal notice it and took a step forward shielding the girl's figure from her sight.

“ Akari” the man called for his former ally and friend. He was quite saddened at the thought that he couldn't save her from Zeref's grasp when Erza had told him about it. He knew that the girl is important to his childhood friend and he will do everything in his power to bring her back again. The girl looks at her as Jellal takes a glance on the girl beside him.

“ Kagura, would you mind bringing her somewhere safe?” the man said as the girl observed his face before she nodded at him and took the scarlet mage's body and walked away from them. Akari's eyes followed them as it lingered on the unconscious girl behind the girl's back, there's something on the scarlet mage that draws her attention on her but she can't pinpoint what is it.

“ Why are you helping them Akari? Did you finally betrayed everyone and help them from destroying everything that your family had built?” the man said as Akari stared at him, she doesn't have any idea on what family he was talking about but decided not to say anything and continue to observe him. Jellal then took a stance as Akari squinted her eyes at him, she knew that this man is powerful and it will be a challenge on her part to defeat this man as a smirk formed on her lips and her eyes glowed in deep red.

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