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“ Are you sure you can take me on? Hm.. who are you again? Jellal was it? The man who tried to revive Zeref from before” Akari said with a smirk on her face as Jellal stared at her. The girl just stood there as the man took a stance and lifted his hands, Akari's eye narrowed at it as the man's hand glowed.

Earth Magic: Cage!” The ground formed in some kind of cage taking the girl inside it as Jellal knew that this attack can't stop nor hurt the girl but he wasn't really going to hurt her that much as she's still his friend and someone that is important to Erza, it's not even a minute when the cage explodes as Akari stood there not even harmed. The girl's eyes fell on the man as she lifted her hands and fired some attack on him which Jellal had avoided as he backflips a few times.

Dark Alchemy Blast!” Jellal's eyes widen as dark magic appears on her hand and it blasted on his direction which he blocks by using his Hexagon Barrier a very powerful magical barriers in a Hexagon form. Jellal are surprised at the amount of magic in her attack as she managed to make him use his barrier against the combination power of Force Alchemy and Darkness from her Sith Demon. Akari smirked on the man as Jellal clenched his jaw before running on her direction as he throws a punch on her. The two engaged in a fist fight that lasts for a few minutes before the man step away from her as he blasted her with magic, Akari hiss at the attack as she didn't expect it.

In the Fairytail's basement, Cana fell on her knees as she panted heavily with some sweat on her forehead as she tried to destroy the crystal where the first master's body are inside of it, though she failed as she doesn't want to kill her friend in the process. Mavis stared on her figure as she told her that the card mage are the same with her friend, Zera on which she told her that Cana wouldn't be killing her friends but instead save them both with Zera in her heart. In the north while everything is happening, the current master of Sabertooth Sting sulks behind the boulder as one of their member Yukino slaps him in the face telling him that the fight isn't over yet which gives them a boost as they once again join the fight. 

Far away from everyone, Irene the Scarlet Despair orders her two companions to get on the front lines as she states that their third guest has arrived, indicating on the old Oracion Seis and that there will be a fourth one on which she will take care of personally. As the two left her alone, Irene prepares her spell while stating that her majesty's game unfortunately have to end soon due to the fourth guest arrival.

Meteor!” Jellal's body glowed as it was coated with his magic allowing him to be ten times more faster as he flew on Akari's direction sending a punch to her, the girl blocks the attack by her arms but it still makes her fly a few feet away from him. The two has been fighting for some time now, exchanging some blows on each other Akari look at him as they both panted heavily as some of their wounds are bleeding.

“ You're really strong..” Akari said while she stare at Jellal as some circle of silver appeared on her eyes that's still glowing in deep red. Jellal's eyes narrowed at it knowing what that silver in her eyes means as he readied himself not letting his guard down even a bit.

“ But not enough to beat me!” she said as her skin turned red and the silver colour on her eyes intensified. Jellal's eyes widen at it as it was his first time seeing her in Sith Demon's complete form, Akari spreads her arms wide as some silver lights appears above them.

Soul Arrows: Rain!” she yelled as the silver lights rained down on Jellal's direction as he casted his shield magic but it didn't hold them back when the silver arrows breaks it into pieces as the man scream in pain as he can feel those arrows pierce through his body. Jellal fell on his knees as blood starts to drench his clothes, Akari walks closer to him and takes in the man's appearance.

“ Should i finish you here?” she said as Jellal tried to look up at her as some blood are on the corner of his mouth. She lifted her hand while staring at his figure as Jellal didn't look away from her and just look back at her in the eyes.

Soul Punch!” her fist collided on his chest as Jellal coughs some blood as his eyes are wide from the shock, he felt like he can't breathe as his heart pounded on his chest. The strength that he has are starting to disappear as his body fell on the ground, Akari stared at him as the attack that she made damages his soul causing for it to not function and become unresponsive. The wind blew past them as she lifted her hand again attempting to finish him off but suddenly the ground glowed in red until some lights appeared that it made her closes her eyes.

After a few minutes, the beaming light all around Fiore starts to disappear as Mavis who's now in her real body looks around in confusion before she runs upstairs inside the guild and only be met by Zeref who's sitting comfortably in some chair looking back at her as it stunned her. Elsewhere Lucy and Natsu looks around in confusion wondering what just happened as Gray along with an injured Erza reunites with them as they sees that everything in Fiore's position has changed. By the shorelines, most members of the guild are there as they all look around them confused on what happen until Alzack spots an enemies ship coming to them while Makarov told them to prepare for some battle. Somewhere in Fiore, Gajeel woke up as he blinks in confusion as he thought that he died when he was battling with Bloodman until someone caught his attention, a small girl with the same height of Mavis are standing there trying to hide herself from him as Gajeel looks at her with curiosity on his mind.

The iron dragon slayer who's confused on what's happening asked Zera as the girl explained to him that due to the Magic the reorganize Fiore he was saved from earlier and that they are in Tenrou island that's now connected on the town. She also told him that she was just an illusion that's created by Mavis and that once the girl had remember her she will vanish and does deciding to help aid them as Gajeel blinks at her. Zera then telepathically contacted everyone who has the Fairytail's guild mark and told them to hurry and get back on the guild as Mavis needs them, the members are confused on who's voice is it and there's a doubt inside them whether to believe what she said or not but as soon as they heard another voice that is familiar to them they all sighed in relief knowing that, that person is an ally and that Gajeel are safe much to Levy and Pantherlily's relief.

Meanwhile, Akari opens her eyes as she found herself somewhere inside the forest earlier as her eyes caught someone's figure lying on the ground, she walks closer to it as she recognized the person. It was the little girl that she had sucked the soul before the battle, she wince a little as there is some voice in her head telling her to hurry and go to Fairytail's guild. She holds her head as it started to hurt and heard like there's something that shattered inside her mind, her eyes fell on the little girl's lifeless body as some images appeared on her mind.

Akari-san teach me how to shoot,please?”

Akari-san! Take care on your job!”

Akari-san! When i grow up i wanted to be like you!”

She grunts at the sudden headache as images continued to appear with the girl on it until she bumps her head on the tree before falling on her knees as her eyes are wide in shocked and her face are looking pale while her body are shaking and staring at the little girl with some tears on her eyes.

“ Asuka...”

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