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“ Unless she already had died.. and got revived from the dead” the first master said as they fell in silence not knowing what to say as they are confused on what's happening. The door opened and the old woman, Poluchka walked inside with Wendy following her. The old woman frown when she didn't see the black haired girl on the bed.

“ Does Akari regained consciousness? Why did you let her leave Makarov she's still not strong enough to move” the old man turned to her as he has a serious look on his face. The new comers noticed this and they are wondering what happened while they're not here.

“ Poluchka.. tell me honestly, did something happen earlier?” the old woman's eyes widened a bit at the question and it didn't go unnoticed by the first master's eyes. Wendy are quiet beside the woman as she's looking down at the floor not wanting to look up. The old woman took a deep breath as she close her eyes a bit before she looks at him.

“ Yeah there is, her heart stopped from beating when i removed the poison on the wounds but it didn't take that long as it suddenly starts beating again. I found it strange at first as her wounds seems like it's letting out some smoke like it was burning and it also started to heal although it was slow it still is” she said as the first master think about what she said.

“ That's one of the Sith Demon's ability, they can heal their selves..”

“ Sith Demon?!” the old woman exclaimed shocked upon hearing the name of that kind of demon. The others noticed the woman's reaction wondering if she knows something about it.

“ I think you also know about them Poluchka” the old woman looked down as her jaw clenched at it.

“ Not much but i heard some information about those demons before, they're a rare kinds of demons where even the Dark Wizard can't create something like that as it was said that only chosen ones would turned like them or the Pure blood ones which was passed down from their ancestors” The others are listening intently not liking what they are hearing.

“ Does it mean Sith Demon are worse than the Dark Wizard?” The blonde girl, Lucy asked quietly as the others seems to be having the same thoughts about it.

“ We don't really know.. it was said that Pure blood Sith's can't die, although the one's who got turned for being chosen can as their Sith forms are much more weaker than the purebloods”

“ Akari is turning into one of them does it mean she's a chosen one?” Erza asked to no one in particular as the old woman turned to her in surprise.

“ What? What do you mean Akari is turning like them? What really happened here Makarov?” the old man explained to them everything that had happened as Laxus, Mira, Juvia and the Thunder legion listened as they still don't have any idea on what happened before they came.

“ But how could it happen?”

“ It was because of her Magic. The soul magic that she has comes from darkness and the force magic that she's also using comes from it. The two started to fuse with the Force that can turn someone into a Sith Demon. What happened to her may have triggered the fusion to happen when she died and got brought back” the first master answered the old woman as the room fell in silence.

“ Then what are we going to do?"

“ We kill her..”


The black haired girl continue to run in the streets, she's wearing a white long sleeve that probably the old woman had brought and changed the old one's she's wearing that night. Akari didn't know what's happening to herself but she knows there's something wrong with her. The girl jumped down from the bride and under it before she leaned on the wall panting a bit.

There's some water on the ground and the girl walked to it as she stare at the reflection of herself. She look at it in shocked upon seeing her eyes, it was now glowing with yellow and theres a circle of red hue in the center. What the hell is happening to me?



Everyone exclaimed in shock at the first masters words. Killing Akari? That's absurd!

“ Master Mavis, what are you saying? Akari is my child and i won't let anyone harm her not even kill her!” the old man exclaimed as the others agreed to him. They won't do it, they can't. The girl is part of their family, how could the first master had suggested it? Mavis looked at them with a serious look in her eyes as the others also looked at her.

“ Makarov, that child is now becoming a Sith Demon and someone who can use Soul Magic. Don't you see it? She can cause havoc on everyone and kill hundreds or thousands of people with just her finger if she uses it. Sith Demon are not like any normal demons that we know, they are much more dangerous and wild. You have already seen it when she attacked Erza, she's not yet a full Sith but her power and strength are on much different levels than any of us. And the only thing we can do is to kill her before she can turn into a full one” Mavis said to them as they didn't do anything.

They clenched their jaws and hands hearing what the first master have said, she have a point but how can they kill someone like her? She's a friend, a sister, a family. If it's another person they can do it but her? They can't..

Erza quickly left closing the door loudly as the others stared at the door. Cana also stood up from where she's sitting and ran out of the room. Their hearts are heavy with the information they just heard. They wish they had left earlier, that way they won't heard what the first master have said. The scarlet mage took a seat on the rock as she pulled her knees close to her chest, her face buried on it. Tears started to form on her eyes at the thought of the girl as the memories of her played on her minds. A sob comes out from her followed by the tears that's flowing down her cheeks as she started to cry loudly. Wendy who followed after the two left the room stared at the girl who's crying her hearts out, there's also some tears on her eyes upon watching the girl cry like that.

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