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Fatima looked at laylay who calmed down in her
arms . Zack played with her cheeks and she laughed with zack . Karen's mother and Bestfriend looked at laylay and were stunned , they couldn't believe that Layla choose Fatima over her own mother .
they wanted to see if she would come at them so they asked Fatima ...
Karen's mother & bestfriend : may we hold her ?

Karen's mother: I don't even know why I ask ! Give me my grand child .

Fatima : if you talk to me like that you ain't getting shit !

Zack : so you better ask again.

Karen's mother: can I hold her for a moment?

Fatima : sure why not ?

Fatima looked at laylay and said ...

Fatima : laylay imma give You to your granny okay ?

Laylay : nuhuuh .

Fatima : baby why you act like this ?

Fatima tried to give her to her grandma but laylay refused to go . The way she held Fatima's neck was hilarious.

Fatima: I'm sorry ma'am I don't know why she does this .

Karen : she love's Fatima and I'm being honest I'm a little jealous cause she loves her to much even more than me !

Damaris : wel she must give her the attention she needed all along ...

Fatima : now that I'm standing here I realize that she's not going through depression but she's going through postpartum depression.
And it's the kind of where the mother pushes away her child o forgot how they call it but I'm sure we can get help for her .
Karen are you okey with it ? If we try to help ?

Karen : yeah , I guess . Ain't nothing I can do about myself.

Fatima: okey good.
Where are the nurses here ?? No one came to inform us what's happening with her or look of everything is okey !

Zack asked Karen's mother and Bestfriend ...

Zack : did the nurses  came to tell y'all what cost her to faint ?

Them : no

Karen : not even me and I'm here since yesterday the only thing they come in my room for is to give me vitamin gummies and aspirin when I have a headache

Fatima is pissed ... she gives laylay to zack and walks to the nurses office.

Hey I'm here for Karen Mott and no one came to give us information on how she's doing and what cost her to faint . Y'all gave her vitamin gummies like she a child , and aspyfor when she has headache's!
Is that how y'all do your work around here? Cause I'm willing to sue this hospital " smiles "

Nurse : no ma'am no ma'am , I'm coming right  now to update y'all , j guess it slipped my colleague's minds .

Fatima : so you came in a few hours ago ?

Nurse: yes ma'am

Fatima : aight my bad I'm sorry for even trying to blame you .

Nurse: no problem ma'am .

A doctor came to the front desk and saw Fatima and he liked her so he licked his bottom lip and approached her .
Fatima and the nurse would be walking away when he said ...

Doctor : good afternoon beautiful lady , what does a pretty lady like you do alone in a hospital? Does this beautiful ladie have a man ?

Zack : yes she is beautiful and no she's not alone and yes she does have a husband and I'm glad to let you know I'm him, so if you don't mind ..."smiles "
Oh and if you are the doctor who helpes Karen Mott you can gladly come and give us the information we need cause we didn't get it .
And I hope you can do that and not thinking about my wife !

The Doctor was stunned at how calm zack was and how he handled the situation.

Doctor: my bad um i i I'm sorry it wasn't my intention

Zack : okey , if you say so but let me make sure you know who you deal with cause if you try to do something with miss Mott out of anger because you couldn't get at my wife we gonna have a problem and imma have my wife sue you .

Doctor: understood sr .

Zack : aight , so come in and tell us what's happening.

Zack let Fatima walk infront of him and than the doctor and nurse follow him  in the room .

Doctor: good afternoon people I'm doctor James . I was informed that a incident took place yesterday and that miss Mott fainted while on the phone . Is that correct?

Zack : yes correct.

Doctor: well she been dealing with postpartum depression since 2 moths ago .

Zack and Fatima looked at each other and was like ...

Zack &tima : so you tryna tell me that she didn't deal with it 8 months ago ?

Doctor: no , it is the beginning face .

Zack and Fatima looked at Karen and Karen's mother and Bestfriend. The mother and Bestfriend looked shocked to .

Karen's mother: so Karen why didn't you give Layla her food al the time ? Cause you claim to us that it happened 8 moths ago while the postpartum depression began 2 moths ago .

Doctor: ow I didn't receive this kind of information cause we than need security because she is than dangerous and can harm people... she may look innocent but she's not . These kind of people who suffer from this kind of depression can humiliate people so good that you can feel sorry for them .
But let me explain! She went through depression and after birth she suffered from the depression she already had before the pregnancy and now she suffers from that and postpartum. So that is double trouble! And we need to help her immediately.
Most of the times the children want nothing to do with the mother and will form a bond with no one but if they do it's special because they were already hurt cause they mother couldn't give them the love they need .
I was told everything cause you Mr Taylor informed the paramedics and they told it to the nurses and they informed me . So if I may ask where is that child of her ?

Zack : this is her .

Doctor: has she formed a bond with one of y'all ?

Fatima : with me .

Doctor and you are who from her ?

Fatima : her stepmother.

Doctor: well you must be special because most of the time it takes time to create this bond and mostly it is with family only .

Fatima: alright then ... I guess I'm special.

Laylay reached for Fatima . Fatima took her and laylay fell asleep.

The nurse checked Karen's blood pressure, it was high .

Nurse: doc her pressure is hig .

Doctor give her vitamins and the pills she needs .
For headaches you can give her aspirin like the other nurse did . Well I hope to see you tomorrow because I will transfer to a postpartum depression center for women who deal with it heavily.
The first week she may have visitors but after that it's blocked cause she need to focus , y'all will be in contact with her cause she may have her devices for a few hours a day .
She will be taken care off
I hope that sits right with y'all?

Everybody : yes

Doc and nurse: alright .
And they leave .

Fatima and zack : we will be back but not tomorrow cause we are tired but I hope you miss Mott can go visit her ?

Karen's mother and Bestfriend: yes and thanks you !

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