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The next time that the scarlet mage had woken up she was surrounded by the others as they are inside of some room, the others told her that they defeated the dragons with smiles on their faces. Erza smiled at them too but it soon faded when she remembers what happened before she lost her consciousness. She asked them about the black haired girl but all she heard from them is that she was alone when they have found her that night. The girl fell silent after that as she was thinking on what happened that night, it looks like the black haired girl knocked her out so that she can escape from them.

The blonde haired girl told her that they will go to the ball that the Kingdom are hosting as a thank you for helping them taken out the dragons and also the celebration for being the winner in grand magic games. Erza listened to the blonde girl who's talking to her excitedly about the event that will happen later at night.

Meanwhile somewhere out in the mountains, Gildarts have met with someone who he knows and has been trying to look for years. The Crash mage has some grim look on his face, there's a high tension around them as he stared at the person in front of him. It was the same person that he met during that mission with Akari and the one who he had fought with.

Gildarts didn't waste anymore time as he quickly attacked the man, the two engaged in a fight with Gildarts thinking that he will made him pay for what he did back then. Their fight continue as the man are strong that it took some time for Gildarts to finally have defeated the man.

Just as he was about to walk away, the man said something that it made him froze on his track as he slowly turn on the man wondering on what he's talking about. The man just told him that they didn't know what kind of monster they have brought in on their guild. The man also revealed that there is someone out there who wants to find the girl. Wanted to have her and will do everything in their power to get a hold of the girl, Gildarts ask the man about it but was met with ashes that shocks him. The man's body just perished in some ashes as he followed it fly in the air  thinking about what he said.

At the Kingdom, some of the Fairytail members are helping the people rebuild the things that had been destroy by the dragons. The old master along with Erza and the first master, all three of them are inside a room and having a discussion about the black haired girl as Erza told them what happened during the invasion. The two listened to what the scarlet mage have said as they think of what they should do on the girl, Erza thinks about the girl quite worried. No matter what happen or what the master's decision is, as long as it's not about killing the girl she won't do it, she will never do it.

It was around that time when the communication lacrima on the old man had heat up, someone wanted to communicate with him. He took the ball of lacrima as he also put his magic to it and Gildarts features appeared on it.

“ What is it Gildarts? It's rare for you to communicate through the lacrima it must be really important” the old man said as he notice the serious look on the crash mage's face, the other two who's in the room also looks at the crystal ball and waited for what the man will say. Gildarts told them that he met the same person that time before Akari had vanished and told them what the man had said before he disappeared.

“ What?”

“ The man had said it and my mind are telling me that it has something to do with Akari, someone is out there to get her master. You need to forbid the girl for going on a solo mission for now or it might cause us some serious problem. We have no idea what kind of person are them or how powerful they are” the three stared at the lacrima in shock thinking on what the hell is really happening and why things seems to keep happening on the girl.

The old man doesn't have a choice but to tell him that the girl is currently missing, he also told him everything that happened since that time when the girl got stabbed with someone and about the invasion of the dragons. The man have his mouth agape not believing that all of that really happened, his thoughts think about the girl as he bid goodbye to them. If the person who wants to have the girl are out there, and the girl is missing it could be a good opportunity for them to finally get a hold of the girl. That person could be someone who wants the girl's power or something and they can't let them have her no matter what. And with the things that had change on the girl it might be one of the reason why those persons wanted her. Sith Demon huh.. he thought as he lifted his sack on his back before walking away.

As the day continue, someone in the forest keeps groaning as her body fell on the ground. Akari have some sweat on her forehead as she was holding her arms that are aching, her body started to change to it's normal colour as she managed to turn it back as red skin are quite flashy and will attract everyone's attention. As the pain had subsided, the girl stood up as she dusted her clothes and wipes away the sweat. The girl put her sword on her back before she go outside the forest and to some shops, she buys some things that she can use while on a travel. She put on her new set of clothes and the traveling cloak around her with the hood covering her head, she also buy some masks to hides her face incase she encounter someone she knew.

Walking in the streets the girl heard about the ball that will happen that night at the palace, Akari smiled at the thought of everyone joining it especially Lucy as the girl likes those events. She looks up in the sky as the wind blew passed her before she starts walking a way with a sack on her back along with her sword that's strapped on it.

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