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A sudden jolt bring them all back to their senses as Cana ran to the mans direction. They all pale at how the girl looks like she's covered in blood and bruises and her skin are pale. Gildarts rushes to the infirmary with Poluchka following him, the master deciding not to follow them took a sit on one of the table. The members look at him questions with their mind but only one member has the guts to walk near him.

“ Master what the hell just happened on her?!” Cana ask the man filled with rage and tears already running on her cheeks upon seeing the girls condition.

“ Cana stop it” Macao stops the girl from asking questions observing the masters state he knows not to say anything for now. Cana left the man and ran outside the infirmary waiting for the two old persons to walk outside. Although curious on what had happened that causes the girl from such a state the guild members just look at their master who's staring blankly at the ground. This is the second time they witness him like this ever since he expelled his son, Ivan from the guild years ago.

“ Master” a sudden voice broke him out the bubbles. Gildarts called the master telling him that Poluchka wanted to talk to him about the girls condition. He followed the man inside the infirmary, upon entering he noticed the girls figure covered in bandages from head to toe.

“ Gildarts already explain to me what happened in the trial” the old woman began while sitting on the other side of the bed her hands are glowing healing the girls body. The master didn't say anything as he continue to watch the little girl.

“ This brat suffered in extreme magic exhaustion, using the Soul Magic already took a toll on her and using that one other spell really did some damage on her that it almost took her, her life. She needs a month to heal her body and another month to regain her magic power. I already healed her broken ribs and few of her wounds” the old woman said as her hands stops from glowing. Turning her attention to the old man she gives him a slap on the back of his head. Gildarts felt his eyes open in shock and his jaw dropped at the action.

“ Oi!” he said to the old woman who glared at him in return. He keeps his mouth shut when he saw that glare. Scary woman.

“ You old fool always giving me a headache for the trouble you caused and now even let the girl cast some dangerous spell that almost took her life. You all people sure are a bunch of reckless idiot!” she lectured the small man though held out her hands and heal his wounds and bruises.

“ Even so that brat still did gave you some minor wounds I'm quite impress that she did” she continue as she finished healing the man and even wrapping some bandages on him. The master still not saying anything let out a sigh.

“ I didn't even know that she knew that spell, this brat will be the death of me one day” he murmured to himself quite relieved that the girl are not in a bad condition than earlier.

“ Now both of you, Shoo! Let the girl have some privacy and no one should go here for a week!” she said before shooing the two old man. Now alone with the girl she let out a sigh before taking a seat on the chair beside her bed.

“ You sure almost gave me a heart attack brat” she said in a low voice while staring at the girls sleeping figure.


As soon as the two old man walk outside, Cana jump in front of them. Worry is written on her face while the others are getting agitated to ask their questions.

“ How is she master? Is she alright? What really happened on her master answer me!” Cana shout at the man, Gildarts put his hand on her shoulder before guiding her away from the master. The other members look at their master who walks at the top of the counter and starts explaining everything that happened on the trial.

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