Aauww shittt

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Fatima to the guards...

Fatima : guys hold on don't kill them yet.

Karen : Fatima please I'm sorry I should never came here to kill you or attack your mansion... I'm sorry , I just got mad that zack wanted to marry you .

Zack : uuumm... wants to and is about to marry her ... yeah go on .

Everybody laughs and Karen looks hurt .

Fatima : I hope you came to your senses because it looked like you didn't had any ...
You shouldn't be so desperate over a nigga especially after you did him dirty...
And are you that stupid??? To send people to attack me and my mansion and if that's not all you yourself show up even though you know your eight moths pregnant!!
Don't you care about that girll?? I swear if she's zack I'm coming after you for my stepchild with all I got and imma say it every time cause I will . And I'm not about to let my man's child be in danger because you are dangerous for your own child . You know your pregnant and you still show up and do some stupid shit like this ??
Your cousins must not gave a shit about you cause my people ?! Ahaa my people could never they wouldn't even let me carry my own bag ...
Brothers and cousins: and don't!

Fatima : y'all stupid "laughs " but yea they wouldn't even let me go anything which I hate btw because I love to do my own thing . So Karen be responsible cause you have a daughter to race and I would hate if have to  take her away from you and when I do you will hate me even more than you hate me now ... so figure something out .

The 4 guys of Karen infront at the cars :
Dammm what's taking them so long the fuck ??!!
One of the guys...

The guy : you think they dead ??

The other guys: nawww we big shitt and we never get caught!

The guy : aight ... bu.. but something doesn't feel right . Shouldn't we need to check on them ?

The other guys : aight let's go since you scared something happened with them .

Everybody of Fatima received a notification that people are on their way to the door . Fatima's cousins went do the door and grabbed them and brought them infront the others .

Fatima to the guys : are y'all stupid?? You see that your head guys are dead infront  and you still going further?? Them ain't ya blood to do that ...

Fatima said ...

Fatima : I don't even know why I'm talking so much to y'all ppfff imma let my people handle y'all .

Fatima took a step back and let her brothers , cousins, the in-laws and guards handle them .

Zack stood behind Fatima and said babe you're so fucking sexy when you in boss mode ... my sexy boss

Fatim "laughs and said " babe stop before I fuck the shit out of you infront of everybody "laughs again" ....

One of Fatima's cousins called the cleaners department of the business to come clean the mess they had created in and outside the house and  they also took care of the dead bodies.

Zacks brother went and asked Fatima the number of the drivers department so they could destroy the cars from Karen's people... Fatima gave it to him and not long after that the drivers were on their way to the mansion.

Fatima's brothers handled the four guys and told them to never talk about this situation because if so they would kill every last family member of them and it wouldn't be good . The guys were brought back to the heart of the city and were dropped of by Fatima's brothers.
Same as for Karen but she was dropped of by Fatima zack and zack's brothers. Karen assured them they would not hear from her if it's not about the baby . Fatima and zack said aight and left

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