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“ Invel” The emperor calls for his trusted person as the man bows at him.

“ Yes my lord?”

“ I'm going back on Ishgar, there is something that i must retrieve that belongs to me. And you pay more attention on the girl while I'm gone, I'm going to call for her when i needed her and come after me” the man, Spriggan or Zeref told the man who looks at him as he thought about something.

“ Will she listen to you, my lord?” Zeref chuckles at his question before he turn to look at him with his glowing red eyes.

“ She will.. after all she is now one of us. She will listen to everything that i will instruct her to do without any complain” the man said as he vanish from Invel's sight. He fix his glasses as he stared on the spot where the man had vanished, pondering on what the man had said to him. He left the room and walk inside the empire trying to look for the girl.

Walking for a bit more, Invel caught sight of the girl wondering around the garden. The girl looks like she was thinking about something as her face are coated in seriousness. The man observes the girl and from where he's standing, he notice the dark veins that are forming on the girl's forehead as her eyes seems like it's glowing. The girl stops from walking as she suddenly turn to the side, the man witness how the girl let out a dark beam of energy on her hand as there is also some light magic into it. The man's eyes squinted to it as a smirk forms on his face understanding what the emperor are talking about. The man starts to walk towards the girl who's standing steadily at the same spot.

“ Akari” the man calls for her as the girl turn to look at him, Akari's red eyes set upon his figure as she tilted her head on the side. She seems a bit confused as she's trying to analyze who the man is.

“ You should get ready and freshen up there is already a set of new clothes for you in your room as per the emperor's order. The emperor will call for your assistance if he needs you later” the girl didn't say anything but there's a low growl that escapes from her. The girl seems to be uncontrollable when she suddenly attacks the man, Invel is quite surprised at it but he managed to move aside from the attack. The girl let out another growl as she tried to hit him but Invel uses his magic and put some collar on the girl. Akari stops from attacking him as her thoughts seems to have disappeared. The girl stayed still as she was in some kind of mind control, Invel looks at her as the girl's eyes become empty with emotions.

The man calls for some servant and instruct them to help the girl as he watched them walk away. The man fixes his eye glasses as someone walk near him holding some staff. Invel gives him a small bow showing some respect as the new comer looks at the same direction he was looking earlier.

“ Is she the one?”

“ Yes Lord August, the emperor has brought her with him the other day” Invel told the man who has some white long hair and white beared while holding his staff on his right hand.

“ She seems like... a little uncontrollable” the old man, August said as he witnessed how the girl have attack the man suddenly.

“ She is but it would not last long when the emperor has finally gained full control over her. I don't know what's his intention on her all i know is she can be useful when the time comes” Invel told him as the engaged in some kind of conversation while Akari are being helped by a servant on getting ready.

Back at Fairytail guild, the old master Makarov has been receiving some reports about the former council's whereabouts that he sends out his guild members to protects them and all of them were all negative reports. At one of the councilors house named Yuri, Elfman and Lisanna walks inside it and found the man already deceased. Just as they were about to report it to the master via lacrima, the man opened his eyes before destroying the lacrima on Elfman's hand as he falls back on the ground, unmoving. Someone's presence revealed themselves as Seilah, another one from the Nine Demon Gates uses her magic on Elfman making him to attack his own sibling and choke her. The girl was pleading at the man to stop it but Elfman cried as he can't control his body while the demon just watch the scene quite amused.

On the blonde girl's side, Lucy managed to communicate with the master and told him the news that one of the councilors are safe and that they are with him. Michello, the council member explained to them what Tartaros are really after for. The man told them that the dark guild was after Face, a weapon that nullifies the magic across the entire continent. Realizing that Tartaros will be unaffected as they all use Curses and not magic, Natsu demands to know the location of the Face as he wanted to destroy it before the dark guild can take a hold of it but the man revealed to them that three Councilors are the Organic Link Key and the one who knows about the location of it is the former Chairman. They now understand why Tartaros are eliminating the councilors, it is to unseal the Face.

Natsu knowing the location of the chairman as Erza and Mira are the one who got sent there, dashed outside the guild and to follow the two mage on the same location as the master tried to stop him but to no avail as the pink haired boy didn't stop as if he didn't hear the old man. Shortly after he left the guild, Natsu arrives at the place only to discover that the chairman is gone and found out that both Erza and Mirajane got drugged by him. In a pit of rage that's filling inside him Natsu destroyed the house as he gritted his teeth before he ran off to somewhere and follows the scent he was picking around him.

Meanwhile Erza has woken up only to realize that she was naked and was held captive by Kyoka, another demon gates. The demon soon started the torture as she keeps asking the scarlet mage about Jellal's location as she reveals that the man are third and final seal on Face. She keeps on torturing the girl who was screaming at the pain she's feeling. On the other side of the place, Natsu managed to find them and broke in, it caught the others attention as the man yelled on another member of demon gates demanding on Erza and Mirajane's whereabouts. As the two soon engaged in a fight with the pink haired boy still asking about the girls. It was after some time when someone had suddenly walk in and asked Franmalth to tends the ex- chairman on which he complied. Natsu crunch his nose as he smell the familiar scent on the guy and think that they're quite similar to the ice mage. Hearing about it Silver looks at him in disgust before he froze the man and throw him at the prison.

Somewhere on the Tartaros Headquarters, Seilah tells Kyoka that Jellal is the only councilor left that is linked to Face as they must find the man on which Kyoka replies that she knows that someone soon will crack up and will tell them the location of the man and that Fairytail should not interfere more on their plan. On the other hand the blue exceed, Happy fly faster towards their guild as he reveals to them of Erza, Mira and Natsu being held captive as well as the former chairman being a traitor. He also told them that Tartaros's Headquarters can't be found on land as it was a Floating Island as Levy quickly tries to pinpoint its direction and trajectory.

With the things keeps happening the Tartaros guild managed to defeat Jellal and breaks the third seal, as Face started to unseal itself, the Cube or the floating headquarters shake violently reacting to it as Kyoka ask Franmalth about the Face coordinates who answered her by telling that they must be far from where it should appear and resurface. The demon also asked him to activate it but he answered that only the chairman could activate it or they can just do it manually. At the same time in Fairytail's basement, Cana stumbled upon Elfman and the lacrima that he put there as he suddenly jump on the girl telling her to perish as well as the whole Fairy tail. It was then when the girl realize that the man are being controlled by someone as she tried to push away the man. Everyone upstairs are preparing to attack the dark guild as Levy managed to locate them and told them that the headquarters are above them. The lacrima that Elfman had put on the basement goes off as an Explosion happen that destroyed the whole guild.

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