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“ I didn't expect that you'll be the one to reach me first, Akari” Zeref told the girl as Akari didn't say anything and just stared at the man, the girl glared at him before firing an attack to which Zeref has easily deflects with his own. Their attacks continue to clash on each other as no one seems to hit one another, Zeref squinted his eyes as he felt that someone is coming. He stopped his attacks and look at the girl in front of him before he lifted his hand and summon a dark magic as Akari stared at him wondering what he is about to do.

“ I want to continue my fight with you however there is someone that i should fight with and no worries.. you'll be fighting against someone, one of my perfect creations” the man said with his eyes glowing in red before someone came out from the dark magic as Akari froze on her tracks with her wide eyes. Shocked and Horror were written on her face as her eyes stared at the person who just came.

“ I personally prepared this for you when the time has come, you against your own weakness.. E.M.D Etherious Makarov Dreyar” Akari stood frozen on her tracks as her eyes keeps staring at the old little man beside Zeref, she was horrified seeing him in front of her but something inside her felt disgusted at the thought that Zeref creates something like that it wasn't just another person but someone who's dear to her. Her face hardened as she glared at the black haired man, she readied herself and was about to attack him when suddenly her surroundings changed as she stops from moving and blink a few times before looking around. The guild has disappeared as all she can see are some rocks and dead soldiers she came to realization that she got transported outside the guild and onto the battlefield.

She quickly jumped to the side when something came towards her as an explosion happen, her eyes search for the culprit and found the old man Etherious Makarov standing there a little far away from her. Observing the man, she can't help the little amazement she's feeling seeing that Zeref creates an exact replica of their old master. There is also something inside her that telling her not to hurt him but on the other hand her mind is telling her that the old man in front of her are not her little gramps but an enemy an impostor.

“ Not bad” he said as he looks at her coldly, Akari felt some goosebumps at the looks he's giving her that it's making her uncomfortable. Her eyes widen in shock as the old man vanished from where he's standing and suddenly there's something that hit her on the stomach making her fly backwards into the rocks. The girl let out some coughs as she can't believe at how fast he is that she didn't get to do anything from that surprise attack. Akari tried to tell herself that this man is an enemy that she should fought and defeated but there's something stopping her from hurting the man.

Etherious Makarov continue to attack the girl who tried her best to avoid the attacks as it caught the man's attention before blasting her with his light magic sending her back on the ground. He was confused on why she's not attacking him or hit him back as his eyebrows furrowed, he steps closer to the girl who's still on the ground panting heavily. The man asked her some questions on why she's not attacking back to which the girl replied that she can't do it nor hurt the man with the same face of the old master. The man just let out a humming sound before sending another attack on the girl, Akari tried to push herself up but fall back as her body felt exhausted from the amount of attacks she had received and the magic that she had used. She keeps telling herself that she need to fight back and give herself some more prep talks encouraging herself to fight back before she closes her eyes to think about something. Etherious Makarov lifted his hand sending another attack but Akari opened her eyes as some shield appears in front of her blocking the attack. She smiled a bit to herself before she dashed forward sending an attack to the man as an explosion happened and the smoke and dust covered them both. Akari then made herself something unnoticeable as she began her plan, Etherious Makarov's guard are on alert as he felt an energy in front of him thinking that it was the girl he fired an attack to it as the smoke and dust parted. His eyes widen in shocked as he felt some presence behind him but it was too late as Akari managed to freeze his soul stopping him from everything.

Akari landed in front of him as she panted a bit, a small smile appeared on her face seeing that she succeed on her plan. The girl didn't want to fight nor hurt the man and so she thought of some ways to easily defeats him and that was it, she froze his soul to stop him fully from moving or to do something more. The man can't do anything as he tried to move his body but it didn't listen to him as Akari steps closer to him. Her eyes glowed more with silver on it before she thrust her hand to his chest sending an energy inside him, his soul screams in pain as she took a hold of it before pulling it out of his body that falls on the ground after removing his soul. Looking at the soul in her grasp Akari closes her eyes as something like a door appeared on the ground when she mumbled a quick Death's door. It's something like a portal door that as soon as it opened, heat and a strong wind hit her face. She look again at the soul in her hand before tossing it through the door on the ground as she can hear the screams of his soul begging for her to save him. The magic disappeared as Akari slumped back on the ground while panting heavily as her chest hurt a bit from using soul magic with that spell that she didn't much had use before. Her mind think about the old man as something pinch her heart at the thought of him being gone when he sacrificed himself earlier. Her surroundings suddenly lit up with the same red color just like before the whole Magnolia changes its shape, she closes her eyes as it lighten up more brightly that it took a few more minutes before it's starting to disappear as she takes in the view in front of her. Alzack and Bisca stood a little far away from her who's eyes found where she stood as their face hardened with some hate on their eyes remembering what she did to their daughter as Akari look away from them feeling ashamed and also hurt from the hate she's seeing on them though she can't argue with it as she knew to herself that she deserves it for all the things she had done to them and to everyone.

Hey everyone sorry for not updating for the last 7 days i got busy with work, hope you understand.

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