Second home ?!

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Zack and Fatima both sit in the car and screamed babeee the ambulance!! Both zack and Fatima fergot to call the ambulance . Zack called 911 he explained to the woman and she told him a ambulance is on his way .

Zack and fatima reached Karen's house after seconds the ambulance arrived. Zack broke the door open cause he didn't have a key him and Tima ran to Layla because she cried , Fatima took her and held her and Layla stopped she smiled ... it looked like she missed Fatima she played with Fatima's hear and face she even gave her kisses...
Zack looked at them and smiled , but deep down he knew she wasn't his daughter she looked nothing like her but he smiled cause he saw how Fatima geld Layla in her arms and played with her ... he thought oohh she gonna be o good mother .

The paramedics took Karen to the hospital and asked zack if they can take his number but he told hem no he gave them Karen's mother's number so they can call her he didn't want to take Layla and Fatima to the hospital . The paramedics said their goodbyes and went to the hospital.

Zack called one of his workers to fix Karen's front door . They stayed till his guy's came and went to Fatima's car .

Zack took place at the drivers seet and asked Tima if she alright...

Fatima: yes babe I'm fine you ?

Zack : yes I am

Fatima : saw that he was not okey so she let him for a minute....

They arrived home and put layla on they bed cause she was asleep...

Fatima: babe let's talk

Zack : babe I want to be honest with you I do...

Fatima walks to him and asks babe why did you stop what's wrong ??

Zack : baby I don't think she's my child I don't want to have a bond with her than after that we hear I'm not her real dad ... that's gonna hurt me like hell

Fatima : baby I wanted to talk to you about it but I didn't want to let you think I was crazy... I thought about it and said this child don't like like zack .
Babe what if they played with the results?

Zack : babe you for real ??

Fatima : about what ? " Fatima looked confused "

Zack : about the fact she don't look like me or Karen

Fatima : yeah I'm forreal the day she was born I thought that maybe because she was a new born I couldn't see it but now I can see it with my bare eyes . But baby let's give the child the love she needs Karen trusted us with Layla so we can't let her down especially while she going through depression.

Zack : aight babe you right.

Fatima and zack hear Layla crying because it's time for her to eat so they head upstairs to change and give her her food .

Zack walks around and looks how Fatima interacts with Layla... Layla stops crying when she smells Fatima and smiles

Fatima : aauuww my bear stopped crying huhh you wanted Tima to come look at you didn't you ??
Let me give you a bath my little bear

Layla laughs out loud ...

Zack laughs and says ...

Zack : I love how you love her like she's your own you know ... like your do sweet and smooth with her ... you even though to pick a bag for her with her bottles pacifier clothes everything like you are so amazing

Fatima looks and smiles at zack and says ...

Fatima: Thank you babe ... oh babe we don't know what kind of milk Karen used for her when was with her or if she fully breastfed her so what we about to do ??

Zack : aight imma search for some good milk on internet hoping she likes it . What you think ? Since you can't breastfeed her

Fatima : I think it's a good idea sweetie

Zack : aight babe

Fatima gave Layla a bath and put on some clothes for her

Zack tells Fatima's nutrilon is the the best in his eyes

Fatima then said aight to the store we go

They go to the store with Layla and meet Karen's Bestfriend damaris ...and she says
Why the fuck is my niece with y'all ?? And why does this woman have to hold her ??

Zack and Fatima looked at each other and said not today right ?? They both said not today ! And walked away but Samaria kept following them so Fatima's bodyguards had to come in and show damaris that they are not playing ! Damaris got scared immediately so she left ...
The bodyguards asked zack and Fatima if everything was okey ? They said yes and thanked them ... so the guards ghosted again like nothing happened

Zack and Fatima got the milk Layla needs so they left again and went home .
At home they made the milk for Layla but she refused to take it she grabbed Fatima's shirt cause she wanted Fatima to breastyher

Zack looked at Fatima : she really likes you cause what the fuck ??

Fatima : yeah I think so too ... but I can't give her cause I have nothing...

Fatima tries to give her the milk again and Layla drinks it ... after she was done she burped her and put her on her tummy... she crawls to zack stayed with him for a while she fell asleep on him but woke up again and went to Fatima ...

Fatima put her to sleep and after that zack and Fatima took a bath
Zack and Fatima had sex cause they both needed it .. after that they both came out and fell asleep with Layla's hands over Fatima's neck

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