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“ A-akari! Stop.. for a moment..” the blonde girl said at Akari, stoping her for the attack she's about to do. Lucy panted as she's holding her knees catching her breath, the card mage beside her is also the same. The girl put her hand down and look at the two mage in front of her who's drenched in sweat and have some bruises all over their body. It's almost two weeks now though there is one more day before the trial but the three of them continue to their training not wanting to stop.

“ What is it?” the girl asked the blonde girl who straighten her body as she looks at her.

“ Can we... stop now and just relax? We only have a day before the trial and we won't get to hangout with you for a few days” the girl said as Akari blinks her eyes at the girl's answer. They have been training nonstop for the past week and Akari can tell that the two have improve with their skills and all.

“ Maybe you're right, after all you two have improved a lot. Let's just call it a day and stop the training, you're body still needs a lot of rest before you go for the trial” she said as she takes a seat under the tree with her sword on her side. The two mage smiled at each other as they followed the girl and sat there too, between them are Akari that now are lying on the ground while she's staring at the sky. The wind softly brushing on their skin that it made them feel relax and the two soon followed as they lay down beside the girl. Silence filled their surroundings but they didn't mind as their presence are enough for them to not say anything and enjoy the day.

“ Say.. what things are you going to do when we're out for the trial? You said that you have things to do, right?” Cana asked suddenly the girl in between them, the girl opened her eyes before she takes a glance at the older girl.

“ Yeah.. I'm doing some mission for Blue Pegasus. The master said that master Bob requested for my assistance with some Dark Guilds that are threatening them for a war” she said to the two girls beside her who's listening to her answer with the blonde girl looks at her in confusion and Cana explained  to the girl what's Akari’s connection with the said guild. Lucy looks surprise as she didn't know that Akari is some kind of ally for Blue Pegasus.

“ By the way, here's the cards thincan” Akari said suddenly as she sat up and take something inside her coat. The two mage also sat up and waited for the girl to find it. Taking it out the girl gives it back to the card mage who examine it and quickly look at the girl who's grinning at her when she noticed something from the cards.

“ You did it?!” she asked the girl excitedly who nodded at her before she tackled the girl on the ground while laughing. She let's go of the girl and observe the cards, the blonde girl moves closer to see it too.

“ How do i do this?”

“ Just the same thing on how you use your cards but be careful when you use them Cana, using this can be dangerous if you made a mistake. Also those three cards are different with each other, that one on the top it's the magic that can trap someone and bring them inside the dimension, this one however is you can simply just trap them inside the card..” she explained to the older girl while she took the other card and show it to them. Lucy think that this one is familiar or rather the same with Shō when he uses it to trap them inside the cards back at the Akane resort. But still she's amazed at the girl that she can do something like that. She even helped her to improve her whip that she's calling now as Light Whip.

“ And this one.. is not for an attack hehe.. it's some kind of communication card that will allow you to communicate with someone that you gave the other cards like this” she showed it to the girl as the two looks at it closely with their mouths agape. The girl just created a card that can be use as a communication, they think this one is much better than the communication lacrima as it is also too expensive for them to buy.

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