How ?

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Zack : baby how did you knew ?

Fatima : I don't know how to explain it but I just knew .

Zack : damm baby that shit just clicked like that .

Fatima : yes daddy.

Laylay: momma

Fatima : little girl you was asleep like 30 minutes ago  why are you awake my baby

Laylay : moves with her eyebrows.

Zack : girllll you a Tripp

Laylay: laughs

Fatima : you would think she's that old she's 9 months and acts like she's one and a half.
Right baby ? Right mommies baby?

Laylay laughs and plays peek a booh with her hand .

Fatima : oohh you playing huh ?

Laylay rubbing her eyes .

Fatima: baby imma put her on the coach I wanna eat some fruit .

Zack : yea babe you can lay her down .

Fatima put laylay on the coach but laylay held her ands around timas neck.

Fatima : baby I want fruit can you please let me go ?

Laylay: no no no

Tima: babe help me

Zack : oohh now I need to help you ? It's your girl right? Laughs

Laylay : looks at Tima and kisses her.

Fatima picks Layla up and lays down on the couch.
Laylay's head is on Tima's stomach and she plays with it and falls asleep on her .

Zack : that's what she wanted all along "laughs " she just wanted to lay on you , that's actually sweet .

Fatima : I know right . She's so clingy to me and I like every part of it . Babe can you take her from me ? I want to get some fruit .

Zack : yeah

Laylay: no no no nooo ( begins to cry hard )

Fatima: babe just leave her then .

Zack sat down on the couch and looked at Layla who was once again asleep .

Fatima : I can't do nothing yow.

Zack : mommas you want me to  get you some fruit ?

Fatima : yes please.

Zack went to the kitchen and made Tima a bowl of mixed fruits

Zack : here you go baby .

Fatima : thnkyu baby . You want some ?

Zack : I want some of you

Fatima : babeee you know I'm horny and I can't have some right now ! Your daughter doesn't wanna let me go

Zack : baby ! You can have
Me anytime anywhere you want me baby . Don't get sad baby . Look at how peaceful she sleeps when she with you or on top of you .

Fatima : you right baby .

Zack : you want more fruit ?

Fatima: no because whenever I eat it it looks like my hormones get the best of me cause that I want to sex all the time .

Zack : hold on baby ! That's why you horney all the time?

Fatima: I think cause whenever I eat it it looks like I'm horney to the max

Zack : well baby you better eat some fruit cause I like the horney bae that pussy feels fucking good mamas .

Fatima : boyyy if you don't leave me alone !

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