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“ Where are we going little gramps? I thought pervy old man and i are going to fight?” the little girl ask the master as they are walking on Hargeon. They stop in front of one boat and the girl look at the two old man. She wanted to ask on why they are going on a boat but as soon as she step on it, she felt like her stomach are doing some flips.

“ Blurgh!” she held her mouth as she fell on her knees, sweat all over her and she also felt cold. This is the first time that something like this happen. The two old man look at her horrified, they didn't expect something like this to happen. The girls face turn green as if she's going to puke. Gildarts carefully lift the girl when she suddenly passed out and took her inside the room. The master facepalm as he didn't expect that she won't be a boat person. After taking the girl inside they began to sail to where the S Class trial will be held.

A few hours sailing in the sea when Akari woke up but still feeling sick. She manage to walk outside the room after a few minutes but when the feeling of her stomach doing some flip  she ran full speed at the edge of the boat emptying everything that she consumed earlier. The master, seeing that she's already awake gives the girl some water, rubbing her back. Lifting up her head she saw something far away from them.  An island with the shape of mushroom came to her view.

“ L-little g-gramps... are we... g-going to the... m-mushroom?” she ask stuttering as she finds it hard to speak with the urge to puke again while pointing at the island. A snort came from behind got her attention. Gildarts walk beside the girl and look at the island.

“ That's not a mushroom it's the sacred place of Fairytail, the Tenrou island” the master said and the girl continue to stare at it. Wondering why it looks like some mushroom.

“ B-but... why does it.. looks like a mushroom?” she asked innocently and Gildarts laugh at her while the master just shook his head before letting out a sigh. Helping the girl to get off the edge when they arrive at the island, Gildarts carried the girl. Walking on the island for an hour before they came to stop the man put the girl down. The girl look around the area trying to familiarise herself at the new sight.  Earlier when they step on the island she felt something inside her but she shrug it off as it doesn't felt like something dangerous.

It's already afternoon after sailing for a few hours, they start setting up some tents. With Gildarts helping the girl not wanting her to get hurt and also to make sure that it is tied enough that it won't fall off. Noticing that she can't be any help building the tent she walk off to get some logs for the fire later. Observing everything with thoughts running on her head she didn't notice that she have gone too far from everyone. Looking around the area she doesn't see anything and just continue to walk until she stop when she saw something just ahead of her. Something that looks like a grave. The feeling that she felt earlier came back, a warm feeling building up inside her. Walking closer at the grave she stops in front of it. Carefully touching the stone as if she's afraid that it will break. It’s warm. The girl thought as she just blink at it.

A bird fly over her and it landed on her shoulder. She continue to observe the grave thinking on who might be the person underneath it. Thinking that she doesn't have the answer she starts picking up some logs around the area. Putting them all together on the side and just wait for the little gramps or Gildarts to find her as she doesn't want to move and get lost again. The place is in peace, the wind around is fresh as it softly brush against her skin. Sitting comfortably on the ground while leaning on some tree she didn't notice that she fell asleep at the silence.

The two old man are wondering where did the girl have gone to. She was right there with them and suddenly she was gone. They brush it off thinking that the girl just wanted to look around, but waiting for the girl for an hour they start to look for her, afraid that something bad had happen. The two split up searching for the young girl. The master however decided to look at one place. She could be there and if not then he will search at the other area. The girl sometimes have too much curiosity on her that she doesn't even notice she spent hours on it, and thinking about that place maybe she have found it and got curious.

Walking calmly with his hands behind his back the master let out a sigh. Arriving at the place he caught something under the tree. There, the girl are sitting on the ground with her head hang low and a bird resting on her shoulder. The old man walk closer to check on her but stops as he heard a light snore coming from the girl. Maybe the girl are still tired with what happened earlier. The man smile at the sight and look at the grave across them. He's right the girl had found it, and he is sure that the girl will ask him about it later. Deciding that they should go back as it would be dark soon, the man walk to the girl nudging her side softly waking her up.

“ Little gramps?” the girl ask while rubbing her eyes.

“ We should go back before it gets dark” the old man said and the girl stood up picking up the logs and follow the master. Walking in the forest, silence have envelope the both of them. The old man take a glance at the girl it's unlikely for her to be quiet, the girl usually are asking questions or just talking about something but the girl beside him are not. She has a look of seriousness on her face as if she's thinking about something.

“ Master...” the master let out some hum and the girl look at him. Battling if she should ask him about the grave or not but the curiosity is eating her up.

“ It's about the grave..” she began as the man take a glance at her. Waiting for her to continue as he expected the upcoming questions of the girl. The girl look at ground still following behind the old man.

“ Who's grave it is master? You never mention about it or someone that died before”

“ Why do you ask?” the man said as she pout a little with the man answering her with a question.

“ I'm just curious little gramps you never told me about it and besides there is something about this mushroom island especially that grave before” she said as the man stops from walking. Turning around he look at the girl who also stop not wanting to bump at him.

“ Something?”

“ Yeah when we step on this island i felt something inside me. I don't know what it is but that grave earlier, i feel some warmth coming from it” the girl said with a shrug the man just stare at her not believing what he just heard from the girl. She felt it?

“ Akari you still remember the stories i told you before about the founding master of Fairytail?” he ask the girl who nodded at him.

“ That's her grave the first master of Fairytail, Mavis Vermilion. And what you felt earlier might be her spirit, who knows” he continued with a shrug on the last part. The girls eye widened at what he just said.

“ EH?!! Y-YOU MEAN THERE'S A GHOST IN HERE LITTLE GRAMPS?!!” the girl yelled in shock her face become pale and when the old man nod at her. She took off running ahead of the man while screaming.

“ Brat! Stop running before you get lost again!” the man yelled at her but it's too late as the girls figure disappeared. He let out a sigh and look at the sky. Master Mavis. He thought and followed the girl.

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