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Zack and Fatima looked at each other while laylay's head rested on Fatima's breast's and while she played with Tima's face .

Karen : why she acts like that ?
Look how sweet she is with Fatima , it hurts me man

Zack asked ...

Zack : Karen what have you done to laylay ?

Karen : who the fuck is laylay ?

Zack : we call layla " laylay" !
Now what have you done to her ? She never acted like this with us and clearly you upset her so tell me what you did to her in these 8 months !

Karen was silent!

Fatima: speak up Karen before you lose your child ! Because I'm willing to take her like she my own !

Karen : wel when I didn't have anything at home for us to eet ...

Fatima : what do you mean didn't have anything?? You didn't feed her frequently like you should ?

Zack : wtf karennnn !!???

Karen : I'm sorry let me explain

Zack and Fatima : that's the only thing you can and need to do now!

Karen : okey ...
So what y'all don't know is that I didn't went outside the house more than 5 times during the 8 moths ... the balcony was me going outside with her .
I didn't go to the grocery store to get anything or to get a stroller or a car seat . From the beginning when I gave birth I send my mother or my Bestfriend to get me groceries but they couldn't get me every time I wanted them to cause  they have their own life's to so they couldn't come as much as they wanted to so I didn't eat and when I don't eat I can't breastfeed and even though my mom and Bestfriend brought things for me I didn't eat because I didn't want to !
So Layla suffered from that she would cry hours because I didn't fed her . The only way I could breastfeed her is while I was sleeping and I ate right before . That's the reason you couldn't tel that she been suffering from food because she would drink all my milk when she layed down with me while I was sleep . So yea ...
And the times y'all came buy I was jealous because she would laugh with you all the time and the way she gave y'all her full attention like she wanted to give y'all everything in her heart and with me she was always mad or sad . I know she hates me and I can't blame her .

It was silent for a minute because
Fatima was furious! So you didn't feed her enough?

Karen : no

Fatima : are you crazy ??? Laylay could have died you know that ??
You are stupid as fuck Man !! Jezus! I didn't think you could be crazier but you proved it to me omggg

Zack stood there in shock he wasn't the man who puts his hands on women but this made him wanna slap the fuck out of Karen .

Zack : we're you really going to ask us to take care of laylay ? Or was that also a lying as thing you came up ?

Karen : I wasn't gonna ask y'all !

Fatima : you are so stupid to tell us this you know that right? cause right now in this moment you showed us that you aren't capable of raising your child ! And I'm telling you imma take you for everything I got in me ! And I don't have to do to much cause I have everybody behind me ! So be ready to say goodbye to your daughter after this !
And you better tel your people not to fuck with me cause I'm gonna fuck them up real bad I hope you heard me .
And right after that Karen's mother and Bestfriend walked in and greeted only Karen . Zack went behind fatima and asked ...

Zack : babe you okay ?

Zack : yeah babe I'm good

Karen's mother: karen why didn't you give Layla to me or Damaris ? Why you gave her to zack and his so called girlfriend? You don't know if they treat her as good as you did ! You made a mistake baby girl you did and you will regret this !

Damaris : yes why Karen I thought you trusted me with Layla ... you do right don't you ?

Karen : yes I do but

Damaris: but what ?? Did they force you ?

Fatima: if I were you I would pick my words carefully cause I ain't the one to play with , ask Karen she will tell you and If you try me I can show you better than I tell so chill

Zack : and if I were you I would listen to what my wife have to say cause we don't play !

Karen's mother: are you the biggest mafia boss alive ?? Pfff child please

Karen : mother please ... I gave he....

Karen's mother: no Karen it's okay to tell us if they forced you so we can go to the police!

Damaris: yes tell us we will protect you !

Karen : Noo shut the fuck up man ! Nobody forced me okay ...
I'm going through depression and y'all didn't even noticed...
I thought y'all would find out but y'all didn't , I gave y'all hints but y'all slapped it in the wind . The only people saw it coming or mentioned it to me were zack and Fatima , so yea forgive me if I gave Layla to them because I knew that if something was wrong with layla they would recognize it immediately! And actually I'm not sorry I don't want Layla to go through the same situation I went through with you !

Karen's mother was quite, cause never in Karen's life did she talk like that to her . She was shocked cause now she sees the hurt she caused karen .

Karen's mother: I ...

Zack : yea you have nothing to say right?
Now you're quite !

Fatima : yea now you're quiet like zack said now you have nothing to say , standing here like a big fool not knowing what to do ...
You want to look after your grandchild not even noticing your child going through depression... not even noticing she needs help with the baby !
Did you know she asked you and the other woman to get groceries for her because she is mentally not good ? She didn't even feed laylay , she didn't even breastfeed her ...

Karen's mother: that's not true i went grocery schoppen I got food for Layla and Karen so don't come and tell me that she hasn't been feeding Layla cause that's a gad them fucking lie ...
Karen tell them !

Zack : Karen tell your mother what you told us !

Karen : mom zack and Fatima are the ones who asked me if everything was okey with me ...

Karen told her mom everything and even told her to look at this ...

Karen : Fatima can you bring her to me so I can show my mother something?

Fatima looked at zack and went to Karen .
Laylay fell asleep on Fatima but she could feel her presence , so when Fatima tried to give laylay to Karen she woke up and began to scream .
Karen took her and laylay face was red .
laylay cried and looked at Tima and screamed ...
Fatima couldn't take it but Karen was her mother so she looked with tears in her eyes at zack , seconds after that her tears streamed down her face .
Laylay screemed louder for Fatima...

Laylay : MoMA ... MoMA in her baby voice ...

Fatima couldn't hear her scream MoMA anymore so she took laylay back from Karen and laylay was quite she had tears rolling through her face same for Tima . Laylay put her little hand around Tima neck and her head between Tima's neck and shoulder

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