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Alzack's body fell on the floor as Akari's eyes glowed  in deep red while looking at his fallen figure, Bisca gets to his side and tried to wake him up when he suddenly fell unconscious.

“ Don't disturb me.. or I'll kill you all” Akari said in a dangerous voice as she let out some of her killing intent, the others stiffened when they felt the terrifying aura coming from the girl as Makarov and Mavis are shocked to feel such dangerous magic from her. Makarov observes the girl who closes her eyes again, this girl are not Akari anymore the one who used to pull some pranks on him, the one who's excited to go in a fight with the other members, the one who wanted to protect them all. This girl is not the one he took care of ever since she was a toddler, this girl in front of them are the opposite of real Akari. Makarov continue to watch the girl, Erza and some of their members are not yet back in the guild. Cana who's in the corner stared at the black haired girl in sadness, she can't recognize the girl in front of them. This is not Akari, her sister and their family.

Meanwhile Natsu and Zeref continue to fight as Zeref told him everything about E.N.D and who it is, Natsu was shocked on what he just heard as Happy looks at his partner. The pink haired boy gritted his teeth and denying everything what he said but Zeref shot the book on its center as Natsu felt that his chest are in pain. Both fairytail members realize that what he said are true and therefore brushing the thought of it, Natsu uses the power that came from Igneel one more time. But before he can attack the black wizard he got lifted in the air as Happy took him by his shirt saying that he doesn't want him to die as tears are flowing down his cheeks on which Natsu's face soften at what he said and didn't say anything. Happy continue to fly away from the Alvarez forces as Zeref watch them, his eyes glowed in red as he states that there's no one who can defeat him now and he won't hold back any longer.

At Hargeon Port, Dimaria and Wall takes in the scenery of the town as they easily defeated the people who's guarding there. The girl told her companion that she was glad that he didn't destroy the town as he replies that his target is Magnolia, Dimaria then reminds him that Brandish are held captive on the local prison as she asked about one of their companion's whereabouts, Neinhart who decided to stay at the ship. On the outskirts, Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale are just arriving in town as they are in awe seeing the Alvarez forces. Somewhere in the North, Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth are battling with their enemies forces when suddenly one of the Saber's member Yukino sees that the others are running in fear as one of those person's blood came out of his nose, ears and mouth. The girl are shocked when the cause of their fear got revealed as Bloodman, one of the members of Spriggan walks in their direction.

In the Fairytail guild, Akari opens her eyes as she heard someone's voice in her head calling for her. The girl stood up from where she was sitting, alerting everyone as they all turn to her. Akari noticed it but brushed it off as she began to walk towards the door of the guild.

“ Akari..” the girl stops in her track as someone called for her before she takes a glance at the side. Makarov looks at her directly in the eyes as she stared back at him. Their staring contest last for a minute before the girl looks away and started to walk again outside the guild as the others watched her back.

Akari walks on the road as her mind are filled with thoughts, Zeref has called for her and she was curious on what is his plan. The girl disappeared in a blink of an eye as she reappear in front of Zeref who now wears a different clothing as his old ones got ripped with his fight on the dragon slayer.

“ What do you need?” the girl asked as Zeref glance at her smiling a bit with his eyes still red. Invel looks at the two as the soldiers stiffened knowing who the new comers is, they are afraid of the girl as they heard some rumours that she had taken down a whole army by herself back then when their emperor gives her some mission. She's a well known wizard in Alvarez Empire as she is much more stronger than any Spriggan members, their emperor also deemed her as someone who's on par with him and calls her as his sister.

“ We're now getting to our plan.. to get the Fairy Heart” he said as Akari stared at him.

Somewhere in the east, the four gods of Ishgar got defeated by God Serena who mocks his old comrades who's lying on the ground. August and Jacob who's with him starts to head on towards Fairytail but before they can go that far, they sense some immense power coming in their direction on which Acnologia in his human form walks towards them. The black dragon smells some scents of dragon as his eyes landed on God Serena who steps forward quite surprised that he decided to come at him. With his full of ego and self confidence, he smirked as he attempted to defeat the black dragon but before he can take a single step he was already defeated as Acnologia cuts him off in one strike defeating him in an instant. The Spriggan members are shocked at it as Acnologia goes on to kill the remaining dragon slayers on earthland.

As Acnologia departs, Jacob steps in attempting to fight him but was stopped as August told the man that they can't do anything about him and does they should resume on retrieving the Fairy Heart as it might be their only hope. Meanwhile.. somewhere in Hargeon forest, Erza's group sets up a camp as they discuss about Laxus whereabouts on where Gray found out the sickened Laxus sitting by himself and coughing a bit while holding his chest. The later asked the dragon slayer on where did it starts but soon realized that it was the Magical Barrier Particles that he inhaled from a year ago before the Tartaros war. Laxus then strictly told the ice mage not to tell the others as he states that he won't die until the war is over. On the other side Levy was being comforted with Gajeel who told the girl that they will make it back to their guild once the war is over as the later just watched him with some hope in her heart.

As the sun had rises, the battle in Hargeon continue as Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel fought with Alvarez forces. Sherria begins to take out some soldiers when suddenly her clothes got ripped off to pieces as her eyes widen in full shocked. The Warrior Queen, Dimaria recognize her as the alliance healer and decided to kill her but before she can attack the girl Wendy appears out of nowhere aiding the god slayer against Dimaria. Gray and Juvia also decided to help a surprised Lyon as Erza goes for Kagura's aid. Just as Wall takes in the sudden appearance of the Fairytail members, Laxus came behind him hammering him down with his lightning but Machias absorbs his attack before it retaliate. Laxus then hit it again as he exclaimed that he will take down the perpetrator who attacked his comrades, the Thunder Legion Tribe.

Their battle commences with Laxus blowing him back, Wall then fired some bullets that he created but got taken down as Laxus struck it with his lightning. As the smoke disappeared, Wall is quite amazed at the mage before he analyze his body looking for some weakness though he was surprised when he sees that the blonde man has been contaminated by magical barrier particles and still can stand on his feet and fight. At the same time Erza and Kagura goes in Hargeon port harbor where the Alvarez ships are located,  Neinhart who's sitting comfortably noticed two figures coming towards the ship as a smile formed on his lips. Kagura and Erza quickly took out two of the Four Heraldry Knights of Neinhart's squad. As the other two tried to catch them both off guard, Jellal suddenly appeared beating them down as Kagura looks at him with something on her eyes.

Dimaria who's still fighting against the Sky Sisters, Wendy and Sherria exclaimed that she can kill them easily as she clicks her teeth together stopping everything that's happening in the battlefield. The Warrior Queen walks on their direction stating that no one can break on her Age Seal and teases them on who she should kill first before her eyes landed on Wendy. Sherria snapped out of trance as she and Wendy goes for a Combo Attack on the warrior queen. Dimaria looks at them in confusion as to how they manage broke off on her seal as Ultear appear out of nowhere while holding her crystal ball on her side.

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