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DAY THREE of Grand magic games arrives, each guild already had their representatives ready with Fairytail's Erza Scarlet and Cana Alberona for both teams. All of them are already down there in the arena ready for the next event. The pumpkin person announced that the third event would be called as Pandemonium on which that the said place are filled with different kinds of monsters.

The rules got explained that each competitor needs to choose how many monsters they would want to fight and reminded them that they will fight to earn some points. All the monsters inside the place have different ranks, from D class to S class type. And told them that the event would only ended if the 100 monsters got defeated or if they ran out of magic power. Everyone listened carefully as the pumpkin made them pick a stick to determine on who will enter first.

Erza picked one of those stick and it suddenly showed the number 1 on which makes her surprise as it meant that she would go first. The other members of Fairytail just watched everything until it showed on the projector screen the results of their picked numbers and who will enter first. Some are surprised when they saw who's the first one as Erza starts walking on the place saying that she wanted to fight all 100 of those monsters. Everyone are shocked about it and looking at the girl like she had grew another head. Akari is also surprised at this as her eyes are wide a bit, she moves closer at the edge near the white haired mage as she observed the scarlet mage who's already inside the place.

“ Is she seriously gonna fight all of them?” Akari asked to no one in particular as the white haired mage beside her smile at her direction.

“ That's Erza everything that comes out on her mouth are always serious” the girl said as she looks back at the scarlet girl.

“ Such a reckless decision” she mumbled to herself as all the monsters start appearing and encircled the scarlet mage. They watched as she requip to her Heaven's Wheel armor and use the Bluemenbalt to attacked as some weapons appeared and hit those monsters. Her first attacked looks like some kind of test to determine which armour would be fit with every kind of those monsters. Erza quickly requipted and starts attacking them, it was blow after blow as with her every attacks a few of those monster are always defeated and vanished instantly.

The other participants just watched the girl defeated those monsters as they can't believe she's really beating them by herself. The crowds are also watching intently focusing on the girl flew to those monster as she attacks them. Akari are quite surprised while watching the girl, this is the first time that she really watched the girl fighting from afar and seeing her fight those things she can't help but to be amazed.

Erza are panting a bit as a big red monster are standing in front of her with its raised fist in the air. The monster suddenly gives a strong blow towards her as dust covered the girl's figure.

“ Oi!” Akari yelled in shocked as she was now holding the stone on the edge while she's staring at the girls direction as her heart gives a thump upon seeing what happened, quite worried for the girl.

The dust dissipated as they saw the mage requips to her defensive armour, Adamantine Armour. Akari let out a sigh  in relief seeing that she had managed to blocked the attack. Erza managed to throw the monster outside the wall breaking it as they now are fighting outside. Running towards the monster, Erza requips to another armour and slash the monster in half, another red ones appeared as it smacked her down but she managed to hold it with her sword. Seeing another two coming the girl changed to her Clear Heart Clothing as she slice the monster in half before going for the two defeating them also and at last it was only the S Class monster who's left. Erza panted a little as she looks at that tiny monster a few feet away from her.

The others are also shocked that this little thing are the S Class monster, however Akari knows that this one is not just some little monster as she felt the monster energy power and it seems like the scarlet mage also knew this as she summons another sword in her hands.

The monster’s eye suddenly glowed as they transported somewhere inside the place as it also changed its appearance that now become huge as Erza seems to be having some difficulty against it while pushing its foot that's squeezing her. The monster kicked her on the other side before she takes a leap and cut its fingers and appeared behind its head as Erza slash it. Akari watched the girl with her mouth agape as she look at her in shock.

Day three of the grand magic games on the pandemonium event.. i don't think I'll ever forget what happened on this day..’

After she cut its fingers and the back of its head, the monster kicked her hard on the ground.

Despite of being injured from head to toe, the fairy that should have fallen instead soared high..’

Erza quickly flew towards the monster with her sword in hand and cut its side before she followed to slash that monsters eye on its stomach that breaks after it fall on the ground as the girl closed her eyes.

It was really her.. The Titania was here..’

The guild members started to cry and some other people in the crowd as Lucy and Wendy hugs each other while tears are falling in their eyes and have a wide smile on their face. Erza lifted her sword in the air at her victory with her clothes already ruined and have some bruises on her body.

She was like a scarlet colored flower, blooming in full glory’

Akari are looking at the girl with something in her eyes that have some tears, her heart are also beating abnormally as she felt like her cheeks are burning.

“ She's amazing..” the girl whispered as the Pandemonium disappeared and the magic circle flew on the ground and the scarlet mage appears on it still with her hands pointed upwards.

“ U- UNBELIEVABLE!! SHE REALLY MANAGE TO DEFEAT ALL 100 OF THE MONSTERS BY HERSELF!!  FAIRYTAIL'S ERZA SCARLET SWEEPS THE ROUND! IT'S AN ABSOLUTE UNDISPUTED VICTORY!! IS THIS THE TRUE STRENGTH OF THE MOST POWERFUL GUILD SEVEN YEARS AGO?!!” the commentators screamed at the microphone as the other guilds had their mouths open in full shocked. The crowds also screamed while saying how amazing it is and how the others recognized her as the Titania of Fairytail from seven years ago.

Akari jumped out of the place as she saw the other team Natsu coming for the girl, she walks towards them as she ignore the others who's still screaming. Erza noticed the woman behind the others as she gives her a smile that the girl also returned. 

“ Titania huh.. you're amazing” the girl said to which the scarlet mage looks at her in surprised not expecting the compliment that comes from her as her cheeks suddenly turned pink. Noticing the girl's appearance, Akari took out her coat and put it on the scarlet mage again surprised at her words and action. Cana who's with the other representatives smirked at the sight. Akari and the others walks with the scarlet mage to the infirmary on which the old woman, Poluchka treated her bruises before bandaging her body.

With Erza defeating all the monsters, the pumpkin person walks to the other participants as a floating thing appeared and explained to them that they need to take part on the event called MPF or the Magic Power Finder, it's a thing that will record and display the level of magic used and it will determine the others rank after Erza's.

They did what they're told as Milliana from Mermaid Heel, the girl with cat ears and tail scored higher as Nobarly and Hibiki failed miserably. Sabertooth's Orga and Jura of Lamia Scale step up and scored thousands that shocked everyone upon seeing that kind of numbers on the MPF. Until it finally came to Cana's turn as the girl looks flustered with how many alcohol she had drunk. Akari who came back earlier sigh at the girls face. The card mage walks closer to the MPF as she started to take off her clothes as Akari frown not liking the idea of the girl showing her body on the audience.

Master Makarov and the others are shocked when they noticed the emblem on Cana's arm, he turned to the first master's direction as she told everyone that she had lend it to her as it also can help Fairytail to achieve their goals. The emblem glowed as a bright light came from the sky and hit the MPF directly when Cana screamed the spell, Fairy Glitter. The smoke disappeared as a number of 9999 are shown to everyone with the thing being destroyed. Cana having the highest number of MPF got 8 points that leads their team to become second place as everyone screamed in joy and celebrating the team being the second place.

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