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Zack : babe before you go back to work don't you wanna come home ? You just look tired and not easy.

Fatima : give me an hour let me finish looking at this file and I will be home .

Zack : naah baby you don't have to drive I , will come pick you up . Just give me a call when j need to leave okay ?

Fatima: yes love I will , see you in a bit .

Zack : yes sweetie , laylay say bey to mommy...

Laylay : bey bey .

Fatima: bey my sweet baby .

Zack : laylay are we going to shop for mommy? And your sibling?

Laylay: looked at him and tried sliding down from his legs like a slide .

Zack : laylay "laughs " don't you hear me talking to you ?

Laylay was already crawling away when she heard zack talking, she stopped crawling, she looked at him laughed and went further and played with her toys .

Zack let her play for 15 minutes after those minutes he took her gave her a bath and choose new clothes for her to wear , same for him . After he was done with both of them he took laylay's back put it on his shoulder picked her up and and held her stroller in her hand . One of their personal bodyguards asked zack if he needed help and he said...

Zack :no Guillermo I got it , but thanks bro .

Guilermo : aight boss

Zack opened the trunk and put the stroller in , he closed it and opened the door the to put laylay down . Layla was fussy cause she didn't want to sit in her car seat.

Zack : laylay , why you gotta make this harder than it is ( held laylay in his arms ) . Laylay laughs

Zack : laylay don't laugh , why you do this to me ?

He tried putting her back but again she did as the same time .
Zack took his phone and was finna call Fatima but he said ...

Zack : no she already don't feel good we ain't gonna desturb her .

Zack : Layla imma put you in your car seat and you better not resist.

Zack put her in her car and she was still he buckled her up and gave her a snack and water .
He drove out of the mansion to shop with laylay .

Zack : laylay you wanna listen to music?

Layla: no no no no noooo

Zack : why you gotta do me like this ?? You always listen to music with mommy , it's not fear yoww

Laylay : yowww " laughs "

Zack : you tryna be funny huh ?

Layla: doesn't pay him any mind anymore cause she looks at the trees outside.

Zack : laylay imma call mommy on you !

Laylay begins to laugh and says yes . both zack and Layla laugh historically. 20 minutes has passed he arrived at the mall , he took her out of the car seat and put her in her stroller , he than walked with her in a toy store and showed laylay all the toys she was so excited she began to clap with her hands . He got her a lot off toys that she picked out. After zack payed he brought the bags to the car and walked back to  a store called baby clothing . They walked in and all eyes were on him but he didn't mind he was there for new born clothes because he knows Fatima is pregnant but doesn't know yet . When they had sex yesterday and he was all over her body he could tell that her body was different, the sex also the sex is always 100% but this time it was 110% so he knew it . He talked to Layla and said ...

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