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it is 12 noon the acquaintance/meeting has come to an end fatima thanks all the guests who attended and indicates that within the next month she will have at least 2 meetings with the people directly below her in the business. she thanks everyone again for coming and wishes everyone a safe journey to his or her state . the people greet the wilson family and leave... except the taylor family. Zack's parents meet with Fatima and Zack talk before they leave for New York again...

mr & mrs Taylor : zack and fatima we give you our blessings and hope everything turns out well with you you look very good and i know you are made for each other i love you and take good care of each other... zack you the most for her

zack : thanks mom and dad
Fatima : Thank you

mr & mrs Taylor greet fatima's parents and say they have blessed zack and fatima... they hug each other and leave... fatima and zack brothers signal that they will see each other more often , they than great  each other. Fatima and zack wave and walk to Fatima's parents and her brothers follow them to their the parents. Fatima's family Gave Fatima and zack their blessings and greet each other afterwards and they leave their parents house.

~this is the beginning~

the cars of fatima , zack & her brothers are brought forward they get in and all drive one after the other , they wait for the gate to open all the way and drive through the woods for 10 minutes until they get to the inhabited area, they stop and are in a group call  greeting each other and say that they love each and pull of  afterwards. fatima and zack ride in tandem as they go to her house and her brothers all go their different directions.

Fatima and Zack arrive home and enter the house and take off their clothes right away . fatima walks in her matching lingerie underpants and bra . zack walks in his boxers and walks over to fatima and stands behind her and says baby i'm so proud of you for running your family business now you are the best person for this business I cant wait to see you work . when you talked to the people i saw it was in you ...they listened to you attentively and have so much respect for you thats great baby i love you and am happy to work for you "kiss her"

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