Unknown number...

753 38 20

Fatima was done with the dishes .
Zack put laylay to sleep , she slept so peaceful. He walked downstairs and went to Fatima who was watching her serie greenleaf. She saw zack walking downstairs walking up to her , he kissed her in her forehead and said I love you she said I love you to and pulled the cover from her so that zack could lay his head on her thighs . They looked at 2 episodes and than zack asked Fatima ...

Zack : babe what time we leaving?

Fatima: when you want baby ... you wanna go now ?

Zack :yes I'm kind of bored

Fatima : aight say less lieverd

Zack and Fatima got ready ...
Zack took laylay's bag with everything in it .
Fatima got herself ready and asked zack ...

Fatima : babe are you ready

Zack : yes darling I'm ready

Zack took laylay grabbed her bag and the head downstairs to the car .

Zack gave laylay to Fatima , he walked around and put her bag beside Tima . He double checked the housedoor after that he started the car and drove away .

Laylay woke up on their way shopping she looked outside and clapped in her hands ... she was excited to be outside... she wasn't outside that much cause Karen wasn't in the mood to go outside to the store and buy things , she gave her mother or Bestfriend money and a list of thing of what she needed .
Karen didn't even have a car seat for laylay or a troller nothingggg ... at first she was to busy chasing after zack and after the thing happened at Tima's mansion she was in bed alday everyday watching series and movies . After birth she went outside for 4 or 5 days sitting on the balcony but that's it , so laylay haven't been outside to much .
Laylay was enjoying the view of the round the sound of the car and the music .
Laylay looked at Fatima and and babbled with her ...
Fatima did the Same ...
Zack's favorite music cam up when they were already 5 minutes on the way ... zack and Fatima began to sing and they looked at each other through the mirror and smiled... laylay layed her head on Tima and looked at zack from the back .

Fatima : babe what you think ? Is it okay to get the stroller and car seat first? It's not safe for her to be in the car in my arms ... I don't like the idea of something happens to her

Zack : your right baby let's do that

Fatima : aight

In the store zack and Fatima watch for the best strollers while zack holds laylay in his arms she frequently pulled her head up to look at things but most of the Tim her head was on zack's chest.
Zack and Fatima walked to the side of the store to pick out a stroller and a car seat , they wanted the stroller and car seat to match so they searched for a matching set.
A worker came and asked  zack hey can I help you with something and the woman tried to flirt with zack

Worker : do you need help with something sir " licks her lip"

Zack saw it and said ...

Zack : Ma'am can you not do extra I'm with my wife !
Can you help us or not ?!

Woman : my bad sorry I didn't know you was married

Zack : but you see my woman beside me and a baby on my arm don't you ?

Woman : my bad sir

Fatima stood in silence cause she knows she don't have to worry about zack talking to another woman ...

Woman : ma'am my bad  didn't mean to disrespect your family

The woman walked away and sent another momma to help zack and Fatima ...

They took a look at the multiple sets and choose the purple one . They than walked to The sside of baby clothes and picked out cute fits for laylay ...
And that's when they saw Karen's mother ... she was still furioused about the fact that Karen let Layla stay with zack and Fatima.
She went over and said ...

Karen's mother : wel wel welll if it isn't zack and his perfect family

Zack : can y'all leave me the fuck alone sheeeshh can I just be happy with my woman ??
Babe let's go

Fatima : babe chill calm down let's get more things for her and we can go

Zack : aight babe

Karen's mom walked immediately away cause she didn't aspect him to react that way .

Zack and Fatima went to the toys and picked out a few and left the store . They put everything in the car and put laylay hey went and picked up some food ...
Fatima took a seat beside laylay ... after they left the store they picked up some food it was time for laylay to eet also. Fatima sanitized her hand and took the food out of the bag Sam for zack . Laylay looked at Fatima and grabbed her hand and pulled it to her mout ...
Fatima told zack to look at them and they laugh .
Fatima looked out of the window and said shittt

Zack asked her ?

Zack : babe what's up baby

Fatima : your phone went off it was an unknown number but i didn't pick up I just put it on silence but now that I think about it maybe it was Karen don't you think we should go and check on her ? What if she wants to see laylay ?

Zack : babe it's fine yes we can go see her but promise me you are not feeling some kind of way

Fatima : babe I promise I'm fine ...

Zack : aight babe let's go

Laylay fell asleep on the way to the hospital.
After 30 minutes they arrived at the hospital and head out the car .
Fatima and zack asked for Karen and the nurse asked who the were from Karen , zack answered that he has her daughter with her ... after the nurse heard that she told them the room Karen was in .
Zack and Fatima to Karen's room and she was awake . Karen saw them and asked

Karen : hey y'all here ?

Zack and Fatima: hey hyd ?

Karen : I'm trying...

Fatima : that's good.

Zack : yes that's good that you are trying...
Fatima said she saw a unknown number popping up at my phone she thought it was you so she asked if we could stop here before heading home .
Did you call me ?

Karen : yes to see if we could FaceTime I miss Layla

Zack : ooh yea sure we can do that you wanna hold her ?

Karen : yes

Zack hands laylay to Karen but she begins to fuss .
Zack hold her for a minute and tried again but laylay began to scream and cry out very loud and reached for Tima ...

Karen : Layla come to mommy I miss you so much my baby

Karen tried to take her from zack but laylay refused to go she screamed even louder and reached for Tima again and said ...

Laylay : moma .... Moma

Fatima and zack looked at each other and didn't know how to respond infront of Karen .
Laylay kept saying MoMA with her hands going in Tima's direction...
Fatima cried cause it was so cute and she couldn't keep her tears anymore same for zack .
Fatima looked at laylay and said ...

Fatima : laylay what's wrong sweetie ?

She took her and laylay was immediately calm
And rested her head on Fatima's breast and looked at zack ... she tried to play with his bearth and looked at Karen not long after she turned her head to the other side like she was mad at Karen and she didn't want to see her .

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