Thank you ...

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Zack : babe I'm not trying to make you cry but thats how I really feel .

Fatima : baby it's okey . I wanted to be the only mother to your children but if this is your child we can't do nothing about it that Karen's also your baby's mother .

Zack :aight babe

Fatima: yes so let's go baby it's about to be a long night.

They walk through the hospital and ask for Karen Mott , the nurse tells them she's in labor and asks if he's family , Fatima and zack look at each other and fatima says....

Fatima : yes he's the father .

Nurse: okey come this way .

The nurse guides them to Karen's room .
Zack wants Fatima to go in with him but she refuses to go cause she doesn't want to experience another woman's delivery in real life . She wants hers to be her first one .

Zack : babe can you come in please for me ?

Fatima: zack no I want my delivery to be my first experience . I don't want to see how she pushes the baby out . Hell nahhh if I see it I might not give you children "laughs "

Zack : you play to much ....

They hear Karen scream

The nurse: sr can you come in it's time to push

Fatima tells zack to go inside.

Karen : aauuwwww shitt ... it hurts I can't do this .

Karen i need someone to talk me through this I can't .

Nurse I'm here " all the other nurses stood there and watched.

Zack : uum Karen you ... you uughh

Zack couldn't even get his words out of his mouth because he didn't want to be there but also because he was afraid.

Karen : auuwww I can't to thisss please get someone who can clam me !! Zack aauuwww hhmmm shitt it hurts it hurts it hurts starts to cry ... zack is Fatima hear ??

Zack : uumm ...

Karen : zackkk?? "cries"

Zack : yeah she is

Karen ... cries can you ask her to come guide me through this .... She has another contraction "yells"

Nurse: ma'am you need to push

Karen being Karen she doesn't even listen to the nurse

Zack is hesitant... he don't know if it's a good idea and he doesn't want to involve his woman in his shit he once created.

Karen : zackkk what you waiting for ?? Please ask her please... you know I don't have a relationship with my mom I can't do this without some power of a woman .

Zack : aight .

Zack gets out the room and Fatima sees him.

Fatima: babe everything aight ??

Zack : no

Fatima: what's wrong ?? " looks with a worried face

Zack : baby Karen asks for you ... she ask if you can guide her through the pain because she can't do it alone

Fatima : me ??

Zack : yea baby you

They hear Karen scream from the bottom of her lungs

Fatima is scared but she stays strong for Karen .

Karen : Fatima please thank you for doing this.... Ahh shittt

Nurse: j need you to push when I tell you to if you don't we gotta do the c section

Fatima : no no Noo she got this ... right Karen??

Karen : ahah okey

Nurse: on the count of 1...2...3 push

Karen : aaahhhhh

Fatima: Karen you can do this babe you can do this .

Zack stands right there watching Fatima guide Karen through the pain and he falls deeper inlove with her he didn't even think he could fall deeper inlove with her .

Karen : aahhhh I can feel her I can feel her.

Nurse: 1...2...3 push push push

Karen : aahhhhh shittt hhhmmm

Fatima : push push push you are almost there.

Nurse: we can see her head

Fatima: karen give me another push !! Another one girl

Nurse: Karen let's go ... yesss her heads out come on another one

Karen : hhhmmmm aahhhhhhhh

Fatima : here she is Karen .

Everybody hears a loud scream that comes from the baby .

Nurse asks who's gonna cut the court ?
Karen asks Fatima to do it ...
Fatima is hesitant but she does it anyways

Nurse here you go mother.... Congratulations it's a girl

Karen : cries thank you

Karen looks at Fatima and cries and thanks her got everything .

Fatima: your welcome .

Fatima walks out of the room and cries cause it was a lot for her but she held her tears in while she was in the room . She didn't even know why she cried but she did .

Zack walks right behind her and asks if everything was okey ...

Zack babe you good ?

Fatima : yeah I'm fine it's just a very emotional thing to experience but I'm good .

Zack gives Fatima a hug and thanks her for everything because she was strong to wildness everything that just happened in there because he knows he couldn't do it by himself.

Zack : babe I'm going in to ask if we can do a paternity test on the baby .

Fatima : aight babe ...

Fatima wanted to be by herself for a moment and relax cause this was alot but she did it out of love for zack .

Zack went in the room and all the nurses were done with Karen and were about to walk out of the room .

Zack : Karen how you doing?

Karen : I'm good I just want to thank you for asking Fatima to be by me though the situation because I know you was a little afraid so thank you for that . And another thing I know I said that she was yours but honestly I don't know who's baby it is . The last week I was with you I cheated on you with Rico and after you and I broke up I slept with Aron and then you and I had sex so I'm being honest I don't know who the baby daddy is . I called you because I knew you were coming to support me even though I knew you was scared. I know you will do good with Fatima when she's about to give birth cause I see how you look at her . I know I hurt you and I'm sorry for that.... You searched for the right love while I was down talking to you and that's why everything happened and I'm so so sorry , that's why I'm willing to ask you if you want to do a DNA test cause I don't want to put a child on you who isn't yours ... so what you say ?

Zack : yes I will... thnks Karen ... thanks for understanding

Karen: no thank you , gentleman can you call the nurse to fill in the papers and do the thing so you can go home with your woman.

Zack : yes on it ...

Zack goes out of the room and walks to Fatima and tells her how the conversation went . Zack went to one of the nurses and said that she needs confirmation from the mother to this and said that she will be right back .....

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