Don't get yourself killed!

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Fatima moaned ... shit baby hhhmmm it's yours but damm and she squirted at the exact moment.

Zack : baby (out of breath) your pussy is something else your so warm i gotta try and hold my nut in cause if I'm not my sperm gonna come out every 3 seconds

Fatima : boy (laughs) that's what a good woman do to you baby , but you gotta cut me some lack cause you be in and out my pussy like it's a Nike store ... I'm sour like sour sour ... go back to sleep cause I'm tired baby I love you but you got me tired and shit ...

Zack : baby you and me ahaa you and me I'm tired like I worked my as off all day ... hold on I worked my ass in your pussy ...(laughs) I'm going back to sleep baby wake me up when you about to eat or some

Fatima: boy hush ( laughs) you so crazy ...

The next morning...
Fatima wakes up ... she looks at zack , he's sound a sleep she gives him a kiss and steps out of bed to wash her face and brush her teeth , she than goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for both her and zack . Fatima can't work without music in the morning so she asks Alexa to play *Family by popcaan* it's something about the getto music she loves ... she sings her heart out not noticing that zack stands far behind her watching how she prepares their meal . He loves how Fatima stands and dance in a G string and Nike cropped up ... he makes his presence known by standing behind her holding her hips sing and dance along with her. they both said goodmorning inbetween the lyrics and smile zack gives her kisses on her shoulders while Fatima smiles and sang further.

She was done cooking so zack prepared the table so they could eat .
They had finished eating and after that they took a bath and put some clothes on .
Zack asked her ...

Zack : babe what we about to do today ? It's Sunday I'm bored .
Fatima said ...

Fatima : wanna Christmas shop for both our houses ?

Zack : yea sounds great I love it "smiles from ear to ear"

Fatima : what ya smiling for nigga "laughs "
Zack : because you said for both our houses , you don't just think about you only you think about us and it's cute . You showed me in these past days what love actually should look like and that we are a team . girll I love you

Fatima: yes before I met you it was all about me but we in a relationship now  so it's about us ...

Fatima thinks for a minute I didn't even know zack 24 hours and we made it official dammm that's the quickest I ever stepped in a relationship... I gues that what love feels like .

Zack : yea that's what real love looks like "laughs and playfully pushes her down stares "

Fatima : did I say it out loud? " laughs "

Zack : yes you did and guess what it's the quickest we have stepped in a relationship for the both of us ... I ain't Finna step in a relationship with someone who I don't know like that "laughs"

Fatima : welll I'm special than
Cause it wasn't even 24 hours when we both said that we were about to date ... I must been love at first sight cause I got a nigga all the way inlove

Zack : girlll you to funny , yes it was love at first sight but can we go now I done locked the door an hour ago dammm

Fatima : stop lying nigga

zack : aight babe

Fatima and zack are pulling up at the mall . They walk to one of the Christmas stores and while holding hands and discussing what they gon take for both houses someone not far behind them says ..... cuddle is that you ?

Zack knows who it was and wasn't in the mood for shit . Zack still holding Tima's hands and says In her ears baby this is the ex I was talking about who hurt me like shit . Please don't be mad at me ...

Cuddle you not going to say anything?
You to good for that now ??

Zack and Fatima turned around to face the pregnant woman...
Zack : hey Karen Waddup this is my girlfriend Fatima

Karen : I don't wanna hear about her . But what I wanna talk about is that I called you alomost 10 times and you only answered once Zack ... i called you to tell you that we are having a girl but before I could even tell you you hung up just to be with her ??? With her ? You trying to be all with her but you can't even be a father to your unborn baby huh ?? After all I did for you to become rich???

Zack : first of all you ain't finna disrespect my woman infront of me she has nothing to do with this shit and she's staying out of it ! And I mean that . Second... I was already rich from the moment my mother knew she was pregnant ... so you didn't help me with shitttt I just acted like I had nothing and made all the shit up , and I'm glad I did because your a materialistic shitty as woman. You know I don't talk down on people but you ? You deserve it because you are a killer! You try to frame me with a child after you killed my first ... hell I don't even know if that child was mine and it doesn't matter anymore because I don't give a shit !
You see this woman here ?? Yea her you see her ?? Yea she gon be my wife the mother of all my children we gon build the thing called life together. Not the thing you try to do with every random nigga you see . My woman is off limits you come for her you come for me and if I was you I would stay the fuck away from her because she will put you six feet under without even touching you . Soo back the fuck up .

Fatima : babe chill I got you "kissing him"
Now I'm gonna show you how my parents thought me to introduce myself because clearly yours didn't so let me show you how the actual thing goes .
HEY I'm Fatima Wilson , zack's girlfriend the only one that he will have from now on till after death even after death it's me and him ! I don't care if your child is his I love children but what we not gon do is pretend that this child of yours is his . Let me make it clear , if the child is his I'm gonna be a very sweet stepmother and treat the child like she is my own and you will regret every thing you did to my boyfriend in the past because people gon think that your child is mine because of the love I'm about to give your child . I hope you love  her with your whole heart no I just hope you can love her on regular base's because from where I stand I see hate only hate bitterness, sadness. And ifffff you can't do your child right im coming after you for the child ... your child with everything I got . So imma say this you better think again if it's zack's baby because if it is his you got a lot of working and growing up to do .
And yeah you speaking to the best Criminal attorney so if I was you I would slow down everybody knows and loves me so either way you would lose the case .
And imma say it again if I was you I would back up because I'm a mutch bigger person than you think I am ... good day miss Karen .

Karen stands with tears in her eyes trying to open her purse to reach a gun because she couldn't believe that Fatima said all that to her .

Before she could even go into her purse to do something 8 off Fatima's personal guards came , 2 asked Fatima Big boss everything good ?... she said yes and said that they didn't need to call her big boss in public just miss Wilson . after that the 2 guard turned and stood beside the 2 others who stood infront of karen and said to never do some stupid shit like that again . Zack and Fatima walk up to her again and zack said ... you will not be spared nex time . Fatima than said you heard what my zaddy said .
Ohh Karen please don't get yourself killed !!
Zack and Fatima walk away ....

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