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After the games had ended for the day, all Fairytail members met up at the same place as they celebrated the wins of Akari. Lucy are now with them as the older woman, Poluchka discharge her the same time after she treated Akari's bruises and put some bandage on her arms. The black haired girl got tons of nagging from the old master and also receives some smacks in the head when she used that same magic spell although she explained it to the man that she already had mastered it and the same thing that happened before won't happen again. The man just sigh at her as he tooks some chugs on his drink.

The place are packed with the members talking and partying with each other, Akari saw Cana sitting at one corner with a barrel on her side she just shook her head at the girl before she takes a sip on her drink. Their night continue as the girl decided that she had enough partying and told the white haired mage that she would head out and back to their room as she still felt tired from the fight earlier.

DAY TWO of the Grand magic games, it is revealed that the second event are called Chariot. A race against each representatives starting from Crocus to Domus Flau and to make it more interesting it will happen at the top of moving wagons. Hearing about what kind of event it is, Natsu's face immediately turned to green at the thought of wagons. And so the race had began, while the others are now nearing the finish line the three dragon slayers however are still far away as their faces turned green from the motion sickness. The both teams of Fairytail sigh and facepalm their selves at the sight of them, having a battle while facing one of their weaknesses are hard.

Natsu continue to push forward not wanting to give up and the same with Gajeel even though it looks like they are now close to passing out they still did. Sting questioned them on why they are trying so hard on which the pink haired boy replied him with quite a speech, saying that they are doing it for the guild and to those members who had waited for them for years and never had once given up of finding them. Natsu continue to say something more as Sting stopped from moving as he listened to the man's answer. What he said was heard all over the arena that it touched the guild members as they started crying same with the other people in the crowd as they all see how dedicated the members are on not giving up. It started to change the others view on their guild as the people now starts cheering for them as Natsu and Gajeel pushed forward until they made it on the finish line being the 6th and 7th placer as Sting dropped out earning him the last place with zero points. The two dragon slayer was put in the infirmary from the exhaustion after they finished the event.

The battle continue as the crowd will get wild when someone defeated the other until it turned to an interesting battle between Blue Pegasus's Jenny and Fairytail team B Mirajane. Their battle seems to be different from the other ones as it turns out to be a battle of fashion on which some of the participants joined too with the Transformation magic being used as they all changes to what outfits they desire.

One of the battle came to the ‘ Blushing Contest’ on which all the participants that have joined will change to some wedding gown outfits and added something that really made them all blushed whether it could be in embarrassment or something more as some guild members got transported in the arena. Akari blinked in surprise as she was just watching from their place earlier and then the next second she was now in the arena same with Laxus and Gajeel. The girl looked down at her outfit, she's now wearing some white suit and white pants as her gloves that are black became white. Akari frown a bit wondering why would she got transported here, she looks up to look at the two dragon slayer beside her but they are nowhere to be seen instead there is a scarlet haired mage who's looking at her with her eyes widened a bit. Erza looked away as her face became red that it almost change to her hair colour.

“ Huh?” the girl look at her in confusion as she observed the scarlet mage's face. Is she sick? Her face are red.. the girl thought to herself as the current battle suddenly come to an end when the old lady from the Lamia Scale joined them on which everyone had become disappointed as the participants left the arena and only the two members, Jenny and Mirajane are left at the center. After all that matches that had happen earlier, Jenny decided to bet something for the next battle as who ever loses needs to do some nude photos for the Sorcerer's Magazine. On which the white haired girl agrees as Jenny let out a smirk before transforming into her Battle form. But the white haired mage decided to take the last battle seriously as she also decided to bet that they should also do the Battle of Strength on which the girl uses her  Take Over magic and transform to her Satan Soul: Sitri form before she ends the battle with a single hit that earned their team some 10 points.

Akari looked surprised at her Satan Soul as she didn't expect it to be something like that, also Cana told her that she can also use some other form of her magic. She continue to stare at the girl as the white haired mage walks in their direction with a smile on her face.

As the day had ended, Akari decided to stroll around and met up with Jellal reporting that they haven't feel anything yet about the strange magic as they continue their conversation before the man told her that he needs to leave as they have other things to do and investigate more. The black haired girl continue to stroll around until she came to a stop upon seeing a scarlet mage talking to someone with cat ears and a tail behind her. Noticing her presence the two turned to her as she blinked in surprise and embarrassment that she got caught staring at them.

“ Sorry did i interrupt something?” she asked as the two looked at each other before shaking their heads at the same time. The woman nods her head before she turned around ready to leave again.

“ Wait Akari!” the mage said as bid the cat woman some goodnight as Erza walks beside her. The two mage's didn't say anything as they walked in silence. Erza glance at the girl who looks so calm as her hair are moving from side to side as she walk. After a minute, the girl didn't take it anymore as she asked her on where did she go. Akari told her honestly that she had met up with Jellal to discuss about the strange magic and told her the other thing that the man had said to her. Erza's lips formed a smile before she bid the girl a goodnight as they got near the scarlet mage's room. The girl also walks back to hers as the night had deepen.

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