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As Anna and Ichiya got released from the time space magic, the both of them enlightened everyone on what happened inside it, with the news of all dragon slayers being taken inside the time space and how Acnologia's spirit and flesh were separated realization hits them that the dragon might meant to cause destruction or something that is much worse than that as the black dragon are still headed to Magnolia. Another presence appeared on the scene as Mest reach his hand towards the scarlet mage wanting to teleport her to everyone and inform them about what they have found out.

Meanwhile Lucy continued to cry along with the blue exceed at the thought of Natsu being gone forever, two figures appeared out of nowhere as Erza look up towards her comrades taking in their appearance with a lot of bruises all over their body. Seeing the reaction of the blonde girl Erza already knew what happened and before Lucy could cry even more she told them that Natsu is still alive somewhere which gave them some hope as their face lighten up with relief. Loud footsteps can be heard through their surroundings as the rest of team Natsu looks on the other side as the rest of the Fairytail members along with the members of different guilds are with them walking on their direction with a smile on their faces.  Looking on the opposite direction Erza's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the old master's body sitting on a chair, alive, as tears clouded her eyes. A feeling of different emotions build up inside her as a lump on her throat makes it difficult to breath, the old man apologize to the girl for making her worry. Erza's thoughts goes to the black haired girl who's still inside the time space knowing that she will be delighted when she sees the old man again.

Their small reunion got cut off as Mest steps forward getting everyone's attention to him as Erza inform them on what's happening with the help of Anna and Ichiya, while they tried to take in the information that they received their minds are running with different thoughts and questions. The old master suddenly looks up who's still sitting in the chair with some bandages on his body from the bruises that he received on the battlefield.

“ In short, Akari and all the dragon slayers are now trapped inside the time rift thingy and Acnologia's spirit form is with them?” the old master finishes  as the others listened to what he's saying, Levy steps forward a bit as there is some question that's bugging her mind with the information regarding all the dragon slayers being inside the time space.

“ There is something that I'd like to know..” Levy started as the others looks on the girl's direction waiting for her to continue.

“ I understand the connection of all the dragon slayers being taken inside the time rift by Acnologia but what does Akari's part on it? Ichiya and Ms. Anna got released from it as they have nothing part of his plan but what is his intention on her?” as soon as Levy said it, the others realize it too as once again their mind got filled with various of thoughts and questions. Anna who's been silent on the side stare at them before she decided to participate in the conversation.

“ It's her magic, the Soul Magic inside her, that is what Acnologia want from her” the blonde woman got a lot of curious gaze as she continues on what she's saying.

“ Acnologia knows about her Soul Magic and he plans on getting it from her, although he's strong and powerful enough that is something that he doesn't have and imagine what he could do when he gets his hands on those magic” listening to the blonde woman everyone now realize what the black dragon's intention to the girl and the threat it holds to everyone and to the human race. He can eliminate or control everything if he wants to with those magic and that's not something they will let happen anytime soon but with the girl trapped inside the time rift they just hope that the girl and everyone can prevent Acnologia from getting it to her or else.. they're doom.

“ In that case, all they need to do is defeated his spirit!” Gray states as Bickslow grin at them saying that Laxus is with them too. Hope started to build up inside them of defeating the black dragon but there is some doubts too as they are talking about the Acnologia, the Dragon King.

“ There is another problem.. Acnologia's dragon form are headed to Magnolia..” silence fell on everyone as their hearts skip a beat at the thought of the dragon. The old master closes his eyes, calculating everything and some possible solution but he can't find anything. After some time the old man opened his eyes as he stare on everyone who's in deep thoughts, he started to speak, breaking the silence of their surroundings as the others put their attention to Makarov.

“ I'll get right to the point, with Akari and the dragon slayers being stuck in the time rift we have no way of defeating the dragon now” some of them agreed to the old man as they know on their selves that there is no way they can defeat the dragon without loosing their own life, though they also knew that they can't just ignore it and let the dragon cause some destruction.

“ Even we can't beat it, we can at least immobilise it or something” the ice mage suggested as Juvia agreed to him saying that he could use his ice to freeze him but Erza quickly brushes it off as magic has no effect on the dragon which causes some grunts from the others as all they have is their magic power, a group of wizard. A little bit moment of brainstorming happened before the blue haired girl, Levy noticed Lucy who's in deep thoughts while her eyes are close.

“ What is it, Lucy?” Levy asked the girl as Lucy opened her eyes a possible solution inside her mind.

“ There might be one way, actually..” the blonde girl answered causing the others eyes to widen a bit about her answer though a sudden explosion caught their attention before they heard the dragon's roar followed by another series of explosion. The ground are shaking from it as rocks and dust are flying everywhere, the civilians starts to panic as they ran for their life.

“ This is bad! We need to leave!” Mest exclaimed to them, Cana turned to the blonde girl who's standing behind her a few feet away as another explosion happened.

“ Lucy! What's this plan of yours?!” she asked the girl as Lucy blinks a little before starting to give some orders for the others to do for the plan.

“ We need some people to hurry in the port of Hargeon and get a big ship ready!” she said as they all looked at the blonde girl in confusion on what she's planning that includes some big ship to be ready but they quickly realized it as ships are the dragon slayer's weakness though they're a little bit unsure on how they can make Acnologia's dragon form get into the ship they still move to follow the instructions.

“ I guess that is our only option as magic and swords won't work on him though it will just make him a bit sick for a moment”

“ That will be our one chance.. to use the spell!” Another explosion happened near the down after Lucy said it as a cloud of smoke fly through the air.

“ You said magic won't work?!” one member of Sabertooth said as Lucy stared at him before answering as she let out some cough from the dust and smoke.

“ But there is one spell that could might work!” she argued back at him before she turned to both Levy and Freed behind her stating another instruction as she needs their help.

“ Everyone else will split into two teams, one team will be headed to Hargeon first and the other will lead Acnologia there. It will be dangerous i know but we must make him go there. Also we'll need more Fairytail members there as possible” Lucy finishes as Minerva from Sabertooth states to leave the luring  to them with Yukino asking what is the spell she's talking about.

“ It's the one spell that not even Acnologia could break, one of close personal bonds..” a thought came to some of the Fairytail members before they started to figure out the spell she's talking about.

“ The first master's spell..”

“ The one that saved us on Tenrou island..”

“ That absolute protection spell” Gildarts finishes as a lool of shock were written on his face.

“ One of Fairytail's Three Grand Magic spell: Fairy Sphere!” the blonde girl confirmed their suspicion before Freed stated that it was a defensive spell  though Erza seems to realize what's her intention to use the spell for before  the others realized it too. Lucy plans to trap Acnologia inside the Fairy Sphere, Mest steps forward to argue about the spell saying that it won't work though Lucy quickly cuts him off stating that it was their only hope as the others seems to agree on the girl before moving to follow her plan.

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