Cousin to cousin

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It's Friday night Fatima is a big Time lawyer at her own firm , she's exhausted after a long day handling a case in court so she's driving home.
"Phone rings" Fatima is not in the mood to answer or to talk to anybody but she took the phone because she saw that it was her favorite cousin calling her .
Fatima : wagwan  yah good ?
Kinaisha : nun mutch me good .
Fatima : aight so why called than ?
Kinaisha : I called because the whole family tried to call you but you ignored them so I told them that I would give it a try an call you
Fatima : girlll what's wrong ?? Some happened to one of us ? Or to my parents business?? Do I need to fuck someone up ?
Kinaisha : no no nooo nothing happened we just want to go out and laugh ... yeah laugh
Fatima : girlll you can try that lying with someone else but not me I know exactly when your as is lying girl just say it
Kinaisha : I can't tell you the family will kill me but you need to be at your parents house tomorrow okeyyy owhh before I forget you gotta get ready we having cousins night tonight we gonna party babyyy
Fatima : Kinaiiii I'm tired imma be at the next one okeyyy
Kinaisha : don't kinaiii me get ready I'm gonna pick you up in about 2 hours be ready okeyy and it's not a question I'm telling you ... you are studying like you need money to pay the bills ... girl you are filthy rich why studying anyway??
Fatima : girl shut the fuck up i study Incase i need to get one of us out of jail will thank me later
Kinaisha : oohh girll you're rightttt I haven't even ...
Fatima : nooo you haven't cause you ain't smart like me ... we need people on both sides girlll anyway I am home let me get my self together and be ready for when you pick me up 
Kinaisha : aight smarty smartyyy i knew you was smart but this smart??!!
Fatima : girl buy

2 hour's later kinaisha is at tima's house
"Incoming call"
Kinaisha : I'm outside
Fatima : aight ... walks out of the house gets in the car ...
Kinaisha : girrlll you fooinneee you need a booh cause ain't no way you single
Fatima : girl I know but I been studying so freaking hard but I'm out tonight
Kinaisha : that's what I'm talking about babbyyy

"They arrive at the private club and they see their cousins"
Kay&tima : gwaan bitchesss ?
Cousins : gwaan ???
Fatima's brothers :Tima we have been calling you like crazy don't ever do it again to ignore us yah heard ??
Fatima : okey okey y'all act like I'm 15
Brothers : shut the fuck up
The brothers knew she was the youngest so they are very overprotective about Tima and they already knew that they would become her bodyguards because  dad had already spoken to them that the family business would be given to Tima everyone knew but nobody told Tima cause her parents wanted to tell her ...
They talk to each other have fun drink and drink and drinkkkkk they have a good time

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