My baddie

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when zack heard what Fatima said he knew in that moment that they were 1000% made for each other. he looked at Fatima and said...

zack : i knew from the first moment i saw you walk up that you were special , and hearing this now i know that what we are going to build is going to be totally unique because we understand each other's world.
Fatima : I'm glad we were able to tell each other's biggest secret because I know this would gnaw at me if I hadn't told you and I look forward to building my future with you because what we are building now feels right I have no doubts at all .
Fatima talked to him and also said that apart from being in the family business She worked as a great full time lawyer with the biggest and best law firm in Atlanta . She chose to study law just to help the family business in time of need .

zack said he never thought of it that way and fatima said...

fatima : no because you are not me "laughs"
zack : "laugh too" you think you're funny huh ?
fatima : yes i am ... boy i'm going to bathe i have a family... "being interrupted"
"zack phone ring"
zack : one moment babe
zack: hey dad everything okay?
zack's father : hey son yes all right .i call you to inform you that we have a meeting with the big bos in ATL everyone must be present and you can not be late .
zack : okey dad I'm there but send me the location ... wait a minute we never had a meeting in ATL why now ?
zack's dad : you're right our meetings have always been in nyc but this time it's a family style meeting for the people closest to him . we have never disappointed the boss so he wants to expand our bond with each other and introduce my people and other people who work under him to his family and he wants to make a big announcement . So he wants for all his men to be there . son i don't have time to speak longer but see you later .
zack : ok dad i 'll see you later .
"call ends"

fatima is bathing in the bathroom and zack goes in with her ... he stands behind her and hugs her from behind and kisses her on the neck and continues . zack turns over fatima lifts her up in the air and fatima quietly puts his hard dick in her and zack looks fatima in the eyes kisses her afterwards and fatima bounces on zack's Dick to zack's beat.

zack : baby you feel so good awww shit baby
Fatima : baby right there right there
zack : "goes harder" baby you like this huh ? you like ? Keeping at me "fucks harder"
fatima : yes your dick feels so good yes right there baby there i'm Cummin im Cummin babeeee shiittt "cums all over dick"
zack : baby i'm coming owww shittt baby
Fatima : ooh shitt this feels so good "feels him cum inside her"

they go for another round and cum together...zack and fatima scream awww shitt

zack : baby your pussy is fucking amazing what have you done to me ? "laughs"
fatima : your dick is it for me look i can't even walk properly "laughs"
zack : is that good pussy of yours that makes me so wild
fatima : your doing s good job pooh
zack : i know cause look at you "laugh" you can't even walk properly
fatima : ooww you got jokes now ? "laughs"

zack and fatima get out of the bath they dry off and fatima says as she walks to her walkin closet to look for business clothes...

fatima : zack i have a family meeting with my family today i don't know how long it will take but will i see you afterwards?
zack : yes definitely tex or call me when your meeting is over and i'll come to you "zack yells because fatima is in her walkin closet which is a far from where zack used to be"...

zack : yes babe when your meeting is over notify me , hopefully i will be done with mine my father called to let me know that there is a meeting for the family business and everyone should be there .
Fatima : okey babe I see we both have a family gathering "laughs"
Zack : yes babe we both do ... babe I'm coming.

zack goes to his car and takes his bag he packed just in case when he came to fatima .zack goes back in and arrives in fatima's room and sees her standing there in a black suit showing all her curves .

zack : dammm my wife is fineeee
fatima : boyy if you don't stop "laughs" ... see you went to get your bag "walks up to him and kisses him"

zack : yes i knew i had to pack a bag because i went to visit the most beautiful woman in my life "laughs" and now i see i packed it happily
fatima : hhmm you got that right because i'm the woman of your life "while putting on her iced jewelry and looking at him"
zack : ooh my baby is iced out
fatima: as i should "laugh"

Fatima sprays her perfume while Zack is already done getting dressed

zack : hhmm you smell nice "come behind her"

he stands behind fatima and they look at each other through a mirror and Fatima says ...

Fatima: thanks babe
zack : your welcome

zack sprays his perfume while fatima takes her bag and puts it on the bed . slightly next to her bed she puts her hand in a special place that it can scan her fingerprint and her wapen closet opens . zack looks at her and says i have the baddest woman alive and smiles . those guns closet doors close while fatima is in she takes her gun ,bullets and fatima puts her hand back on the place to scan her hand and comes out of her guns closet . she loads her weapon and puts it in her bag . meanwhile, zack thinks she can't see he's looking at her so she says...

fatima : you like what you see?
zack : yess you are so sexy with your gun and what made me horney is how you've been in your wapen closest like the baddest woman baddest woman "looks at her all in love" fatima : if you look at me like that we both going to be late to where we have to be so boy stop "laughs"

zack's phone rings again and picks up...

zack : yes dad
zack's dad : i want you to put on your best suit today i know you always put on great "you got that from me...laughs" but...
zack : dad you are really something else "laugh" yes go on
zack's dad : but no one who works under him has seen his family yet except the people who fall under him like me and i can tell you he has a beautiful daughter maybe she is the love of your life so i want you to put on your best suit & son don't wear too much jewelry...
zack : but dad what if i already have a crush on someone ?
zack's dad : oww if i knew that i would never have told you all of this sorry... my apologies. see you later son .
Zack : aight dad

zack looks at fatima and tells her what his daddy said and they laugh and fatima say...

Fatima : wellll tell your father that you have already found your soul mate because I know I have "kisses him"
zack : i already told him my love
Fatima : okey babe great ...we meet our parents when it is the right time ...

zack and fatima take their things and leave the house ... zack opens the door for Fatima, she gets in and zack closes her door and kisses her and says he will see her later and Fatima says fine babe and drives away .

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