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Akari backflips a few times to get out of the way where the sudden attack have been but another one was there waiting just behind her.

Ice Make: Lance!”

She tried her best to dodge the attack before something touch her arms and snake around it stopping her from moving away as the wind around her hardened like it was squeezing her before a set of swords rain down on her. She felt her eyes widen at it and she close her eyes waiting for them to hit her body. She can hear the swords around her and the force of them hitting the ground though after some time everything had stopped and there is dust everywhere. She coughs a little as she panted a bit and watch as the dust starts to dissipates. Big grins are on their faces as the Team Natsu are all standing there looking at the black haired girl.

“ Good to see you again Akari!”

“ Aye sir!”

“ Yeah that's a quite welcoming gift you got there” Akari deadpanned as they all chuckled at her before a blue haired girl ran up to her direction and hugs her.

“ Welcome back Akari” Wendy said to her as she returned the hug and she noticed how the dragon slayer have grown in the past years.

“ It's good to see you again Wendy, i can see that you've grown up into a beautiful woman now” she said to the girl and she notice the pink tint on the girl's face but said nothing about it and just laugh a bit. Another pair of arms circled her body and some set of blonde came to her view.

“ I miss you Akari, Welcome back” Lucy said to her before she let go of the girl. The two boys walks up to her and made some fist bump before saying something and welcoming her back. And just after that the two starts to bicker again as Akari laugh at them. Something didn't changed as she watched them launching some punches on each other with a smile on her face.

“ Welcome back, Akari”

Akari turn around at the voice of the scarlet mage behind her. Erza have a soft smile on her face before she takes her shoulder and hug her. Strawberries. She inhaled the scent deeply, she missed it. It's been years since the last time that she was this close to her and even though years had passed her heart are still beating abnormally when it comes to the scarlet mage.

The world around them seemed to have stop as everything starts to fade and it was just them. Both holding each other in their arms, afraid that the other will disappear. Erza let go of her and look at the black haired girl's eyes before her own flickers down on the girl's pink lips. Akari saw it and she can't help the gulp that she made and that's what left before the scarlet mage pulled her at the back of her neck and crash her own lips on the girl. Neither of them heard the gasps that came from the two girls behind them and sees the mouth dropping on the floor of the boys that stops from bickering. They didn't care at all. They have been waiting for this to happen years ago and can't waste any more time and just let their feelings took over them.

The two pulled away with their cheeks both have some pink tints and smile at each other. Lucy giggles at the of them as Wendy's face are blushing from seeing the intimate action from the two older woman.

“ Let's get back to the guild!”

The group of friends began their journey back at the Fairytail guild and did some catching ups on what had happened over the past years. Akari can't help but laugh at the stories she was hearing and all the troubles they got in. Though she had already expected it as trouble is always within their guild members wherever they go. 

Akari stops from walking once they reach the guild. She looks up at the tall guild in front of her as the others didn't seem to notice that she had stop. Akari breath out in relief at the nostalgic she was feeling upon seeing the Fairytail guild. A grin form on her face before she push the heavy oak door and something hit her face.

Tears Of A Fairy ( Erza x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now