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It's been a month since that explosion happened in the forest. And as the day have gone by quickly, someone is excited of what adventure will she have come across with. The young mage, Akari, are already awake even before the sun have risen. Too excited for the day, she's already in front of the still closed guild. Wearing her usual kind of dress and leather gloves, her hair tied in a high ponytail with two black highlights of hair on each side of her face.

Today is the day that the ‘pervert old man’ had promised to take her on his mission. She's too excited that she can't help but feel jittery. Her hands are shaking from too much  excitement and a big grin on her face, like always.

Footsteps can be heard on the silent morning, a small old man soon appear in front of the guild. A look of surprise on his face upon seeing the young girl. It's still early and the sun doesn't even shine yet. Noticing another presence, Akari turn around and came face to face to the old man who's observing her.

“ Good morning little gramps!” she greeted the old man, excitement can be heard on her voice. The old man shake his head before unlocking the heavy oak door and open it. It is not new to him seeing the young girl come to the guild too early before he open it, for she always have done it whenever she's too excited for the day, but it still surprise him when it happens.

The old man walked inside with the young girl tailing behind him. As soon as they're inside, the young girl get the broom and started cleaning while the old man took some cloth and clean the counter.

“ Say little gramps” the girl started while swiping away the dust. The master just let out some hum before taking a glance at the girl.

“ Do you know what kind of mission are we going with?” the girl continue with light sparkles on her eyes at the mention of mission. The master stops what he's doing and look at the girl.

“ Let's discuss about that when Gildarts is here, for now let's just finish cleaning and have breakfast how about that?” the old man said and the girl let out a big yes before continuing on what she's doing. The sound of free food boost her energy to finish quickly cause free food is the best.

Few hours have past, the guild starts became crowded. And as soon as Gildarts walked inside the guild, Akari jump on his back with his usual attire and black cape but this time there's a bag on his shoulder.

“ Pervy old man! You're here, let's go!” the girl shouted at his ear causing the man to yell at the sudden loud voice. Hearing the commotion, the master walk in front the two and let out a cough to get their attention.

“ Akari” he called for the young girl and she jumped back down before looking at the old man. He have his serious expression, meaning that he wants to tell something serious about her.

“ What it is little gramps?” the others look at him too waiting for what he is about to say.

“ There is no mission that is happening for now” as soon as he said it. The girl look at him dumbfounded her eyes widened a bit. Everyone fell silent observing the little girl. They know how excited she is for the said mission but for the master, telling her that there is no mission they can't help but felt a bit pity for the girl. The girl blink at the man and a look of anger came on her face.

“ What are you saying little gramps?! Pervy man promised me about the mission, how can you say that there is no mission happening. You told me before that i have a month to get ready and it's already a month!” the little girl said teary eyed with anger on her eyes, her closed fist are shaking from it while looking at the old man. The master however are looking calm about it. And Gildarts let out a chuckle. Something ticked on the girl when she heard it.

“ What's funny about it pervy man?!” she said as she gives the man a sudden punch on his jaw. The others jaw dropped that the girl manage to landed a good punch on him and even let him fly on top of the table breaking it. Gildarts however fell silent for a second before a booming laugh came out of him. The master chuckle as well a bit amazed at the girl. The girl let out a growl before stomping towards the laughing man.

“ Okay enough about it Akari calm down there's a reason why i postponed that mission” the girl stops from walking and look at the old man. Gildarts walk beside the girl and wait for the big announcement.

“  We're going on an important event” he said and the girl frown at him and the man beside her let out some grin while the others are getting curious and confused.

“ What's more important than going on a mission. You can go by yourself on that event while me and the pervy man are on the mission” she grumbled while crossing her arms. The man beside her laugh at her while ruffling her hair.

“ Listen for what the master is about to say first okay? We can go on a mission soon but for now let's go with this one and i know you will like it” he said but the girl just let out a huff and a pout on her face.

“ Akari, as the master of this guild i witness how you dedicate yourself on fairytail, how you work hard with everything and the qualifications for this thing” the master began with his words and girl look at him, confused on what's he is talking about. However the others can't help their shock look and a knowing grin spread on their faces.

“ I'd like to announce that you, Akari Dreyar, one of the Fairytail's strong mage are participating on the S Class trial for the week” the said girl felt her eyes widened and jaw dropped as she heard about it. S Class trial, that's like an exam where you can move to a higher rank than normal mage. You can do more dangerous mission with high paying jewels. Being rank as S Class wizard is one of her goals and now hearing that the master had called for her to participate, she can't help the tears on her eyes but they won't fall on her cheeks.

The girl jumped on the small man giving him a tight hug. The other members are cheering for her and giving some good luck words. While on the other table, Cana have a soft smile to  the scene in front of her. Akari told her once that one of her goals are to become an S Class wizard. And she knows that the girl are on step closer to it.

“ Thank you little gramps!” the girl said before lifting her self up and go to her big sister, telling her the news even though she already knows. The excitement that radiating on her makes everyone to feel happy as well for the girl. Macao and Wakaba walk to the masters direction with him drinking some beer.

“ What kind of trial would it be this time master? The trials are never an easy one and even though she's strong she's still a kid” Macao ask the master with Wakaba agreeing to him.

“ Still the same and since Laxus is not here, Gildarts will be her opponent.” some of the members spit their drinks when they heard it. How can Akari win over him? She's strong but still she's no match to him. The master is cruel. The girl who heard him, her eyes lit up with happiness and a look of determination can be seen on her face.

“ Hah! I will beat you pervy old man and i will become an S Class wizard!” she said grinning widely with her fist held up towards the man. The man smile at her, lifting up his hand towards her too. The others wanted to witness what will happen on the trial but they know that they can't as it will be held somewhere.

“ Now that it's all settled, Macao I'll leave you incharge for a week and you brats stop causing trouble, understood?” the master said as Macao nodded his head and the members giving a salute at the master. The two old man starts walking through the door, Akari stops in front of Cana and give the girl a hug which she returned, bid goodbye to the girl and telling her to be careful and that she will be back after a week. The older girl smile at her figure that's trying to catch up to the two old man going on Hargeon.

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