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Erza looked at them in shock, she watched them fighting with each other as the other Erza gave Akari a kick on her stomach causing for the girl to stumble a few feet away from her. The girl gets on her feet as Erza changes its weapon to something colour black as some dark magic are leaking from it.

“ What.. what the hell is happening? Who are you?” The other Erza looked at the scarlet mage before she smirk at her. There's some kind of small dragon that appeared out of nowhere as the scarlet mage summons her sword and fought with them.

“ I am you, Erza Scarlet the Titania of Fairytail” the girl said while showing her guild mark as the scarlet mage looks surprise upon seeing it, she was really confused on what's happening. Why is there two Erza? Akari looks at the scarlet mage with her glowing eyes as she saw the girl sliced another enemy.

“ Don't get confused now Erza, that woman is someone who came from the future just like future Lucy” the black haired girl said as she lifted her sword just in time to blocked the attack that was thrown at her. The scarlet mage are surprised about it, knowing that there is another one who came from the future that Cana had told her about earlier. Erza chuckled at it before she turn her attention to scarlet who's still confused on everything while fighting those things around them.

“ I am yourself from the future and if i were you i will kill this demon now that you still have the chance before she can kill us all” the girl said while glaring at Akari's direction, Scarlet however look at her in confusion as the girl attacks Akari with her sword.

“ What are you talking about?” the scarlet mage asked as she takes a glance at them.

“ This demon will be the cause why everyone is gone! She will kill everyone even our family! This demon will be the cause why we lost everything! And this is the reason why i came back from the past to change everything and kill her before she can become something more!” Erza yelled as her sword darker and let out some dark magic that hits Akari on her side causing the girl to let out some hiss. Scarlet's mouth are agape as she looks at them in shock hearing her reason. Her eyes fell on the black haired girl who's kneeling on the ground as her sword are pointed on the ground. Is that really true? Will she really do it?

Erza's mind think about the things that the first master had said about Sith demon and how they are more dangerous that will cause some chaos in the world. She doesn't want to believe the girl but what the first master have told them are quite aligned to what her other self are saying.

“ I won't let it happen” her attention brought back to the black haired girl who slowly stood up, her head are hang low as there is some shadow that forms on the girl's face.

“ I made a promise to future Lucy.. i won't let it happen.. i won't kill anyone” the girl continue as the other Erza let out a scoff.

“ Really? You won't? How so? You're a demon now a monster who will slaughter everyone! How can you be so sure that you will prevent it from happening! You slaughter everyone without showing any mercy! And what makes you think that i will believe what you're saying?!” Future Erza yelled as she attacks Akari, the girl lifted her sword as their weapons collided. Akari looks at the girl with her glowing eyes, the girl seems a little taken a back seeing it up close.

“ I will make sure of it” she said before Erza backflips a few times away from her.

“ What happened in your past had already happened, our future are still unknown and fate can still be change you don't get to tell us what will happen as our fate are not some story that's already been planned and will happen according to what your past is. And i will make sure and prove it to you Future Erza” she said before she's the one who attacks the girl first. The scarlet mage heard everything as she slice the small dragons that keeps appearing around them. She watched as the two fought with each other though there is some doubts about what she heard from Akari. Will she really stop it from happening? Her eyes watch at how the black haired girl fought with her other self, she takes the girl's appearance are. Her skin had changed to something red and there's some veins under her eyes and her forehead. Her fangs are showing a bit as her eyes are glowing in some colour of yellow and red.

Tears Of A Fairy ( Erza x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now