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“What?” Akari furrowed her eyebrows as the blonde woman are still holding her face who blinks a little before letting go of her face. The woman stood up while sighing a little and stare at everyone before her eyes fell on her again.

“ Nothing, i thought you're someone that i know since you have a resemblance with her” the woman said as the others looked at her. Akari didn't look away from the woman and continue watching her who's now talking to the others explaining everything and their plan.

“ A rift in time?” it caught Akari's attention as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, walking a bit closer to them she listened to the woman who introduced herself as Anna that came from the Eclipse for certain reason.

“ Yes, it's our only hope of trapping and returning Acnologia to nothingness..” The others listened to their explanation about the plan but on their minds making it happen wouldn't be that easy though they should give it a try as it can be their only hope if it succeed.

With Acnologia on their trail, the trimens and Jenny aimed the built cannon Jupiter to provoke him and continue following them. Attacking him with their magic, Acnologia laugh at them as their attacks didn't even hurt him one bit as he consumed it all. Activating the Christina's speed booster, they tried to outrun the black dragon who increase his speed while following them. The sudden change of pace causes them to stumble a bit, Akari gasped as her back collided on the wall before it became stable again. Anna explained to them on where she came from and her reasons for it to which Akari zoned out as she felt something inside her.

In Magnolia Lucy and Gray along with happy sits on the stone ground as the blonde girl opened the book of E.N.D which is Natsu's book. Natsu who's in his dragon force charges on Zeref as the later continue to mock him, Mavis appeared suddenly stopping the pink haired boy as she states to allow her have a talk with Zeref. The man grab the back of her hair asking what she was doing to which Mavis answered that she knew a plan that would make him free from immortality. Zeref stops for a bit but shrugged it off as he dropped off everything about that reason already and began absorbing her magic, Natsu tried to stop it but he was too late as Mavis body fell on the floor. Zeref activated the Fairy Heart, turning him into a god that surpasses both the space and time.

As Acnologia continue to chase them, the trimens did everything they can do until they have passed the time rift successfully and just waited for Acnologia to hit it. But to their shocked the black dragon get passed through the rift and managed to get a hold of the airship. No one expected it to happen and to Anna's disbelief she sees that the time rift are closing as the airship landed on the ocean but still flying with Acnologia on top of it. Erza ordered Ichiya to destroy the lacrima of the ship stating that it was still a ship which means a dragon slayers weakness, agreeing to the scarlet mage Ichiya changes to his muscular form and destroyed the lacrima inside the ship. Dizziness hit the sky dragon slayer as Wendy fell down with Erza catching the little girl, a sudden thud caught their attention as Akari was on the floor too. Erza blinked a little until realization came to her that the girl can't handle ships and boats, Jellal took the black haired girl and made her sit near the wall. The black dragon let go of the ship once the motion sickness hits him allowing them to get away from him.

Acnologia snapping out from his motion sickness followed behind them firing some attacks that hits the back of the ship. The dragon said something as Anna think about another plan as the others look outside and to the dragon. Akari opened her eyes a bit and sees that everyone are looking outside, she tried to stood up while learning on the wall and holding for some support as dizziness were still there.

“ I'll buy us some time” Jellal's voice caught her attention as the man look around them and began walking away. Akari didn't know what they are planning but either way she knew its something dangerous as she was quite worried for him not knowing what will happen. Looking around she saw the little girl sitting with her back turned on the wall as her eyes are closed while breathing slowly.

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