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It's now currently 1 o clock in the morning if they haven't felt the heat before they feel it now .
It's something in everyone's got feeling that doesn't sit right . The new before that Fatima was serious but now they know it a million times more

Fatima stood up and said these mothefuckers or on their way now I can feel it . Everybody stood up and said wel i guess she try to fuck with the wrong once .

Fatima received a call from one of her spies that people or on their way to hit on her and her mansion. They talked in code language and fatima said yes I knew hours ago and says that she is already prepared. Fatima said next time you better warn me ours earlier because if it wasn't for her intuition she would have used her nukes and missiles to finish them off and it wouldn't be good for the city.
The spy : yes boss it won't happen again !

Fatima : aight I trust you now get of my line !

Everybody checked on each other and splits in different areas not far from each other. Fatima made sure to tell the guards who needed to protect the front and the back doors that they need to hide in a kind of way so that the enemies won't recognize  the guards are at the doors .

What the people from Karen not now is that if you enter the mansion on your own without getting the entrance code that you will be trapt . Same for the house itself. The technology that Fatima's house has is the top from whole USA . And you can't just undo the technology you need to have the code as well .

At 1:25 the guards that coordinates the satellites sent notifications that 4 cars or on the way to the regular gate 1 mile away before you can enter the mansion .

It's now 1:30 ...Fatima receives a warning from her bracelet that people are at the entrance ... not the underground entrance but the regular one ! Everybody gets the alarm so they are prepared. Right before they had split up Fatima gave Denzel her iphad with which he can set everything . (Turn on and off everything installed at the house and the yard ) . When they had a notification that Karen's people were at the front Denzel turnt off the trap so that they could come to the front doors at the mansion. Karen's people didn't notice anything. They entered the yard thinking they big shit and said in choir dammm they live in a mansion and don't even got guards or security .

The group of Karen splitted up and everybody of Fatima saw it on their devices.

A couple of people from Karen went to the front another group to the back , the windows and 4 stayed at the entrance at the cars so if anything happened they could pull of immediately with the people who made it to the cars .

3 of Karen's cousins went to the front doors they haven't seen any guards yet so they thought the coast was clear but when the cousins tried to open up the doors the guards held their wapens against their head and said to them ...

Guards: if I were you I would think a million times if I should enter the house .
Because you would not be happy what's coming for you .

Karen's people thought the guards were playing so they turned around and tried to fight the guards but little did the know that hell was coming their way . The guards shot each guy 3 times and everybody fell to the ground "dead ".
Karen and the others heard what happened so they were hiding and they were scared because 3 of Karen's cousins ( brothers from each other) got killed and they were the head of the group .
Karen cried ...

Karen shitttt imma kill these people they killed my cousins the fuck wrong with them ???!!!

In the mean time the others tried to go in the house through the windows so Fatima told her brother to unlock the windows  so they could come inside. Fatima's brother's asked if it was a good idea Fatima said...

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