DNA time

861 34 10

The nurse came back and said that she had the green light.
After they was finished zack asked how long it would take to get the results back . The nurse said that I could take 3 work days not longer .

Zack : Okey thank you

Nurse: your welcome handsome

Zack : looked at the nurse and said no ma'am I would appreciate if you could call me sir or by my name ... i don't play about this shit .

Nurse: that was not my intention I was thrown away by you but it will not happen again sir .

Zack : it better not .

Zack walks to the car and went in the car and he noticed that Fatima was crying.

Zack : babe you good ? I'm sorry baby I'm sorry I know that was a lot to take in .... Uugghh I'm so stupid to bring you in the room !! Fuckkk how can I be so stupid?

Fatima : I'm crying because I once was pregnant but I lost the child like I already told you but reality hit me when I was in the room help to guide Karen ... wipes her tears away . I thought that I was okey but being in that room knowing that I carried a baby and knowing I was supposed to lay there and bring a child into the world hurts , but at the same time it's a a relief ... I don't know how I'm suppose to explain this feeling to you but it hurts baby it hurts .

Zack : babe I'm sorry I should have known not to ask you it's so stupid of me !

Fatima : no babe I'm not that cruel to not help where I can , so I'm glad I could and stop blaming yourself cause I started crying it's not because of you but what I went through.
And tell me how you really feel babe tell me cause I know you ain't feeling good either. And don't lie cause you think you gotta be strong for me !

Zack : I feel bad babe I do ...

Fatima : Zack !!!

Zack : okey okey you need me to be honest ? Looks at her with tears in his eyes ....
Babe I feel anger I feel hurt betrayal because of Al that happened to me with Karen ... I thought about when she was pregnant and didn't even tell me ... after that I couldn't even look her in the eyes and to know that a child that may be mine ??! I'm not going to lie I don't want children with Karen and no other woman besides you ! I'm gonna love that little girl if she's mine but I don't even wanna see Karen !

Fatima : I know but babe you don't have to feel guilty cause of me crying... kisses him .

Zack : aight but if you feel a type of way just tell me please?

Fatima: aight babe

Zack : don't aight babe me ! Promise me !?

Fatima: i promise Zack I promise

Zack : alright then .
Another thing the nurse tried to flirt with me but I put her ass straight! I just wanted you to know .
She immediately apologized to me cause she saw I was serious.
But about the DNA she said that it could take 3 work days for the results to be back but they about to call us .

Fatima was mad that the nurse tried to flirt with Zack .

Fatima: aight we will wait for the call but babe don't play with me about no damm nurse flirting with you cause I will fuck anybody up !

Zack drives away cause he knows how Fatima can get ....

Zack : babe don't worry my eyes are on you and you only , I don't care about no other woman .
You know that right baby ?

Fatima: yes I know ...but babe I'm hungry

Zack : you hungry or are you craving "laughs"

Fatima : you think it's funny huh?? Pushes him .

Zack : yesss it is , no babe fr what do you want to eat ?

Fatima : I want pancakes and eggs and cheese

Zack we got everything home right ??
Imma make you good babe ... is that h good ?

Fatima : yes zaddy Zack ... touches his pants while on the road

Zack : don't do that baby ... hhmmm

Fatima : what am i doing boy ??? " laughs "

Zack : breathing hard af !

Fatima : oohh can't handle this boy???

Zack : I can ba... hhmmm Fatima what are you doing ?

Fatima : nothing baby I'm tryna warm my hand cause it's cold that's all ... "laughs "

Zack : t you know what you are doing ... don't start nothing you can't handle baby

Fatima : okey baby imma stop

Zack and Fatima went to get food and went home right after. At home they took a shower and ate and watched a movie. After the movie zack looked at Fatima and she asked...

Fatima : what baby ? Why you look at me like that ?

Zack : you just beautiful and i admire you , you just do strong

Fatima : wel thank you I try ,this ain't easy... im not gonna Capp I feel bad that I'm jealous that Karen's child might be yours , that's why was so calm at first when the child was yours , and yes I know we don't know yet but only the thought that I'm not the only one being the mother of your children hurts a little.
I don't want you yo feel bad tho cause you can't do nothing about it it's just your past that tries yo come but yeah ... "wipes her tears" and looks at zack

Zack : I'm sorry baby I want you to be the only mother of my children to I hate that this is happening to me I'm sorry...

Fatima: it's aight baby we can do nothing about it .

Zack : aight baby let's go to bed you gotta work in the  morning.

Fatima : work??? ... you right I forgot that I was a lawyer for a minute.. sshhh omggggg

Zack : you act like you don't love your work 'laughs"

Fatima: no that's not it babe it's just when I'm with my family and busy with my father's business I just forget everything

Zack : wel it's yours now how you gonna do it than ?

Fatima : I just need to make a schedule so i don't give one all my attention and the other one less so imma need to do that the first thing when I'm at the office.

Zack : aight babe let's go to bed babe if you need me to help you tomorrow for the schedule just call me

Fatima : I will babe

Zack : I love you honey let's sleep for 3 hours cause than it time for you to go to work .

Fatima : aight babe sleep tight

Zack : likewise

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